Freecad is looking for new maintainers

Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda leo at
Sun May 27 05:55:30 BST 2018

Hi all!!!

El 25/05/18 a les 22:11, Kurt Kremitzki ha escrit:
> On 05/24/2018 03:07 PM, Anton Gladky wrote:
>> Great to hear it! Feel free to ping me if you need a review/sponsorship.
>> AFAIK Leopold has also some interest in this package (in CC), so please
>> coordinate the efforts with him.
>> Thanks
>> Anton
> Hello all,
> I am a FreeCAD developer and Google Summer of Code 2017 & 2018 student
> for FreeCAD. A large portion of my project this year involves improving
> the Debian packaging situation for the project. I'm not a DM/DD yet but
> I've been working on packaging since last December or so, so I'd like to
> contribute to maintaining the package as well.

Great!!! very good new!!

> One important thing to note is that the geometry kernel for FreeCAD,
> OpenCASCADE, has been updated. Currently the package is built against
> OCE, a community edition fork which is based on OCCT 6.9 from 2015. I
> have packaged OCCT 7.2 and it's currently in experimental. A lot of the
> improvements in FreeCAD 0.17 depend on this, including the new technical
> drawing workbench.

OpenCascade it's a monster. I hope that all the license issues had been

> Also, I should mention that FreeCAD 0.17 is Qt5-ready, but is blocked by
> PySide 2 needing to be packaged. It is also Python 3-ready, but only for
> Qt4 (until PySide 2 is packaged, that is.) Accordingly, I have been
> mostly working on PySide 2 packaging, but I've just learned apparently
> that Raphaƫl Hertzog may also be working on that so I've reached out to
> him to try to prevent duplication of work.

When Anton ask me about the SoQt5 version one of his main concerns was
FreeCad. I looked it and I found that it didn't depend of SoQt because
had its own version of Quarter.

I tried to package PsSide2 and I desisted. It's a nightmare of piece of
software and it will be a problem. I have read #877871 and it's
promising. So, great!!! I'm very happy that some one with experience
take care of that!!

> P.S. FreeCAD's meshing dependencies, Netgen and Gmsh, also both will
> require attention as a result of OCCT 7.2 being available. I have a
> Netgen 6.2.1804 package nearing the end stages of preparation, and
> updating Gmsh seems to have been straightforward.



IMHO when FreeCad enters again with Qt5, pyside2, etc we should consider
to push Coin with CMake and SoQt with Qt5.

And Sebastian, maybe we have to consider also to decouple FreeCad and
package Quarter ....

Best regards,


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