Bug#874727: OSG changing VRML renderer away from coin3

Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo manuel.montezelo at gmail.com
Thu Nov 15 00:49:53 GMT 2018

Em seg, 5 de nov de 2018 às 07:10, Sebastiaan Couwenberg
<sebastic at xs4all.nl> escreveu:
> On 11/5/18 12:45 AM, Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo wrote:
> > 2018-11-04 18:28 Christoph Berg:
> >>
> >> | Patches for both OSG packages have been submitted to use SGI Inventor
> >> | instead of COIN:
> >> |
> >> |  https://bugs.debian.org/912866 (openscenegraph)
> >> |  https://bugs.debian.org/912867 (openscenegraph-3.4)
> >
> > I am not totally opposed to that, and thanks to Bas for the patches.
> > But it looks to me that the proper solution is something like what
> > Bernhard posted just minutes before this message that I am replying to
> > (that perhaps Christoph didn't notice, due to the timing):
> >
> >  https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=874727#96
> Yes, the proper solution is to fix coin3. The OSG patches are meant as
> an interim solution to remove the coin3 dependency from the OSG packages
> and remove the threat of testing autoremoval.

I think that we're not in danger at this point, at least I cannot see
anything in the tracker.

If the situation becomes more urgent/critical (e.g. due to being
closer to the freeze) and I am not available to respond at that time
in a reasonable time (2 days to a week, whatever you judge
appropriate), please go ahead and fix it, unless co-maintainers (which
are main maintainers really) object to it in the meantime.

Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo <manuel.montezelo at gmail.com>

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