UPS Dispatch Facility

Elizabette Dupond elizabette_dupon at
Tue Jan 1 20:42:51 GMT 2019

Dear Customer, This is Bertin Charles from UPS Delivery Service, Ohio.

An ATM parcel from UPS Delivery Service belonging to you was sent back to our dispatch facility. The delivery Agent John Tibem was unable to locate your delivery address due an incomplete filled delivery address in our form. Kindly submit your correct delivery address and name below once you get this message.
We hope to receive your correct mailing details to enable us schedule a new delivery within 24 hours. 
Use this email to get in-touch with the delivery agent on email ( johntibem at ) right away. He is in charge of your package delivery. Thank you and get back to me once you hear from him.

Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year to you.

Bertin Charles
UPS Dispatch facility
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

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