Bug#917500: liggghts: FTBFS (style_atom.h: No such file or directory)

Santiago Vila sanvila at unex.es
Mon Jan 21 22:15:18 GMT 2019

Small update: I've given Anton Gladky access to a machine where this
seems to happen all the time. (While we are at it: Anybody reading
this willing to debug the problem in the test machine, please contact
me privately and I will gladly give you access as well).

It is interesting to see that this also fails in reproducible-builds:


but the way it fails is slightly different, and that's why I think it
is a Makefile bug of some kind.

I'm no CMAKE expert at all, but in our test machine, the error message
is like this:

style_atom.h: No such file or directory

So: Where is that style_atom.h file supposed to be generated and how
does the different Makefiles ensure that it's generated *before* it's
actually being used?


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