Bug#931557: transition: pandas 0.23 -> 0.24
Rebecca N. Palmer
rebecca_palmer at zoho.com
Sun Jul 7 17:10:33 BST 2019
Source: pandas
Version: 0.23.3+dfsg-3
Severity: wishlist
(Posting here rather than debian-release as that is generally not used
for interpreted language modules)
Upstream have released 0.24.2. They are likely to release 0.25 soon,
but I do *not* intend to go straight to that as it drops Python 2 support.
(Please do *not* upload the 0.24.1 currently in Salsa: I would like to
update it to 0.24.2 and merge the packaging changes from 0.23 first.)
Packages that (build-)depend/recommend/suggest pandas (uploaders CCd):
astropy bcbio bcolz caffe cnvkit dask dask.distributed drms glueviz
influxdb-python keras lmfit-py matplotlib matplotlib2 mirtop nbsphinx
pandas partd patsy plotly poliastro poretools presto psychopy pynwb
pysal pyspectral python-airr python-apptools python-biom-format
python-cobra python-feather-format python-fluids python-geopandas
python-geotiepoints python-pybedtools python-pymeasure python-skbio
python-tablib python-treetime python-ulmo python-xarray qiime rdkit
scikit-learn seaborn sklearn-pandas snakemake spyder spyder-kernels
statsmodels stimfit sunpy sunpy tqdm
Packages that import pandas at some point (from codesearch, so might be
e.g. a documentation example):
abinit astropy astroquery bcbio bcolz beancount bedtools brian caffe
cclib changeo chromium clickhouse cnvkit codeblocks cryptominisat cylc
cyvcf2 dask dask.distributed drms fio firefox geopy glueviz gnocchi
golang-github-couchbase-moss gringo igor influxdb-python ipython isort
joblib json-tricks keras keras-preprocessing llvm-toolchain-7
llvm-toolchain-8 lmfit-py matplotlib matplotlib2 metaphlan2 mirtop
mlpack mpl-scatter-density nbsphinx nipype numba odb-api openpyxl pandas
partd password-store patsy plotly poliastro poretools presto psi4
psychopy pymssql pysal pyspectral python-airr python-apptools
python-biom-format python-cobra python-dbfread python-easydev
python-feather-format python-fluids python-future python-geopandas
python-geotiepoints python-meshio python-mne python-mplexporter
python-networkx python-pint python-pybedtools python-pymeasure
python-raccoon python-skbio python-sqt python-subunit2sql python-tablib
python-tabulate python-treetime python-ulmo python-vispy python-xarray
pyzmq qiime qtwebengine-opensource-src rdkit rpy2 rpy2-2.8 salmon satpy
scikit-learn seaborn sentinelsat simdjson sklearn-pandas snakemake
spades sphinx spyder spyder-kernels statsmodels stimfit sumo sunpy tqdm
trilinos umis visidata vowpal-wabbit wiredtiger xlsxwriter yt
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