Bug#907829: p4est: FTBFS on single CPU machines

Santiago Vila sanvila at unex.es
Tue Jul 23 13:01:15 BST 2019

On Tue, 2 Oct 2018, Adrian Bunk wrote:

> Everyone else uses the common-sense approach of using CPU-strong 
> machines for CPU-intensive tasks like package building, if you
> have made different practical experiences I'd be interested in
> seeing the bills.


TLDR: For packages which require 1 GB of RAM or less to build
(approximately 96% of all packages), building them on machines with
2 CPUs is 50% more expensive on average than doing so on machines with
only 1 CPU.

Note that the maintainers of this package quickly found a fix for the
bug, and the only reason the package is still unfixed in buster is
that you downgraded the bug. Had Debian Policy and the original
severity been respected, the package most probably would be fixed in
buster now, as there are always people applying existing patches to
fix RC bugs in bug-squashing parties.

So, you have not helped anything at all to raise the quality of Debian
by downgrading this bug. In fact, you have helped negative.

To me, this is not anymore about Debian Policy, Release Policy, or the
RC-ness of a given bug, this is about trying to skip all the
decision-making procedures in Debian.

I'm really sorry but I have no other option than complaining to the TC
in the hope that I don't have to repeat this discussion with anybody
else in the future.

Please subscribe to the bug I've just filed if you like:



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