Bug#929967: CMake: use TBBConfig instead of FindTBB

Alexey Veprev aveprev27 at gmail.com
Tue Jun 4 13:59:00 BST 2019

Package: libtbb-dev
Version: 2018~U6-4
X-Debbugs-CC: tille at debian.org

TBB provides a TBBInstallConfig CMake module to generate TBBConfig files
for packages:
see description here

TBBConfig files are automatically invoked by CMake when you use
"find_package(TBB <...>)" (just like FindTBB.cmake module).

Some advantages of TBBConfig in comparison with FindTBB.cmake:
1. TBBConfig provides imported targets which can be used in modern CMake
style (while current FindTBB.cmake provides variables).
2. TBBConfig works for the exact package, it won't look for TBB stuff in
other places except the specific one.
3. Generator of TBBConfig files is maintained on TBB side that allows to
align usage model across different distributions.

TBBInstallConfig is already used
- in Homebrew tbb formula:
- in TBB packaging script (which is used in conda-forge, for example):
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