Bug#928140: pygalmesh: FTBFS on 32-bit architectures: virtual memory exhausted

Drew Parsons dparsons at debian.org
Fri May 3 09:11:01 BST 2019

On 2019-04-29 15:49, Nico Schlömer wrote:
>> No easy way around it.
> Indeed.
>> Building with -g -O1 (or -O2 without -g) helps mshr, we can test if it 
>> helps pygalmesh too.
> Removing `-g` almost certainly improves things. Using clang++ instead
> of c++ also helps.

I can remove Debian's -g flag easily enough (CFLAGS from 

But you can see in the log that -g is invoked twice in the gcc call.

The first -g comes from the default compiler flags invoked by setup.py 
when compiling an extension.  I can't see how to control or remove this 
one.  The distutils.Extension documentation is sparse. Do you know how 
to control it?


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