Bug#939571: Found one clue about this bug

Georges Khaznadar georges.khaznadar at free.fr
Fri Nov 1 13:09:18 GMT 2019

I do not know exactly why this bug arises, but here are the facts:

- when I download
  and inspect this package, it misses the directory
  /usr/lib/python3/pyqtgraph/widget, hence the error message reported in
  the bug report: "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pyqtgraph.widgets'"

- when I tried to know why this directory is missing from the package, I
  cloned the fork https://salsa.debian.org/georgesk/python-pyqtgraph and
  built the package again with debuild: then, the same bug happens:
  /usr/lib/python3/pyqtgraph/widget is missing again

- I patched the file setup.py, in order to view better le list of
  packages and sub-packages which were to install, and added a single
  line to print a message with the value of the variable allPackages:
  [line 68] print("Hello, allPackages =", allPackages)
  it happens that 'pyqtgraph.widget' is part of the list allPackages
  sometimes, and sometimes, not. THIS IS WEIRD!

- it seems that the function listAllPackages from the module
  tools.setupHelpers is not completely reliable, though I have no
  precise idea why. I could get a valid list of packages by calling this
  function from Python3 in interactive mode. I have no time to create a
  minimal example which can raise that buggy behavior, I just suspect
  that is come from Python's internals.

- here is attached a patch which provides the right list of packages as
  a hard-coded list. This list has been returned by the function
  listAllPackages() in interactive mode, and contains
  "pyqtgraph.widgets"; with that patch, the package is effective again.

I propose a pull request for this patch, in Salsa.

Best regards,			Georges.
Georges KHAZNADAR et Jocelyne FOURNIER
22 rue des mouettes, 59240 Dunkerque France.
Téléphone +33 (0)3 28 29 17 70

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