Bug#940906: make autopkgtest working
Carsten Schoenert
c.schoenert at t-online.de
Sat Nov 23 15:02:21 GMT 2019
Control: tags -1 patch
Control: affects -1 src:kicad
Control: severity -1 important
Hello Guus,
currently the version of glm in unstable is preventing kicad on
migrating to testing.
The main difference between the version in testing and unstable is the
lack of the files
which are not shipped/installed anymore in and thus the
autopkgtest is failing as it is using these config files. So the
autopkgtest is right.
There is a MR on the upstream project which will bring back the files
This alone isn't enough as these files need also get installed (again)
into the binary package. So I added the new shipped files within another
Find attached two patches which makes the autopkgtest working again.
Feel free to use/modify these patches so src:glm is working correctly
within an autopkgtest.
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