Bug#941569: RFS: sentencepiece/0.1.83+dfsg-1 [ITP] -- Unsupervised text tokenizer for Neural Network-based text generation

NOKUBI Takatsugu knok at daionet.gr.jp
Thu Oct 3 07:31:30 BST 2019

Thank you to approve joining debian science team.

I mede a new project:

However, I can't push our repos into it:

remote: GitLab:
remote: A default branch (e.g. master) does not yet exist for science-team/sentencepiece
remote: Ask a project Owner or Maintainer to create a default branch:
remote:   https://salsa.debian.org/science-team/sentencepiece/-/project_members

It seems I'm not sufficient premission, so I can't find "Settings" menu
in the project page, so I can't to create default branch.

What's next?

On Thu, 03 Oct 2019 11:37:12 +0900,
NOKUBI Takatsugu wrote:
> >  * Vcs             : https://salsa.debian.org/debian/sentencepiece
> It contains tensorflow binding, so I think it will be good to belong
> with Debian Science Team.

> I, hayashi-san, and tsuchiya-san sent requests to join the team.
> tsuchiya-san also maintained it himself, so I'll merge them into
> the salsa repository.
> https://bitbucket.org/tsuchm/pkg-sentencepiece/src/master/

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