Bug#935927: Suggests instead of comment of Python2 only packages? (Was: debian-science: migrate all python dependencies to their python3 variant)

Andreas Tille andreas at an3as.eu
Fri Sep 27 10:51:21 BST 2019

Hi Sandro,

thanks a lot for your fixes to the Debian Science metapackages.

Regarding your change:

    Switch every python dependency to Python3 (removing packages no longer
    available, commenting out python2-only packages); Closes: #935927

I'm wondering whether it would not be better to rather

    Suggests: python2-only

packages.  If the packages are commented out they become absolutely
invisible while per policy suggested packages do not need to exist and
thus the metapackages would not block a removal of the packages

Since you felt a need to change this in Git I guess you are interested
in a soonish upload.  So if we have some consensus about the item above
I'll upload to get the changes applied.

Kind regards and thanks again



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