Bug#968557: tpot: please make the build reproducible

Christian Kastner ckk at debian.org
Wed Aug 19 19:39:38 BST 2020

Control: tag -1 pending

On Mon, 17 Aug 2020 11:41:46 "Chris Lamb" <lamby at debian.org> wrote:
> This is because it ships progress_verbose_1.log and
> progress_verbose_2.log under /usr/lib/python3* and the second of these
> is not reproducible.
> Patch attached that does not ship these files - we probably should not
> be shipping logfiles into this directory anyway.

You are right, of course -- those files should not be shipped, and even
more so not in that particular directory.

It turns out that lintian even warns about this (and other issues), but
I recently introduced a bug in my alias for it, so *.deb packages were

> I note that you already prevent a similar test being run with a
> --exclude argument to nose(1) but I wasn't sure why you were doing
> that so did not extend that to the tests that generate the above
> files.
Those tests fail for reasons that have yet to be resolved with upstream.

Thank for pointing this out! Will prepare an upload shortly.


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