Bug#959387: [Re] paraview-dev: missing cmake vtk modules in the dev package, cannot use

Anton Gladky gladk at debian.org
Fri Aug 28 19:15:47 BST 2020

Hello Jakob,

thanks for work on this huge and difficult packages! Just to let you know,
i am
going to start to work on recently released VTK9. We can coordinate our work
and to try to solve this problem, if it is possible.

Best regards


Am Fr., 28. Aug. 2020 um 12:09 Uhr schrieb Jakob Meng <JakobMeng at web.de>:

> ParaView installs its Python modules as well as all the VTK Python
> modules as part of its CMake install process. If python3-vtk8 [1] ever
> enters Debian this might cause file collisions, as both python3-paraview
> and python3-vtk8 install files to the same locations and hence cannot be
> co-installed. So either we skip installing VTK Python modules during
> ParaView install or we install those ParaView's VTK Python modules to a
> different location by setting e.g. VTK_PYTHON_SITE_PACKAGES_SUFFIX. When
> skipping VTK Python module install, then we have to make sure that all
> VTK-related files in ParaView and VTK packages do match exactly and have
> the same patches applied. Else Python, ParaView or its Python modules
> might crash or even worse cause silent data and memory corruption bugs.
> Just calling 'rm -fr debian/tmp/usr/lib/python3*/dist-packages/vtk*' in
> ParaView's debian/rules is not a proper workaround. ParaView 5.7 from
> Debian Sid uses a development version of VTK8 (not far from VTK9
> release?) [4], while Debian's dedicated VTK8 package [1] is at 8.2, so
> both VTK versions have many differences.
> ParaView has CMake flags to build with an external VTK install [6], but
> this is not supported at least in ParaView 5.7.0 [7].
> BTW, these incompatibilities affect older Debian releases as well. For
> example, install both packages 'paraview-python' [2] and 'python3-vtk7'
> [3] on Debian 10 (Buster), run pvpython and enter 'import vtk'. ParaView
> Python will crash. So always remember to enter 'import paraview.vtk' on
> Debian and Ubuntu [5].
> To avoid these bugs, my reworked ParaView package does not allow
> parallel installs of python3-vtk7 or python3-vtk8 [8]. Both paraview-dev
> and python3-paraview install a lot (all?) of VTK's headers, libraries
> and Python modules anyway.
> Ref.:
> [1] https://salsa.debian.org/science-team/vtk8/
> [2] https://packages.debian.org/buster/paraview-python
> [3] https://packages.debian.org/buster/python3-vtk7
> [4]
> https://salsa.debian.org/science-team/paraview/-/blob/master/VTK/CMake/vtkVersion.cmake
> [5] https://blog.kitware.com/import-vtk-or-import-paraview-vtk/
> [6] https://github.com/Kitware/ParaView/blob/v5.8.1/CMakeLists.txt#L218
> [7] https://github.com/Kitware/ParaView/blob/v5.7.0/CMakeLists.txt#L290
> [8]
> https://git.inf.h-brs.de/jmeng2m/debian-package-paraview/-/blob/debian/5.7.0+ds.1-3/debian/control#L172
> --
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