Bug#950430: rdeps testing

Rebecca N. Palmer rebecca_palmer at zoho.com
Sat Feb 8 12:03:32 GMT 2020

Control: block -1 by 950429

Packages tested (build+autopkgtest):
caffe changeo cnvkit dask dask.distributed debian-astro debian-science 
drms glueviz hdmf igdiscover keras lmfit-py matplotlib metaphlan2 mirtop 
mlpack nbsphinx osmnx partd patsy poliastro poretools presto pynwb pysal 
python-airr python-apptools python-biom-format python-cobra 
python-cogent python-feather-format python-fluids python-geopandas 
python-geotiepoints python-peakutils python-pomegranate python-pyani 
python-pybedtools python-pymeasure python-skbio python-tablib 
python-treetime python-ulmo python-xarray q2-cutadapt q2-demux 
q2-metadata q2-quality-filter q2-types q2templates qiime rdkit 
ricks-amdgpu-utils scikit-learn seaborn sentineldl sklearn-pandas 
snakemake spyder-kernels statsmodels stimfit sunpy umis

Broken by new pandas, package currently in testing:
dask_2.8.1+dfsg-0.4 python-biom-format_2.1.8+dfsg-1 
python-feather-format_0.3.1+dfsg1-3 python-skbio_0.5.5-3 seaborn_0.9.0-2 

Broken by new pandas, not in testing:
q2-demux_2019.10.0-1 q2templates_2019.10.0+dfsg-1 q2-types_2019.10.0-1

statsmodels is fixed in 0.11.0.  Upstream discussions suggest seaborn is 
fixed in 0.9.1 (issue 1498) and dask is fixed in 2.10.1 (spread over 
multiple issues), but I haven't actually tested those.  I have a patch 
for python-feather-format.

Already broken (i.e. not by pandas 1):
dask.distributed_1.25.0+ds.1-1 igdiscover_0.11-3 keras_2.2.4-1 
matplotlib_3.1.2-1 (partly #950799) nbsphinx_0.4.3+ds-1 patsy_0.5.1-0.2 
(#950098) python-skbio_0.5.5-3 python-xarray_0.15.0-2 rdkit_201909.1-2 
scikit-learn_0.22.1+dfsg-1 seaborn_0.9.0-2 (#950695) sklearn-pandas_1.8.0-1

(Packages in both lists fail some tests without new pandas but more with 

There are also some test failures in pandas itself:
any - missing jinja2 test-dependency
s390x - test_to_numpy series and array

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