Processed: fix ftbfs bug metadata

Debian Bug Tracking System owner at
Sun Jan 5 09:24:11 GMT 2020

Processing commands for control at

> # reassign to source package
> reassign 947518 src:casparcg-server
Bug #947518 [casparcg-server] casparcg-server: FTBFS: xf86vmode library not found - required for GLFW
Bug reassigned from package 'casparcg-server' to 'src:casparcg-server'.
No longer marked as found in versions casparcg-server/2.2.0+dfsg-2.
Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #947518 to the same values previously set
> # restore found after reassign
> found 947518 2.2.0+dfsg-2
Bug #947518 [src:casparcg-server] casparcg-server: FTBFS: xf86vmode library not found - required for GLFW
Marked as found in versions casparcg-server/2.2.0+dfsg-2.
> # reassign to source package
> reassign 945830 src:tracker
Bug #945830 [tracker] FTBFS on multiple architectures
Bug reassigned from package 'tracker' to 'src:tracker'.
No longer marked as found in versions tracker/2.3.1-1.
Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #945830 to the same values previously set
> # restore found after reasign
> found 945830 2.3.1-1
Bug #945830 [src:tracker] FTBFS on multiple architectures
Marked as found in versions tracker/2.3.1-1.
> # reassign to source package
> reassign 933587 src:sfepy
Bug #933587 [sfepy] BD on texlive-generic-extra which isn't build anymore and isn't in bullseye
Bug reassigned from package 'sfepy' to 'src:sfepy'.
No longer marked as found in versions 2018.1-4.
Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #933587 to the same values previously set
> # restore found after reasign
> found 933587 2018.1-4
Bug #933587 [src:sfepy] BD on texlive-generic-extra which isn't build anymore and isn't in bullseye
Marked as found in versions sfepy/2018.1-4.
> # reassign to source package
> reassign 933290 src:owncloud-client
Bug #933290 [owncloud-client] BD on texlive-generic-extra which isn't build anymore and isn't in bullseye
Bug reassigned from package 'owncloud-client' to 'src:owncloud-client'.
No longer marked as found in versions owncloud-client/
Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #933290 to the same values previously set
> # restore found after reasign
> found 933290
Bug #933290 [src:owncloud-client] BD on texlive-generic-extra which isn't build anymore and isn't in bullseye
Marked as found in versions owncloud-client/
> # reassign to source package
> reassign 933288 src:nfstrace
Bug #933288 [nfstrace] BD on texlive-generic-extra which isn't build anymore and isn't in bullseye
Bug reassigned from package 'nfstrace' to 'src:nfstrace'.
No longer marked as found in versions nfstrace/
Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #933288 to the same values previously set
> # restore found after reasign
> found 933288
Bug #933288 [src:nfstrace] BD on texlive-generic-extra which isn't build anymore and isn't in bullseye
Marked as found in versions nfstrace/
> thanks
Stopping processing here.

Please contact me if you need assistance.
Debian Bug Tracking System
Contact owner at with problems

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