Bug#946486: kbibtex "} vs }" bug fixed upstream

Pierre Haessig pierre.haessig at centralesupelec.fr
Tue Jan 14 13:15:49 GMT 2020

Dear Antonio,

I'm also affected by this bug. In fact, probably all kbibtex users are:
in my case every addition of an entry yields corruption ("} vs }"
typically in the bibtex title).

The good news is this was fixed in upstream version 0.8.2 (cf. Changelog
<https://github.com/KDE/kbibtex/blob/master/ChangeLog#L88> and KDE bug
388892 <https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=388892>) in January 2019.

Bad news is that the Debian package wasn't updated yet. I've no
experience in Debian packaging unfortunately. One workaround would be to
build kbibtex from source, but this requires quite a few KDE dev
libraries which I don't have installed these days.



Pierre Haessig
assistant professor at CentraleSupélec, IETR

Avenue de la Boulaie - CS 47601
35576 Cesson-Sévigné Cedex

+33 299 84 45 76
access maps: https://osm.org/go/eri3gdUZR-?m= | http://www.rennes.centralesupelec.fr/en/acces

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