Bug#875041: [meshlab] Future Qt4 removal from Buster

Gürkan Myczko gurkan at phys.ethz.ch
Tue Jan 21 05:59:21 GMT 2020

Hi Moritz,

>> I'm trying hard to get later versions of meshlab built and working, 
>> please
>> don't remove the package.
>> Later versions support qt5 already, so no more porting needed.

I failed to get built the latest versions, however according to
Ryan can do! We failed to meet on irc, and I failed to build his 

>> There's also a lot of installations of it, and at my work place we 
>> have some
>> users of it as well:
>> https://qa.debian.org/popcon.php?package=meshlab
> What's the status?

I'm waiting for Ryan to speak up on irc and/or just get his package
fixed and sponsored.

> Qt4 has now been droppped from testing, qt4 will be removed from 
> unstable by
> end of February (along with the remaining rdeps (currently 15)).

Great, plenty of time left.

> Cheers,
>         Moritz


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