Bug#950101: python-xarray-doc: FTBFS with new ipython

Rebecca N. Palmer rebecca_palmer at zoho.com
Tue Jan 28 22:12:41 GMT 2020

Package: python-xarray-doc
Version: 0.14.1-2
Severity: serious
Control: tags -1 patch

ipython_directive examples are executed at build time.  xarray has some 
examples that fail without optional dependencies Debian doesn't have 
(e.g. h5netcdf) and/or downloaded data.  This used to put the error 
message in the documentation (non-ideal but I prefer it to no 
documentation), but in ipython_directive 7, it defaults to failing the 
whole documentation build.

Fix: this can be turned off by adding

ipython_warning_is_error = False

anywhere in the top level of doc/conf.py.

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