Bug#961183: metis: providing a 64-bit build

Drew Parsons dparsons at debian.org
Thu May 21 04:13:59 BST 2020

Source: metis
Severity: normal

We're discussing introducing a 64 bit-build for the computational
stack. This refers to 64-bit addressing to cells in meshes, etc.

c.f. Bug#953116 (petsc)
Bug#961108 (openmpi)

BLAS is already 64-bit enabled.

For the 64-bit environment to work, it needs to be carried through all
along the library stack, from BLAS to PETSc.

MUMPS is in the middle. Its docs indicate that its 64-bit support
requires METIS to be 64-bit enabled.

Probably we want 2 separate builds, 32-bit (the current libmetis-dev)
and a separate 64-bit libmetis64-dev.

Opening this bug to track the chain of 64-bit package dependencies.

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