⚡️•© 2021 #RFC.

SCAPARTOIS-LECLERC julie.nigdelian1 at ac-aix-marseille.fr
Sat Aug 14 05:00:07 BST 2021


We introduce ourselves as SCAPARTOIS a part of LECLERC, leading 
wholesale in France.
We have taken time to study your company through your company website, 
and realized that your quality products meet the demand of our 
respective customers over here.

We are pleased to place an order with you.
We want to know:
*Your delivery time
*Payment terms
*And your products warranty

We would appreciate a quick reply.

Thanks and Best Regards.
Sylvain ROBIN  |Head of Purchases Department| SCAPARTOIS.
Tel: 0033644662065 | Fax: 0033415396177
Rue de Niépce, 62217 Tilloy-lès-Mofflaines FRANCE.
SIREN: 381634336 | SIRET: 38163433600022 | VAT N° FR89381634336
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