Bug#991750: nauty: segfaults during sagemath testsuite

Ahzo ahzo at tutanota.com
Sat Jul 31 20:11:10 BST 2021

Package: nauty
Version: 2.7r1+ds-2
Severity: important
Control: affects -1 sagemath


during the sagemath testsuite, a nauty crash occurs. Nonetheless, the sagemath test passes:
sage -t --long --random-seed=0 src/sage/graphs/digraph_generators.py
    [150 tests, 6.44 s]

The crash can be easily reproduced:
$ nauty-gentourng -d0 -D1 -c 2
>A nauty-gentourng -cd1D0 n=2
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Anyway, nauty should not crash like this, particularly since the input seems valid.


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