Bug#964848: Upstream reference

Dima Pasechnik dimpase at gmail.com
Sat Mar 20 09:19:15 GMT 2021

On Fri, 19 Mar 2021 22:48:11 +0100 Maarten Derickx <maarten at mderickx.nl> wrote:
> This is the location of the corresponding upstream bugreport:
> https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/31340

The fix offered there is a bit different from what's suggested on the
bug report (and
apparently passes all the Sage's tests, while the original fix wasn't
quite up to the job).

Note that this was discovered independently of the Debian bug report.
It's unfortunate that it went unreported on any list monitored by the
upstream developers, e.g. us,
as this memory leak has caused quite a bit of trouble and a lot of time wasted.

A report on debian-science-sagemath at alioth-lists.debian.net would be sufficient.


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