Bug#985659: petsc3.14-doc: broken symlinks: /usr/share/doc/petsc3.14-doc/html/_static/*.js -> ../../../../sphinx/themes/basic/static/*.js

Drew Parsons dparsons at debian.org
Fri Mar 26 13:25:02 GMT 2021

Source: petsc
Followup-For: Bug #985659

Yeah, the sphinx/dh_sphinxdoc infrastructure seems somewhat flakey
(and we really need someone to help reinvigorate mathjax)

lintian is particularly unhelpful about it, complaining one way about
sphinx dependencies, then when you make the suggested change it
complains a different way about the same thing.

It's complicated further in petsc since the source tarball provides
prebuilt docs, which may explain why dh_sphinxdoc is not fully filling
fields automatically. It's not actually so straightforward to
regenerate their docs from scratch.

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