Debian Math Team

Nilesh Patra nilesh at
Fri Oct 29 21:30:59 BST 2021

Hi Doug,

Thanks for doing this!

On Fri, Oct 29, 2021 at 05:31:20PM +0000, Torrance, Douglas wrote:
> During the Debian Science BoF at this year's DebConf, there was some
> discussion of creating a team devoted to packaging mathematical software.
> This seemed like a pretty good idea, so I figured that I'd go ahead and
> start working on getting it set up.  I've already created a Salsa group [1]
> and a team on the Debian Package Tracker [2].
>  If you're interested in
> joining, then you should be able to sign up at these links.

I requested access on salsa, please consider adding me with access level >= maintainer
and signed up at the tracker too.

> I figured next would be applying for a mailing list, putting together a team policy, etc.  Any thoughts?

As discussed privately as well, I think these are the tasks:

== Main tasks ==

* Creating a debian-math at mailing list
* If possible, ask for an alioth mailing list for tracking packaging changes
* Setting up a wiki page about the team, pointing to various links (mailing list, salsa, policy et. al.)
* Moving math related packages from science -> math team on salsa and on tracker
  + We need to make a list here. Some math packages in science team, some in R team
  + Sagemath has a separate mailing list, and it might make sence to merge them
* Setting up a policy -- which we could largely inherit from the science-team one
* Updating and uploading math-team packages
* Seek more volunteers :)

== Additional tasks for blends ==

* Creating a debian-math metapackage
* Add math to blends team and track the qa stuff

@Andreas (in CC), can you help setting up the latter part?

If someone has more suggestions, and would like helping, please let us know.

Kind Regards,
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