Processed: mpi4py breaks gyoto autopkgtest on i386: 1 process returned, a non-zero exit code

Debian Bug Tracking System owner at
Mon Sep 20 21:24:04 BST 2021

Processing control commands:

> found -1 mpi4py/3.0.3-10
Bug #994784 [src:mpi4py, src:gyoto] mpi4py breaks gyoto autopkgtest on i386: 1 process returned, a non-zero exit code
Marked as found in versions mpi4py/3.0.3-10.
> found -1 gyoto/1.4.4-3
Bug #994784 [src:mpi4py, src:gyoto] mpi4py breaks gyoto autopkgtest on i386: 1 process returned, a non-zero exit code
Marked as found in versions gyoto/1.4.4-3.

Debian Bug Tracking System
Contact owner at with problems

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