K gold pearl jewelry supplier of QVC

Holly holly at qifupearljew.com
Mon Aug 1 12:48:53 BST 2022


This is Miss Holly. I am working at Qifu Pearl Jewelry which is a K-gold jewelry manufacturerlocated at China.

We have a cad and designers team of 20 people that, make sure each months have 50-100 designs offer to our customer’ s marketing.

Below are few of our 2022 trendy designs.

If you want see more designs, i will send you in my next email.


Best Regards,
Qifu Pearl Processing Co.,Ltd.
Fine Pearl jewelry manufacturer Since 1988
Add: 3rdFloor,YimingBuilding,No.50ShananRoad,
ShatouStreet, Panyu,Guangzhou, Guangdong,China

WhatsApp: +8613539429798 Email: holly at qifujew.com

This email was sent by holly at qifupearljew.com to debian-science-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org

Not interested?Unsubscribe - https://qifu-zgph.maillist-manage.com/ua/optout?od=3z030c9dd6d908e8a887d71aac5c7be8c3e18d1b426b8b1a0cbf9eff7252b20781&rd=1d0219c3863ae2a5&sd=1d0219c3863ae06a&n=11699e4c14487a8

Update profile -  https://qifu-zgph.maillist-manage.com/ua/upc?upd=1d0219c386336cc6&r=1d0219c3863ae2a5&n=11699e4c14487a8&od=3z030c9dd6d908e8a887d71aac5c7be8c3e18d1b426b8b1a0cbf9eff7252b20781&r=1d0219c3863ae2a5&n=11699e4c14487a8&od=3z030c9dd6d908e8a887d71aac5c7be8c3e18d1b426b8b1a0cbf9eff7252b20781

Qifu jewelry | 3rd Floor, Yiming Building, No.50 Shanan Road,  Shatou Street, Panyu, Guangzhou, Guangdong,China 

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