Bug#1026495: python-ltfatpy: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: pybuild --test --test-pytest -i python{version} -p "3.11 3.10" returned exit code 13

Lucas Nussbaum lucas at debian.org
Tue Dec 20 16:50:30 GMT 2022

Source: python-ltfatpy
Version: 1.0.16-8
Severity: serious
Justification: FTBFS
Tags: bookworm sid ftbfs
User: lucas at debian.org
Usertags: ftbfs-20221220 ftbfs-bookworm


During a rebuild of all packages in sid, your package failed to build
on amd64.

Relevant part (hopefully):
> make[1]: Entering directory '/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>'
> xvfb-run -a dh_auto_test
> I: pybuild base:240: cd /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/.pybuild/cpython3_3.11_ltfatpy/build; python3.11 -m pytest 
> ============================= test session starts ==============================
> platform linux -- Python 3.11.1, pytest-7.2.0, pluggy-1.0.0+repack
> rootdir: /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>, configfile: setup.cfg
> plugins: cov-4.0.0
> collected 139 items
> ltfatpy/tests/comp/test_assert_sigreshape_post.py ..                     [  1%]
> ltfatpy/tests/comp/test_assert_sigreshape_pre.py ...                     [  3%]
> ltfatpy/tests/comp/test_comp_dct.py .                                    [  4%]
> ltfatpy/tests/comp/test_comp_dst.py .                                    [  5%]
> ltfatpy/tests/comp/test_comp_gabdual.py .                                [  5%]
> ltfatpy/tests/comp/test_comp_hermite.py .                                [  6%]
> ltfatpy/tests/comp/test_comp_hermite_all.py .                            [  7%]
> ltfatpy/tests/comp/test_comp_isepdgt.py .                                [  7%]
> ltfatpy/tests/comp/test_comp_pgauss.py ..                                [  9%]
> ltfatpy/tests/comp/test_comp_sepdgt.py .                                 [ 10%]
> ltfatpy/tests/comp/test_comp_sigreshape.py ....                          [ 12%]
> ltfatpy/tests/datasets/test_read_dgt_signal_ext.py .                     [ 13%]
> ltfatpy/tests/datasets/test_read_ref_mat.py .                            [ 14%]
> ltfatpy/tests/fourier/test_dct.py ..                                     [ 15%]
> ltfatpy/tests/fourier/test_dft.py ..                                     [ 17%]
> ltfatpy/tests/fourier/test_dst.py ..                                     [ 18%]
> ltfatpy/tests/fourier/test_fftindex.py ...                               [ 20%]
> ltfatpy/tests/fourier/test_fftreal.py ..                                 [ 22%]
> ltfatpy/tests/fourier/test_fftresample.py ...                            [ 24%]
> ltfatpy/tests/fourier/test_idft.py ...                                   [ 26%]
> ltfatpy/tests/fourier/test_ifftreal.py ...                               [ 28%]
> ltfatpy/tests/fourier/test_isevenfunction.py .                           [ 29%]
> ltfatpy/tests/fourier/test_middlepad.py .....                            [ 33%]
> ltfatpy/tests/fourier/test_pderiv.py ....                                [ 35%]
> ltfatpy/tests/fourier/test_pgauss.py ........                            [ 41%]
> ltfatpy/tests/fourier/test_pherm.py ...                                  [ 43%]
> ltfatpy/tests/fourier/test_psech.py ...                                  [ 46%]
> ltfatpy/tests/gabor/test_dgt.py ...                                      [ 48%]
> ltfatpy/tests/gabor/test_gabdual.py ..                                   [ 49%]
> ltfatpy/tests/gabor/test_gabframediag.py ..                              [ 51%]
> ltfatpy/tests/gabor/test_gabimagepars.py .                               [ 51%]
> ltfatpy/tests/gabor/test_gabphasegrad.py .F                              [ 53%]
> ltfatpy/tests/gabor/test_gabtight.py ..                                  [ 54%]
> ltfatpy/tests/gabor/test_gabwin.py .....                                 [ 58%]
> ltfatpy/tests/gabor/test_idgt.py ...                                     [ 60%]
> ltfatpy/tests/gabor/test_instfreqplot.py ..                              [ 61%]
> ltfatpy/tests/gabor/test_phaselock.py ...                                [ 64%]
> ltfatpy/tests/gabor/test_phaseplot.py ..                                 [ 65%]
> ltfatpy/tests/gabor/test_phaseunlock.py ..                               [ 66%]
> ltfatpy/tests/gabor/test_plotdgt.py .                                    [ 67%]
> ltfatpy/tests/gabor/test_plotdgtreal.py .                                [ 68%]
> ltfatpy/tests/gabor/test_s0norm.py .                                     [ 69%]
> ltfatpy/tests/gabor/test_sgram.py ..                                     [ 70%]
> ltfatpy/tests/gabor/test_tfplot.py .....                                 [ 74%]
> ltfatpy/tests/signals/test_greasy.py .                                   [ 74%]
> ltfatpy/tests/signals/test_gspi.py .                                     [ 75%]
> ltfatpy/tests/signals/test_linus.py .                                    [ 76%]
> ltfatpy/tests/sigproc/test_fir2long.py .                                 [ 76%]
> ltfatpy/tests/sigproc/test_firkaiser.py ..                               [ 78%]
> ltfatpy/tests/sigproc/test_firwin.py ...                                 [ 80%]
> ltfatpy/tests/sigproc/test_groupthresh.py ....                           [ 83%]
> ltfatpy/tests/sigproc/test_largestn.py ....                              [ 86%]
> ltfatpy/tests/sigproc/test_largestr.py ....                              [ 89%]
> ltfatpy/tests/sigproc/test_long2fir.py .                                 [ 89%]
> ltfatpy/tests/sigproc/test_normalize.py .                                [ 90%]
> ltfatpy/tests/sigproc/test_rms.py .                                      [ 91%]
> ltfatpy/tests/sigproc/test_thresh.py ....                                [ 94%]
> ltfatpy/tests/tools/test_lcm.py ....                                     [ 97%]
> ltfatpy/tests/tools/test_postpad.py ....                                 [100%]
> =================================== FAILURES ===================================
> _________________________ TestGabphasegrad.test_known __________________________
> self = <ltfatpy.tests.gabor.test_gabphasegrad.TestGabphasegrad testMethod=test_known>
>     def test_known(self):
>         """Check gabphasegrad on some known results taken from Octave
>         """
>         filename = get_dataset_path('gabphasegrad_ref.mat')
>         data = read_ref_mat(filename)
>         for inputs, outputs in data:
>             method = str(inputs['method'])
>             if method == 'dgt':
>                 f, g, a, M = (inputs[var] for var in ('f', 'g', 'a', 'M'))
>                 kwargs = dict()
>                 if 'L' in inputs:
>                     kwargs['L'] = inputs['L']
>                 if 'minlvl' in inputs:
>                     kwargs['minlvl'] = inputs['minlvl']
>                 if isinstance(g, text_type):
>                     # force g to be str instead of unicode under Python 2
>                     g = str(g)
>                 tgrad, fgrad, c = gabphasegrad(method, f, g, a, M, **kwargs)
>                 msg = 'wrong output in gabphasegrad with inputs ' + str(inputs)
>                 assert_allclose(tgrad, outputs[0], rtol=4e-15, err_msg=msg)
>                 assert_allclose(fgrad, outputs[1], rtol=1e-15, err_msg=msg)
>                 assert_allclose(c, outputs[2], rtol=1e-15, err_msg=msg)
>             elif method == 'phase':
>                 cphase, a = (inputs[var] for var in ('cphase', 'a'))
>                 tgrad, fgrad = gabphasegrad(method, cphase, a)
>                 msg = 'wrong output in gabphasegrad with inputs ' + str(inputs)
>                 assert_array_equal(tgrad, outputs[0], msg)
>                 assert_array_equal(fgrad, outputs[1], msg)
>             elif method == 'abs':
>                 s, g, a = (inputs[var] for var in ('s', 'g', 'a'))
>                 kwargs = dict()
>                 if 'difforder' in inputs:
>                     kwargs['difforder'] = inputs['difforder']
>                 if isinstance(g, text_type):
>                     # force g to be str instead of unicode under Python 2
>                     g = str(g)
>                 tgrad, fgrad = gabphasegrad(method, s, g, a, **kwargs)
>                 msg = 'wrong output in gabphasegrad with inputs ' + str(inputs)
> >               assert_array_equal(tgrad, outputs[0], msg)
> E               AssertionError: 
> E               Arrays are not equal
> E               wrong output in gabphasegrad with inputs {'method': 'abs', 's': array([[0., 1., 2.],
> E                      [3., 4., 5.],
> E                      [6., 7., 8.]]), 'g': 'gauss', 'a': 2}
> E               Mismatched elements: 1 / 9 (11.1%)
> E               Max absolute difference: 5.55111512e-17
> E               Max relative difference: 2.23641359e-16
> E                x: array([[-0.248215, -0.200398, -0.168308],
> E                      [ 4.580711,  0.696828,  0.49643 ],
> E                      [-4.332496, -0.49643 , -0.328122]])
> E                y: array([[-0.248215, -0.200398, -0.168308],
> E                      [ 4.580711,  0.696828,  0.49643 ],
> E                      [-4.332496, -0.49643 , -0.328122]])
> ltfatpy/tests/gabor/test_gabphasegrad.py:167: AssertionError
> ----------------------------- Captured stdout call -----------------------------
> Start TestGabphasegrad
> Test done
> =============================== warnings summary ===============================
> ltfatpy/sigproc/firwin.py:75
>   /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/.pybuild/cpython3_3.11_ltfatpy/build/ltfatpy/sigproc/firwin.py:75: DeprecationWarning: invalid escape sequence '\m'
>     """ Returns a FIR window of length *M* of type *name*.
> ltfatpy/sigproc/normalize.py:76
>   /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/.pybuild/cpython3_3.11_ltfatpy/build/ltfatpy/sigproc/normalize.py:76: DeprecationWarning: invalid escape sequence '\i'
>     """Normalize input signal by specified norm
> ltfatpy/sigproc/rms.py:74
>   /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/.pybuild/cpython3_3.11_ltfatpy/build/ltfatpy/sigproc/rms.py:74: DeprecationWarning: invalid escape sequence '\s'
>     """RMS value of signal
> ltfatpy/fourier/psech.py:71
>   /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/.pybuild/cpython3_3.11_ltfatpy/build/ltfatpy/fourier/psech.py:71: DeprecationWarning: invalid escape sequence '\p'
>     """Sampled, periodized hyperbolic secant
> ltfatpy/fourier/dcti.py:73
>   /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/.pybuild/cpython3_3.11_ltfatpy/build/ltfatpy/fourier/dcti.py:73: DeprecationWarning: invalid escape sequence '\ '
>     """Discrete Cosine Transform type I
> ltfatpy/fourier/dctii.py:75
>   /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/.pybuild/cpython3_3.11_ltfatpy/build/ltfatpy/fourier/dctii.py:75: DeprecationWarning: invalid escape sequence '\|'
>     """Discrete Cosine Transform type II
> ltfatpy/fourier/dctiii.py:73
>   /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/.pybuild/cpython3_3.11_ltfatpy/build/ltfatpy/fourier/dctiii.py:73: DeprecationWarning: invalid escape sequence '\|'
>     """Discrete Cosine Transform type III
> ltfatpy/fourier/dft.py:73
>   /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/.pybuild/cpython3_3.11_ltfatpy/build/ltfatpy/fourier/dft.py:73: DeprecationWarning: invalid escape sequence '\l'
>     """Normalized Discrete Fourier Transform
> ltfatpy/fourier/dstii.py:73
>   /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/.pybuild/cpython3_3.11_ltfatpy/build/ltfatpy/fourier/dstii.py:73: DeprecationWarning: invalid escape sequence '\|'
>     """Discrete Sine Transform type II
> ltfatpy/fourier/dstiii.py:73
>   /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/.pybuild/cpython3_3.11_ltfatpy/build/ltfatpy/fourier/dstiii.py:73: DeprecationWarning: invalid escape sequence '\|'
>     """Discrete Sine Transform type III
> ltfatpy/fourier/idft.py:73
>   /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/.pybuild/cpython3_3.11_ltfatpy/build/ltfatpy/fourier/idft.py:73: DeprecationWarning: invalid escape sequence '\l'
>     """Inverse Normalized Discrete Fourier Transform
> ltfatpy/gabor/dgt.py:77
>   /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/.pybuild/cpython3_3.11_ltfatpy/build/ltfatpy/gabor/dgt.py:77: DeprecationWarning: invalid escape sequence '\l'
>     """Discrete Gabor Transform
> ltfatpy/gabor/idgt.py:76
>   /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/.pybuild/cpython3_3.11_ltfatpy/build/ltfatpy/gabor/idgt.py:76: DeprecationWarning: invalid escape sequence '\l'
>     """Inverse discrete Gabor transform
> ltfatpy/gabor/tfplot.py:75
>   /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/.pybuild/cpython3_3.11_ltfatpy/build/ltfatpy/gabor/tfplot.py:75: DeprecationWarning: invalid escape sequence '\l'
>     """Plot coefficient matrix on the TF plane
> ltfatpy/gabor/phaselock.py:71
>   /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/.pybuild/cpython3_3.11_ltfatpy/build/ltfatpy/gabor/phaselock.py:71: DeprecationWarning: invalid escape sequence '\l'
>     """Phaselock Gabor coefficients
> -- Docs: https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/how-to/capture-warnings.html
> ---------- coverage: platform linux, python 3.11.1-final-0 -----------
> Name                                                        Stmts   Miss  Cover   Missing
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ltfatpy/__init__.py                                            77      0   100%
> ltfatpy/comp/__init__.py                                        0      0   100%
> ltfatpy/comp/arg_firwin.py                                      4      0   100%
> ltfatpy/comp/assert_groworder.py                               10      0   100%
> ltfatpy/comp/assert_sigreshape_post.py                          8      0   100%
> ltfatpy/comp/assert_sigreshape_pre.py                          35      0   100%
> ltfatpy/comp/comp_hermite.py                                   20      0   100%
> ltfatpy/comp/comp_hermite_all.py                               17      0   100%
> ltfatpy/comp/comp_sigreshape_post.py                           10      0   100%
> ltfatpy/comp/comp_sigreshape_pre.py                            25      0   100%
> ltfatpy/comp/comp_window.py                                   131      3    98%   276-278
> ltfatpy/comp/gabpars_from_windowsignal.py                      18      1    94%   105
> ltfatpy/fourier/__init__.py                                     0      0   100%
> ltfatpy/fourier/dcti.py                                        14      0   100%
> ltfatpy/fourier/dctii.py                                       17      0   100%
> ltfatpy/fourier/dctiii.py                                      14      0   100%
> ltfatpy/fourier/dctiv.py                                       14      0   100%
> ltfatpy/fourier/dft.py                                         10      0   100%
> ltfatpy/fourier/dsti.py                                        14      0   100%
> ltfatpy/fourier/dstii.py                                       14      0   100%
> ltfatpy/fourier/dstiii.py                                      14      0   100%
> ltfatpy/fourier/dstiv.py                                       14      0   100%
> ltfatpy/fourier/fftindex.py                                    12      0   100%
> ltfatpy/fourier/fftreal.py                                      5      0   100%
> ltfatpy/fourier/fftresample.py                                 17      0   100%
> ltfatpy/fourier/idft.py                                        10      0   100%
> ltfatpy/fourier/ifftreal.py                                     5      0   100%
> ltfatpy/fourier/isevenfunction.py                              18      0   100%
> ltfatpy/fourier/middlepad.py                                   38      0   100%
> ltfatpy/fourier/pderiv.py                                      21      0   100%
> ltfatpy/fourier/pgauss.py                                      30      0   100%
> ltfatpy/fourier/pherm.py                                       76      0   100%
> ltfatpy/fourier/psech.py                                       23      1    96%   144
> ltfatpy/gabor/__init__.py                                       0      0   100%
> ltfatpy/gabor/dgt.py                                           35      0   100%
> ltfatpy/gabor/dgtlength.py                                     19      4    79%   98, 102, 104, 106
> ltfatpy/gabor/dgtreal.py                                       16      0   100%
> ltfatpy/gabor/gabdual.py                                       38      1    97%   159
> ltfatpy/gabor/gabframediag.py                                  19      1    95%   111
> ltfatpy/gabor/gabimagepars.py                                  23      0   100%
> ltfatpy/gabor/gabphasegrad.py                                  98      2    98%   388, 396
> ltfatpy/gabor/gabtight.py                                      40      1    98%   169
> ltfatpy/gabor/gabwin.py                                         6      0   100%
> ltfatpy/gabor/idgt.py                                          40      1    98%   186
> ltfatpy/gabor/idgtreal.py                                      44      2    95%   198, 208
> ltfatpy/gabor/instfreqplot.py                                  59      0   100%
> ltfatpy/gabor/phaselock.py                                     23      0   100%
> ltfatpy/gabor/phaseplot.py                                     42      0   100%
> ltfatpy/gabor/phaseunlock.py                                   23      0   100%
> ltfatpy/gabor/plotdgt.py                                       13      0   100%
> ltfatpy/gabor/plotdgtreal.py                                   10      0   100%
> ltfatpy/gabor/s0norm.py                                        25      0   100%
> ltfatpy/gabor/sgram.py                                         47      0   100%
> ltfatpy/gabor/tfplot.py                                        72      0   100%
> ltfatpy/signals/__init__.py                                     0      0   100%
> ltfatpy/signals/greasy.py                                      10      0   100%
> ltfatpy/signals/gspi.py                                        10      0   100%
> ltfatpy/signals/linus.py                                       10      0   100%
> ltfatpy/sigproc/__init__.py                                     0      0   100%
> ltfatpy/sigproc/fir2long.py                                    14      0   100%
> ltfatpy/sigproc/firkaiser.py                                   25      0   100%
> ltfatpy/sigproc/firwin.py                                     107      0   100%
> ltfatpy/sigproc/groupthresh.py                                 28      0   100%
> ltfatpy/sigproc/largestn.py                                    14      0   100%
> ltfatpy/sigproc/largestr.py                                     9      0   100%
> ltfatpy/sigproc/long2fir.py                                    26      0   100%
> ltfatpy/sigproc/normalize.py                                   40      1    98%   158
> ltfatpy/sigproc/rms.py                                         21      0   100%
> ltfatpy/sigproc/thresh.py                                      31      0   100%
> ltfatpy/tests/__init__.py                                       0      0   100%
> ltfatpy/tests/comp/__init__.py                                  0      0   100%
> ltfatpy/tests/comp/test_assert_sigreshape_post.py              38      2    95%   110-112
> ltfatpy/tests/comp/test_assert_sigreshape_pre.py               74      2    97%   149-151
> ltfatpy/tests/comp/test_comp_dct.py                            27      2    93%   99-100
> ltfatpy/tests/comp/test_comp_dst.py                            27      2    93%   99-100
> ltfatpy/tests/comp/test_comp_gabdual.py                        27      4    85%   85-86, 99-100
> ltfatpy/tests/comp/test_comp_hermite.py                        23      2    91%   103-104
> ltfatpy/tests/comp/test_comp_hermite_all.py                    28      2    93%   131-132
> ltfatpy/tests/comp/test_comp_isepdgt.py                        35      2    94%   109-110
> ltfatpy/tests/comp/test_comp_pgauss.py                         27      2    93%   97-98
> ltfatpy/tests/comp/test_comp_sepdgt.py                         35      2    94%   110-111
> ltfatpy/tests/comp/test_comp_sigreshape.py                     64      2    97%   138-139
> ltfatpy/tests/datasets/__init__.py                              0      0   100%
> ltfatpy/tests/datasets/get_dataset_path.py                      6      0   100%
> ltfatpy/tests/datasets/read_comp_dct_signal_ex_mat.py          19      0   100%
> ltfatpy/tests/datasets/read_comp_dst_signal_ex_mat.py          19      0   100%
> ltfatpy/tests/datasets/read_dgt_signal_ex_mat.py               25      0   100%
> ltfatpy/tests/datasets/read_gabframediag_signal_ex_mat.py      19      0   100%
> ltfatpy/tests/datasets/read_gabtight_signal_ex_mat.py          19      0   100%
> ltfatpy/tests/datasets/read_ref_mat.py                         40      0   100%
> ltfatpy/tests/datasets/read_s0norm_ex_mat.py                   20      0   100%
> ltfatpy/tests/datasets/test_read_dgt_signal_ext.py             52      4    92%   68-72, 142-143
> ltfatpy/tests/datasets/test_read_ref_mat.py                    28      2    93%   112-113
> ltfatpy/tests/fourier/__init__.py                               0      0   100%
> ltfatpy/tests/fourier/test_dct.py                              48      3    94%   105, 125-126
> ltfatpy/tests/fourier/test_dft.py                              39      2    95%   118-119
> ltfatpy/tests/fourier/test_dst.py                              48      3    94%   105, 125-126
> ltfatpy/tests/fourier/test_fftindex.py                         46      2    96%   129-130
> ltfatpy/tests/fourier/test_fftreal.py                          39      2    95%   117-118
> ltfatpy/tests/fourier/test_fftresample.py                      59      2    97%   145-146
> ltfatpy/tests/fourier/test_idft.py                             56      2    96%   142-143
> ltfatpy/tests/fourier/test_ifftreal.py                         56      2    96%   141-142
> ltfatpy/tests/fourier/test_isevenfunction.py                   25      2    92%   95-96
> ltfatpy/tests/fourier/test_middlepad.py                        69      2    97%   184-185
> ltfatpy/tests/fourier/test_pderiv.py                           55      2    96%   142-143
> ltfatpy/tests/fourier/test_pgauss.py                           58      2    97%   139-140
> ltfatpy/tests/fourier/test_pherm.py                            45      2    96%   121-122
> ltfatpy/tests/fourier/test_psech.py                            33      2    94%   103-104
> ltfatpy/tests/gabor/__init__.py                                 0      0   100%
> ltfatpy/tests/gabor/test_dgt.py                                62      2    97%   141-142
> ltfatpy/tests/gabor/test_gabdual.py                            45      2    96%   123-124
> ltfatpy/tests/gabor/test_gabframediag.py                       28      2    93%   103-104
> ltfatpy/tests/gabor/test_gabimagepars.py                       24      2    92%   103-104
> ltfatpy/tests/gabor/test_gabphasegrad.py                       76      5    93%   140, 161, 168, 172-173
> ltfatpy/tests/gabor/test_gabtight.py                           55      2    96%   131-132
> ltfatpy/tests/gabor/test_gabwin.py                            290      4    99%   188, 292, 412-413
> ltfatpy/tests/gabor/test_idgt.py                               66      2    97%   148-149
> ltfatpy/tests/gabor/test_instfreqplot.py                       31      2    94%   120-121
> ltfatpy/tests/gabor/test_phaselock.py                          43      2    95%   130-131
> ltfatpy/tests/gabor/test_phaseplot.py                          29      2    93%   113-114
> ltfatpy/tests/gabor/test_phaseunlock.py                        30      2    93%   113-114
> ltfatpy/tests/gabor/test_plotdgt.py                            25      2    92%   108-109
> ltfatpy/tests/gabor/test_plotdgtreal.py                        24      2    92%   102-103
> ltfatpy/tests/gabor/test_s0norm.py                             33      2    94%   107-108
> ltfatpy/tests/gabor/test_sgram.py                              35      2    94%   125-126
> ltfatpy/tests/gabor/test_tfplot.py                             89      2    98%   203-204
> ltfatpy/tests/signals/__init__.py                               0      0   100%
> ltfatpy/tests/signals/test_greasy.py                           23      2    91%   97-98
> ltfatpy/tests/signals/test_gspi.py                             23      2    91%   97-98
> ltfatpy/tests/signals/test_linus.py                            23      2    91%   97-98
> ltfatpy/tests/sigproc/__init__.py                               0      0   100%
> ltfatpy/tests/sigproc/test_fir2long.py                         23      2    91%   93-94
> ltfatpy/tests/sigproc/test_firkaiser.py                        30      2    93%   120-121
> ltfatpy/tests/sigproc/test_firwin.py                           61      2    97%   169-170
> ltfatpy/tests/sigproc/test_groupthresh.py                      68      2    97%   167-168
> ltfatpy/tests/sigproc/test_largestn.py                         54      2    96%   144-145
> ltfatpy/tests/sigproc/test_largestr.py                         54      2    96%   144-145
> ltfatpy/tests/sigproc/test_long2fir.py                         28      2    93%   105-106
> ltfatpy/tests/sigproc/test_normalize.py                        28      2    93%   102-103
> ltfatpy/tests/sigproc/test_rms.py                              28      2    93%   96-97
> ltfatpy/tests/sigproc/test_thresh.py                           56      2    96%   147-148
> ltfatpy/tests/tools/__init__.py                                 0      0   100%
> ltfatpy/tests/tools/test_lcm.py                                44      2    95%   131-132
> ltfatpy/tests/tools/test_postpad.py                            73      2    97%   166-167
> ltfatpy/tools/__init__.py                                       0      0   100%
> ltfatpy/tools/lcm.py                                           15      2    87%   67-71
> ltfatpy/tools/postpad.py                                       16      0   100%
> ltfatpy/version.py                                             13     13     0%   56-74
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> TOTAL                                                        4745    162    97%
> Coverage HTML written to dir htmlcov
> =========================== short test summary info ============================
> FAILED ltfatpy/tests/gabor/test_gabphasegrad.py::TestGabphasegrad::test_known
> ================= 1 failed, 138 passed, 15 warnings in 34.92s ==================
> E: pybuild pybuild:386: test: plugin distutils failed with: exit code=1: cd /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/.pybuild/cpython3_3.11_ltfatpy/build; python3.11 -m pytest 
> I: pybuild base:240: cd /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/.pybuild/cpython3_3.10_ltfatpy/build; python3.10 -m pytest 
> ============================= test session starts ==============================
> platform linux -- Python 3.10.9, pytest-7.2.0, pluggy-1.0.0+repack
> rootdir: /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>, configfile: setup.cfg
> plugins: cov-4.0.0
> collected 139 items
> ltfatpy/tests/comp/test_assert_sigreshape_post.py ..                     [  1%]
> ltfatpy/tests/comp/test_assert_sigreshape_pre.py ...                     [  3%]
> ltfatpy/tests/comp/test_comp_dct.py .                                    [  4%]
> ltfatpy/tests/comp/test_comp_dst.py .                                    [  5%]
> ltfatpy/tests/comp/test_comp_gabdual.py .                                [  5%]
> ltfatpy/tests/comp/test_comp_hermite.py .                                [  6%]
> ltfatpy/tests/comp/test_comp_hermite_all.py .                            [  7%]
> ltfatpy/tests/comp/test_comp_isepdgt.py .                                [  7%]
> ltfatpy/tests/comp/test_comp_pgauss.py ..                                [  9%]
> ltfatpy/tests/comp/test_comp_sepdgt.py .                                 [ 10%]
> ltfatpy/tests/comp/test_comp_sigreshape.py ....                          [ 12%]
> ltfatpy/tests/datasets/test_read_dgt_signal_ext.py .                     [ 13%]
> ltfatpy/tests/datasets/test_read_ref_mat.py .                            [ 14%]
> ltfatpy/tests/fourier/test_dct.py ..                                     [ 15%]
> ltfatpy/tests/fourier/test_dft.py ..                                     [ 17%]
> ltfatpy/tests/fourier/test_dst.py ..                                     [ 18%]
> ltfatpy/tests/fourier/test_fftindex.py ...                               [ 20%]
> ltfatpy/tests/fourier/test_fftreal.py ..                                 [ 22%]
> ltfatpy/tests/fourier/test_fftresample.py ...                            [ 24%]
> ltfatpy/tests/fourier/test_idft.py ...                                   [ 26%]
> ltfatpy/tests/fourier/test_ifftreal.py ...                               [ 28%]
> ltfatpy/tests/fourier/test_isevenfunction.py .                           [ 29%]
> ltfatpy/tests/fourier/test_middlepad.py .....                            [ 33%]
> ltfatpy/tests/fourier/test_pderiv.py ....                                [ 35%]
> ltfatpy/tests/fourier/test_pgauss.py ........                            [ 41%]
> ltfatpy/tests/fourier/test_pherm.py ...                                  [ 43%]
> ltfatpy/tests/fourier/test_psech.py ...                                  [ 46%]
> ltfatpy/tests/gabor/test_dgt.py ...                                      [ 48%]
> ltfatpy/tests/gabor/test_gabdual.py ..                                   [ 49%]
> ltfatpy/tests/gabor/test_gabframediag.py ..                              [ 51%]
> ltfatpy/tests/gabor/test_gabimagepars.py .                               [ 51%]
> ltfatpy/tests/gabor/test_gabphasegrad.py .F                              [ 53%]
> ltfatpy/tests/gabor/test_gabtight.py ..                                  [ 54%]
> ltfatpy/tests/gabor/test_gabwin.py .....                                 [ 58%]
> ltfatpy/tests/gabor/test_idgt.py ...                                     [ 60%]
> ltfatpy/tests/gabor/test_instfreqplot.py ..                              [ 61%]
> ltfatpy/tests/gabor/test_phaselock.py ...                                [ 64%]
> ltfatpy/tests/gabor/test_phaseplot.py ..                                 [ 65%]
> ltfatpy/tests/gabor/test_phaseunlock.py ..                               [ 66%]
> ltfatpy/tests/gabor/test_plotdgt.py .                                    [ 67%]
> ltfatpy/tests/gabor/test_plotdgtreal.py .                                [ 68%]
> ltfatpy/tests/gabor/test_s0norm.py .                                     [ 69%]
> ltfatpy/tests/gabor/test_sgram.py ..                                     [ 70%]
> ltfatpy/tests/gabor/test_tfplot.py .....                                 [ 74%]
> ltfatpy/tests/signals/test_greasy.py .                                   [ 74%]
> ltfatpy/tests/signals/test_gspi.py .                                     [ 75%]
> ltfatpy/tests/signals/test_linus.py .                                    [ 76%]
> ltfatpy/tests/sigproc/test_fir2long.py .                                 [ 76%]
> ltfatpy/tests/sigproc/test_firkaiser.py ..                               [ 78%]
> ltfatpy/tests/sigproc/test_firwin.py ...                                 [ 80%]
> ltfatpy/tests/sigproc/test_groupthresh.py ....                           [ 83%]
> ltfatpy/tests/sigproc/test_largestn.py ....                              [ 86%]
> ltfatpy/tests/sigproc/test_largestr.py ....                              [ 89%]
> ltfatpy/tests/sigproc/test_long2fir.py .                                 [ 89%]
> ltfatpy/tests/sigproc/test_normalize.py .                                [ 90%]
> ltfatpy/tests/sigproc/test_rms.py .                                      [ 91%]
> ltfatpy/tests/sigproc/test_thresh.py ....                                [ 94%]
> ltfatpy/tests/tools/test_lcm.py ....                                     [ 97%]
> ltfatpy/tests/tools/test_postpad.py ....                                 [100%]
> =================================== FAILURES ===================================
> _________________________ TestGabphasegrad.test_known __________________________
> self = <ltfatpy.tests.gabor.test_gabphasegrad.TestGabphasegrad testMethod=test_known>
>     def test_known(self):
>         """Check gabphasegrad on some known results taken from Octave
>         """
>         filename = get_dataset_path('gabphasegrad_ref.mat')
>         data = read_ref_mat(filename)
>         for inputs, outputs in data:
>             method = str(inputs['method'])
>             if method == 'dgt':
>                 f, g, a, M = (inputs[var] for var in ('f', 'g', 'a', 'M'))
>                 kwargs = dict()
>                 if 'L' in inputs:
>                     kwargs['L'] = inputs['L']
>                 if 'minlvl' in inputs:
>                     kwargs['minlvl'] = inputs['minlvl']
>                 if isinstance(g, text_type):
>                     # force g to be str instead of unicode under Python 2
>                     g = str(g)
>                 tgrad, fgrad, c = gabphasegrad(method, f, g, a, M, **kwargs)
>                 msg = 'wrong output in gabphasegrad with inputs ' + str(inputs)
>                 assert_allclose(tgrad, outputs[0], rtol=4e-15, err_msg=msg)
>                 assert_allclose(fgrad, outputs[1], rtol=1e-15, err_msg=msg)
>                 assert_allclose(c, outputs[2], rtol=1e-15, err_msg=msg)
>             elif method == 'phase':
>                 cphase, a = (inputs[var] for var in ('cphase', 'a'))
>                 tgrad, fgrad = gabphasegrad(method, cphase, a)
>                 msg = 'wrong output in gabphasegrad with inputs ' + str(inputs)
>                 assert_array_equal(tgrad, outputs[0], msg)
>                 assert_array_equal(fgrad, outputs[1], msg)
>             elif method == 'abs':
>                 s, g, a = (inputs[var] for var in ('s', 'g', 'a'))
>                 kwargs = dict()
>                 if 'difforder' in inputs:
>                     kwargs['difforder'] = inputs['difforder']
>                 if isinstance(g, text_type):
>                     # force g to be str instead of unicode under Python 2
>                     g = str(g)
>                 tgrad, fgrad = gabphasegrad(method, s, g, a, **kwargs)
>                 msg = 'wrong output in gabphasegrad with inputs ' + str(inputs)
> >               assert_array_equal(tgrad, outputs[0], msg)
> E               AssertionError: 
> E               Arrays are not equal
> E               wrong output in gabphasegrad with inputs {'method': 'abs', 's': array([[0., 1., 2.],
> E                      [3., 4., 5.],
> E                      [6., 7., 8.]]), 'g': 'gauss', 'a': 2}
> E               Mismatched elements: 1 / 9 (11.1%)
> E               Max absolute difference: 5.55111512e-17
> E               Max relative difference: 2.23641359e-16
> E                x: array([[-0.248215, -0.200398, -0.168308],
> E                      [ 4.580711,  0.696828,  0.49643 ],
> E                      [-4.332496, -0.49643 , -0.328122]])
> E                y: array([[-0.248215, -0.200398, -0.168308],
> E                      [ 4.580711,  0.696828,  0.49643 ],
> E                      [-4.332496, -0.49643 , -0.328122]])
> ltfatpy/tests/gabor/test_gabphasegrad.py:167: AssertionError
> ----------------------------- Captured stdout call -----------------------------
> Start TestGabphasegrad
> Test done
> =============================== warnings summary ===============================
> ltfatpy/sigproc/firwin.py:75
>   /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/.pybuild/cpython3_3.10_ltfatpy/build/ltfatpy/sigproc/firwin.py:75: DeprecationWarning: invalid escape sequence '\m'
>     """ Returns a FIR window of length *M* of type *name*.
> ltfatpy/sigproc/normalize.py:76
>   /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/.pybuild/cpython3_3.10_ltfatpy/build/ltfatpy/sigproc/normalize.py:76: DeprecationWarning: invalid escape sequence '\i'
>     """Normalize input signal by specified norm
> ltfatpy/sigproc/rms.py:74
>   /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/.pybuild/cpython3_3.10_ltfatpy/build/ltfatpy/sigproc/rms.py:74: DeprecationWarning: invalid escape sequence '\s'
>     """RMS value of signal
> ltfatpy/fourier/psech.py:71
>   /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/.pybuild/cpython3_3.10_ltfatpy/build/ltfatpy/fourier/psech.py:71: DeprecationWarning: invalid escape sequence '\p'
>     """Sampled, periodized hyperbolic secant
> ltfatpy/fourier/dcti.py:73
>   /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/.pybuild/cpython3_3.10_ltfatpy/build/ltfatpy/fourier/dcti.py:73: DeprecationWarning: invalid escape sequence '\ '
>     """Discrete Cosine Transform type I
> ltfatpy/fourier/dctii.py:75
>   /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/.pybuild/cpython3_3.10_ltfatpy/build/ltfatpy/fourier/dctii.py:75: DeprecationWarning: invalid escape sequence '\|'
>     """Discrete Cosine Transform type II
> ltfatpy/fourier/dctiii.py:73
>   /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/.pybuild/cpython3_3.10_ltfatpy/build/ltfatpy/fourier/dctiii.py:73: DeprecationWarning: invalid escape sequence '\|'
>     """Discrete Cosine Transform type III
> ltfatpy/fourier/dft.py:73
>   /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/.pybuild/cpython3_3.10_ltfatpy/build/ltfatpy/fourier/dft.py:73: DeprecationWarning: invalid escape sequence '\l'
>     """Normalized Discrete Fourier Transform
> ltfatpy/fourier/dstii.py:73
>   /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/.pybuild/cpython3_3.10_ltfatpy/build/ltfatpy/fourier/dstii.py:73: DeprecationWarning: invalid escape sequence '\|'
>     """Discrete Sine Transform type II
> ltfatpy/fourier/dstiii.py:73
>   /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/.pybuild/cpython3_3.10_ltfatpy/build/ltfatpy/fourier/dstiii.py:73: DeprecationWarning: invalid escape sequence '\|'
>     """Discrete Sine Transform type III
> ltfatpy/fourier/idft.py:73
>   /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/.pybuild/cpython3_3.10_ltfatpy/build/ltfatpy/fourier/idft.py:73: DeprecationWarning: invalid escape sequence '\l'
>     """Inverse Normalized Discrete Fourier Transform
> ltfatpy/gabor/dgt.py:77
>   /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/.pybuild/cpython3_3.10_ltfatpy/build/ltfatpy/gabor/dgt.py:77: DeprecationWarning: invalid escape sequence '\l'
>     """Discrete Gabor Transform
> ltfatpy/gabor/idgt.py:76
>   /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/.pybuild/cpython3_3.10_ltfatpy/build/ltfatpy/gabor/idgt.py:76: DeprecationWarning: invalid escape sequence '\l'
>     """Inverse discrete Gabor transform
> ltfatpy/gabor/tfplot.py:75
>   /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/.pybuild/cpython3_3.10_ltfatpy/build/ltfatpy/gabor/tfplot.py:75: DeprecationWarning: invalid escape sequence '\l'
>     """Plot coefficient matrix on the TF plane
> ltfatpy/gabor/phaselock.py:71
>   /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/.pybuild/cpython3_3.10_ltfatpy/build/ltfatpy/gabor/phaselock.py:71: DeprecationWarning: invalid escape sequence '\l'
>     """Phaselock Gabor coefficients
> -- Docs: https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/how-to/capture-warnings.html
> ---------- coverage: platform linux, python 3.10.9-final-0 -----------
> Name                                                        Stmts   Miss  Cover   Missing
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ltfatpy/__init__.py                                            77      0   100%
> ltfatpy/comp/__init__.py                                        0      0   100%
> ltfatpy/comp/arg_firwin.py                                      4      0   100%
> ltfatpy/comp/assert_groworder.py                               10      0   100%
> ltfatpy/comp/assert_sigreshape_post.py                          8      0   100%
> ltfatpy/comp/assert_sigreshape_pre.py                          35      0   100%
> ltfatpy/comp/comp_hermite.py                                   20      0   100%
> ltfatpy/comp/comp_hermite_all.py                               17      0   100%
> ltfatpy/comp/comp_sigreshape_post.py                           10      0   100%
> ltfatpy/comp/comp_sigreshape_pre.py                            25      0   100%
> ltfatpy/comp/comp_window.py                                   131      4    97%   212, 276-278
> ltfatpy/comp/gabpars_from_windowsignal.py                      18      1    94%   105
> ltfatpy/fourier/__init__.py                                     0      0   100%
> ltfatpy/fourier/dcti.py                                        14      0   100%
> ltfatpy/fourier/dctii.py                                       17      0   100%
> ltfatpy/fourier/dctiii.py                                      14      0   100%
> ltfatpy/fourier/dctiv.py                                       14      0   100%
> ltfatpy/fourier/dft.py                                         10      0   100%
> ltfatpy/fourier/dsti.py                                        14      0   100%
> ltfatpy/fourier/dstii.py                                       14      0   100%
> ltfatpy/fourier/dstiii.py                                      14      0   100%
> ltfatpy/fourier/dstiv.py                                       14      0   100%
> ltfatpy/fourier/fftindex.py                                    12      0   100%
> ltfatpy/fourier/fftreal.py                                      5      0   100%
> ltfatpy/fourier/fftresample.py                                 17      0   100%
> ltfatpy/fourier/idft.py                                        10      0   100%
> ltfatpy/fourier/ifftreal.py                                     5      0   100%
> ltfatpy/fourier/isevenfunction.py                              18      0   100%
> ltfatpy/fourier/middlepad.py                                   38      0   100%
> ltfatpy/fourier/pderiv.py                                      21      0   100%
> ltfatpy/fourier/pgauss.py                                      30      0   100%
> ltfatpy/fourier/pherm.py                                       76      0   100%
> ltfatpy/fourier/psech.py                                       23      1    96%   144
> ltfatpy/gabor/__init__.py                                       0      0   100%
> ltfatpy/gabor/dgt.py                                           35      0   100%
> ltfatpy/gabor/dgtlength.py                                     19      4    79%   98, 102, 104, 106
> ltfatpy/gabor/dgtreal.py                                       16      0   100%
> ltfatpy/gabor/gabdual.py                                       38      1    97%   159
> ltfatpy/gabor/gabframediag.py                                  19      1    95%   111
> ltfatpy/gabor/gabimagepars.py                                  23      0   100%
> ltfatpy/gabor/gabphasegrad.py                                  98      2    98%   388, 396
> ltfatpy/gabor/gabtight.py                                      40      1    98%   169
> ltfatpy/gabor/gabwin.py                                         6      0   100%
> ltfatpy/gabor/idgt.py                                          40      1    98%   186
> ltfatpy/gabor/idgtreal.py                                      44      2    95%   198, 208
> ltfatpy/gabor/instfreqplot.py                                  59      0   100%
> ltfatpy/gabor/phaselock.py                                     23      0   100%
> ltfatpy/gabor/phaseplot.py                                     42      0   100%
> ltfatpy/gabor/phaseunlock.py                                   23      0   100%
> ltfatpy/gabor/plotdgt.py                                       13      0   100%
> ltfatpy/gabor/plotdgtreal.py                                   10      0   100%
> ltfatpy/gabor/s0norm.py                                        25      0   100%
> ltfatpy/gabor/sgram.py                                         47      0   100%
> ltfatpy/gabor/tfplot.py                                        72      0   100%
> ltfatpy/signals/__init__.py                                     0      0   100%
> ltfatpy/signals/greasy.py                                      10      0   100%
> ltfatpy/signals/gspi.py                                        10      0   100%
> ltfatpy/signals/linus.py                                       10      0   100%
> ltfatpy/sigproc/__init__.py                                     0      0   100%
> ltfatpy/sigproc/fir2long.py                                    14      0   100%
> ltfatpy/sigproc/firkaiser.py                                   25      0   100%
> ltfatpy/sigproc/firwin.py                                     107      0   100%
> ltfatpy/sigproc/groupthresh.py                                 28      0   100%
> ltfatpy/sigproc/largestn.py                                    14      0   100%
> ltfatpy/sigproc/largestr.py                                     9      0   100%
> ltfatpy/sigproc/long2fir.py                                    26      0   100%
> ltfatpy/sigproc/normalize.py                                   40      1    98%   158
> ltfatpy/sigproc/rms.py                                         21      0   100%
> ltfatpy/sigproc/thresh.py                                      31      0   100%
> ltfatpy/tests/__init__.py                                       0      0   100%
> ltfatpy/tests/comp/__init__.py                                  0      0   100%
> ltfatpy/tests/comp/test_assert_sigreshape_post.py              38      2    95%   110-112
> ltfatpy/tests/comp/test_assert_sigreshape_pre.py               74      2    97%   149-151
> ltfatpy/tests/comp/test_comp_dct.py                            27      2    93%   99-100
> ltfatpy/tests/comp/test_comp_dst.py                            27      2    93%   99-100
> ltfatpy/tests/comp/test_comp_gabdual.py                        27      4    85%   85-86, 99-100
> ltfatpy/tests/comp/test_comp_hermite.py                        23      2    91%   103-104
> ltfatpy/tests/comp/test_comp_hermite_all.py                    28      2    93%   131-132
> ltfatpy/tests/comp/test_comp_isepdgt.py                        35      2    94%   109-110
> ltfatpy/tests/comp/test_comp_pgauss.py                         27      2    93%   97-98
> ltfatpy/tests/comp/test_comp_sepdgt.py                         35      2    94%   110-111
> ltfatpy/tests/comp/test_comp_sigreshape.py                     64      2    97%   138-139
> ltfatpy/tests/datasets/__init__.py                              0      0   100%
> ltfatpy/tests/datasets/get_dataset_path.py                      6      0   100%
> ltfatpy/tests/datasets/read_comp_dct_signal_ex_mat.py          19      0   100%
> ltfatpy/tests/datasets/read_comp_dst_signal_ex_mat.py          19      0   100%
> ltfatpy/tests/datasets/read_dgt_signal_ex_mat.py               25      0   100%
> ltfatpy/tests/datasets/read_gabframediag_signal_ex_mat.py      19      0   100%
> ltfatpy/tests/datasets/read_gabtight_signal_ex_mat.py          19      0   100%
> ltfatpy/tests/datasets/read_ref_mat.py                         40      0   100%
> ltfatpy/tests/datasets/read_s0norm_ex_mat.py                   20      0   100%
> ltfatpy/tests/datasets/test_read_dgt_signal_ext.py             52      4    92%   68-72, 142-143
> ltfatpy/tests/datasets/test_read_ref_mat.py                    28      2    93%   112-113
> ltfatpy/tests/fourier/__init__.py                               0      0   100%
> ltfatpy/tests/fourier/test_dct.py                              48      3    94%   105, 125-126
> ltfatpy/tests/fourier/test_dft.py                              39      2    95%   118-119
> ltfatpy/tests/fourier/test_dst.py                              48      3    94%   105, 125-126
> ltfatpy/tests/fourier/test_fftindex.py                         46      2    96%   129-130
> ltfatpy/tests/fourier/test_fftreal.py                          39      2    95%   117-118
> ltfatpy/tests/fourier/test_fftresample.py                      59      2    97%   145-146
> ltfatpy/tests/fourier/test_idft.py                             56      2    96%   142-143
> ltfatpy/tests/fourier/test_ifftreal.py                         56      2    96%   141-142
> ltfatpy/tests/fourier/test_isevenfunction.py                   25      2    92%   95-96
> ltfatpy/tests/fourier/test_middlepad.py                        69      2    97%   184-185
> ltfatpy/tests/fourier/test_pderiv.py                           55      2    96%   142-143
> ltfatpy/tests/fourier/test_pgauss.py                           58      2    97%   139-140
> ltfatpy/tests/fourier/test_pherm.py                            45      2    96%   121-122
> ltfatpy/tests/fourier/test_psech.py                            33      2    94%   103-104
> ltfatpy/tests/gabor/__init__.py                                 0      0   100%
> ltfatpy/tests/gabor/test_dgt.py                                62      2    97%   141-142
> ltfatpy/tests/gabor/test_gabdual.py                            45      2    96%   123-124
> ltfatpy/tests/gabor/test_gabframediag.py                       28      2    93%   103-104
> ltfatpy/tests/gabor/test_gabimagepars.py                       24      2    92%   103-104
> ltfatpy/tests/gabor/test_gabphasegrad.py                       76      5    93%   140, 161, 168, 172-173
> ltfatpy/tests/gabor/test_gabtight.py                           55      2    96%   131-132
> ltfatpy/tests/gabor/test_gabwin.py                            290      4    99%   188, 290, 412-413
> ltfatpy/tests/gabor/test_idgt.py                               66      2    97%   148-149
> ltfatpy/tests/gabor/test_instfreqplot.py                       31      2    94%   120-121
> ltfatpy/tests/gabor/test_phaselock.py                          43      2    95%   130-131
> ltfatpy/tests/gabor/test_phaseplot.py                          29      2    93%   113-114
> ltfatpy/tests/gabor/test_phaseunlock.py                        30      2    93%   113-114
> ltfatpy/tests/gabor/test_plotdgt.py                            25      2    92%   108-109
> ltfatpy/tests/gabor/test_plotdgtreal.py                        24      2    92%   102-103
> ltfatpy/tests/gabor/test_s0norm.py                             33      2    94%   107-108
> ltfatpy/tests/gabor/test_sgram.py                              35      2    94%   125-126
> ltfatpy/tests/gabor/test_tfplot.py                             89      2    98%   203-204
> ltfatpy/tests/signals/__init__.py                               0      0   100%
> ltfatpy/tests/signals/test_greasy.py                           23      2    91%   97-98
> ltfatpy/tests/signals/test_gspi.py                             23      2    91%   97-98
> ltfatpy/tests/signals/test_linus.py                            23      2    91%   97-98
> ltfatpy/tests/sigproc/__init__.py                               0      0   100%
> ltfatpy/tests/sigproc/test_fir2long.py                         23      2    91%   93-94
> ltfatpy/tests/sigproc/test_firkaiser.py                        30      2    93%   120-121
> ltfatpy/tests/sigproc/test_firwin.py                           61      2    97%   169-170
> ltfatpy/tests/sigproc/test_groupthresh.py                      68      2    97%   167-168
> ltfatpy/tests/sigproc/test_largestn.py                         54      2    96%   144-145
> ltfatpy/tests/sigproc/test_largestr.py                         54      2    96%   144-145
> ltfatpy/tests/sigproc/test_long2fir.py                         28      2    93%   105-106
> ltfatpy/tests/sigproc/test_normalize.py                        28      2    93%   102-103
> ltfatpy/tests/sigproc/test_rms.py                              28      2    93%   96-97
> ltfatpy/tests/sigproc/test_thresh.py                           56      2    96%   147-148
> ltfatpy/tests/tools/__init__.py                                 0      0   100%
> ltfatpy/tests/tools/test_lcm.py                                44      2    95%   131-132
> ltfatpy/tests/tools/test_postpad.py                            73      2    97%   166-167
> ltfatpy/tools/__init__.py                                       0      0   100%
> ltfatpy/tools/lcm.py                                           15      2    87%   67-71
> ltfatpy/tools/postpad.py                                       16      0   100%
> ltfatpy/version.py                                             13     13     0%   56-74
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> TOTAL                                                        4745    163    97%
> Coverage HTML written to dir htmlcov
> =========================== short test summary info ============================
> FAILED ltfatpy/tests/gabor/test_gabphasegrad.py::TestGabphasegrad::test_known
> ================= 1 failed, 138 passed, 15 warnings in 36.36s ==================
> E: pybuild pybuild:386: test: plugin distutils failed with: exit code=1: cd /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/.pybuild/cpython3_3.10_ltfatpy/build; python3.10 -m pytest 
> dh_auto_test: error: pybuild --test --test-pytest -i python{version} -p "3.11 3.10" returned exit code 13

The full build log is available from:

All bugs filed during this archive rebuild are listed at:

A list of current common problems and possible solutions is available at
http://wiki.debian.org/qa.debian.org/FTBFS . You're welcome to contribute!

If you reassign this bug to another package, please mark it as 'affects'-ing
this package. See https://www.debian.org/Bugs/server-control#affects

If you fail to reproduce this, please provide a build log and diff it with mine
so that we can identify if something relevant changed in the meantime.

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