Rayno Mors sales1.arvigortrading at gmail.com
Tue Sep 13 10:54:45 BST 2022


I am  Rayno Mors from Arvigor Trading & Co. GmbH  and we are big
wholesalers in Germany with a lot of customers in the US, china, Greece,
Hongkong e.t.c.. We need your catalog for purchase of your Company's

Await your early quotation to enable us decide and proceed with this order

Thank you & Best Regards!

Rayno Mors

Arvigor Trading & Co. GmbH

f Gütersloh
The Mayor
Berliner Straße 70
33730 Gütersloh

T: +49 256 / 452

F: +49 81241 / 82-2875

Monday – Friday 8:00 to 17:00

Saturday 8:00 to 12:00
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