Bug#1042934: pytango autopkg tests fail on amd64 in unstable

Matthias Klose doko at debian.org
Thu Aug 3 03:26:29 BST 2023

Package: src:pytango
Version: 9.3.6-2.1
Severity: serious
Tags: sid trixie


155s =================================== FAILURES 
155s ___________________ test_subscribe_data_ready_event[Futures] 
155s event_device = EventDevice(test/nodb/eventdevice)
155s     def test_subscribe_data_ready_event(event_device):
155s         results_data_ready_event = []
155s         def callback_data_ready(evt):
155s             results_data_ready_event.append(evt.ctr)
155s         # Subscribe to data ready event
155s         eid_data_ready = event_device.subscribe_event(
155s             "attr", EventType.DATA_READY_EVENT, callback_data_ready, wait=True)
155s         assert eid_data_ready == 1
155s         # Trigger an event
155s         event_device.command_inout("send_data_ready_event", wait=True)
155s         # Wait for tango event
155s         retries = 20
155s         for _ in range(retries):
155s             event_device.read_attribute("state", wait=True)
155s             if len(results_data_ready_event):
155s                 break
155s             time.sleep(0.05)
155s         # Test the event values
155s >       assert results_data_ready_event == [2]
155s E       assert [] == [2]
155s E         Right contains one more item: 2
155s E         Full diff:
155s E         - [2]
155s E         ?  -
155s E         + []
155s tests/test_event.py:146: AssertionError
155s ---------------------------- Captured stdout setup 
155s Ready to accept request
155s ---------------------------- Captured stderr setup 
155s Can't create notifd event supplier. Notifd event not available
155s =============================== warnings summary 
155s ../../../../usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/tango/utils.py:176
155s   /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/tango/utils.py:176: DeprecationWarning: 
`np.bool8` is a deprecated alias for `np.bool_`.  (Deprecated NumPy 1.24)
155s     CmdArgType.DevBoolean: numpy.bool8,
155s tests/test_client.py:19
DeprecationWarning: The distutils package is deprecated and slated for removal 
in Python 3.12. Use setuptools or check PEP 632 for potential alternatives
155s     from distutils.spawn import find_executable
155s -- Docs: https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/how-to/capture-warnings.html
155s =========================== short test summary info 
155s FAILED tests/test_event.py::test_subscribe_data_ready_event[Futures]
155s ====== 1 failed, 1092 passed, 26 xfailed, 2 warnings in 99.86s (0:01:39) 

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