Bug#1026514: python-param: FTBFS: TypeError: The only supported seed types are: None,

FC Stegerman flx at obfusk.net
Fri Feb 3 17:45:56 GMT 2023

* Louis-Philippe Véronneau <pollo at debian.org> [2023-02-03 18:15]:
> On 2023-02-03 11 h 58, FC Stegerman wrote:
> > Presumably there is a way to get the version from e.g.
> > "dpkg-parsechangelog -S Version" (minus the -1 revision) instead.  I'm
> > not sure how other packages handle this.
> You can get those values via the variables provided by
> /usr/share/dpkg/pkg-info.mk
> You can "source" those in your d/rules makefile by using:
> include /usr/share/dpkg/pkg-info.mk


Updating my previous suggestion based on this new information, it

adding this to debian/rules

  include /usr/share/dpkg/pkg-info.mk

and patching setup.py to change

  def get_setup_version(reponame):
      """Use autover to get up to date version."""
      # importing self into setup.py is unorthodox, but param has no
      # required dependencies outside of python
      from param.version import Version
      return Version.setup_version(os.path.dirname(__file__),reponame,archive_commit="$Format:%h$")

to e.g.

  def get_setup_version(reponame):
      """Use autover to get up to date version."""
      if version := os.environ.get("DEB_VERSION_UPSTREAM"):
          return version
      # importing self into setup.py is unorthodox, but param has no
      # required dependencies outside of python
      from param.version import Version
      return Version.setup_version(os.path.dirname(__file__),reponame,archive_commit="$Format:%h$")

- FC

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