Bug#1031414: clinfo breaks libgpuarray autopkgtest on i386: numerical deltas
Paul Gevers
elbrus at debian.org
Thu Feb 16 21:03:07 GMT 2023
Source: clinfo, libgpuarray
Control: found -1 clinfo/
Control: found -1 libgpuarray/0.7.6-13
Severity: serious
Tags: sid bookworm
User: debian-ci at lists.debian.org
Usertags: breaks needs-update
Dear maintainer(s),
With a recent upload of clinfo the autopkgtest of libgpuarray fails in
testing when that autopkgtest is run with the binary packages of clinfo
from unstable. It passes when run with only packages from testing. In
tabular form:
pass fail
clinfo from testing
libgpuarray from testing 0.7.6-13
versioned deps [0] from testing from unstable
all others from testing from testing
I copied some of the output at the bottom of this report.
Currently this regression is blocking the migration of clinfo to testing
[1]. Due to the nature of this issue, I filed this bug report against
both packages. Can you please investigate the situation and reassign the
bug to the right package?
More information about this bug and the reason for filing it can be found on
[0] You can see what packages were added from the second line of the log
file quoted below. The migration software adds source package from
unstable to the list if they are needed to install packages from
clinfo/ I.e. due to versioned dependencies or
[1] https://qa.debian.org/excuses.php?package=clinfo
=================================== FAILURES
__________________________ test_ielemwise2_ops_mixed
def test_ielemwise2_ops_mixed():
for op in ioperators2:
for dtype in dtypes_test:
for elem in elems:
> ielemwise2_ops_mixed(op, dtype, (50,), elem)
/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pygpu/tests/test_elemwise.py:173: _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pygpu/tests/support.py:44: in f
func(*args, **kwargs)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _
op = <built-in function imod>, dtype = 'float32', shape = (50,), elem = 0.3
def ielemwise2_ops_mixed(op, dtype, shape, elem):
incr = 0
if op == operator.isub and dtype[0] == 'u':
# array elements are smaller than 10 by default, so we
avoid underflow
incr = 10
c, g = gen_gpuarray(shape, dtype, incr=incr, ctx=context,
out_c = op(c, elem)
except TypeError:
# TODO: currently, we use old Numpy semantic and tolerate
more case.
# So we can't test that we raise the same error
out_g = op(g, elem)
assert out_g is g
assert out_c.shape == out_g.shape
assert out_c.dtype == out_g.dtype
> assert numpy.allclose(out_c, numpy.asarray(out_g))
E assert False
E + where False = <function allclose at
0xf3ad35c8>(array([0.16798985, 0.10199559, 0.00094628, 0.284034 ,
0.00356799,\n 0.18276209, 0.06017095, 0.12363595, 0.14555043,
0.06383288,\n 0.27849692, 0.23479545, 0.1120947 , 0.03348678,
0.17435497,\n 0.10784233, 0.15038443, 0.08132076, 0.26949704,
0.28150958,\n 0.08847237, 0.07874835, 0.14240652, 0.22457486,
0.02050698,\n 0.24944574, 0.29784787, 0.03708786, 0.23751181,
0.26554942,\n 0.26809436, 0.02403933, 0.23044948, 0.13133025,
0.29589295,\n 0.05166197, 0.07869713, 0.10319626, 0.07735932,
0.241211 ,\n 0.27668405, 0.16557133, 0.26950228, 0.230201 ,
0.2993518 ,\n 0.0713675 , 0.02841425, 0.04263723, 0.194592 ,
0.2564727 ],\n dtype=float32), array([0.16798979, 0.10199571,
0.00094652, 0.28403443, 0.00356805,\n 0.1827622 , 0.06017077,
0.12363613, 0.14555037, 0.063833 ,\n 0.2784968 , 0.23479551,
0.11209452, 0.03348672, 0.17435497,\n 0.10784221, 0.1503846 ,
0.08132076, 0.26949698, 0.28150946,\n 0.08847237, 0.07874823,
0.14240658, 0.22457486, 0.0205071 ,\n 0.24944574, 0.29784793,
0.0370878 , 0.2375117 , 0.26554942,\n 0.26809436, 0.02403933,
0.23044948, 0.13133001, 0.29589337,\n 0.05166197, 0.07869713,
0.10319638, 0.07735932, 0.24121124,\n 0.276684 , 0.16557115,
0.26950234, 0.230201 , 0.29935163,\n 0.07136726, 0.02841425,
0.04263711, 0.19459194, 0.25647253],\n dtype=float32))
E + where <function allclose at 0xf3ad35c8> = numpy.allclose
E + and array([0.16798979, 0.10199571, 0.00094652,
0.28403443, 0.00356805,\n 0.1827622 , 0.06017077, 0.12363613,
0.14555037, 0.063833 ,\n 0.2784968 , 0.23479551, 0.11209452,
0.03348672, 0.17435497,\n 0.10784221, 0.1503846 , 0.08132076,
0.26949698, 0.28150946,\n 0.08847237, 0.07874823, 0.14240658,
0.22457486, 0.0205071 ,\n 0.24944574, 0.29784793, 0.0370878 ,
0.2375117 , 0.26554942,\n 0.26809436, 0.02403933, 0.23044948,
0.13133001, 0.29589337,\n 0.05166197, 0.07869713, 0.10319638,
0.07735932, 0.24121124,\n 0.276684 , 0.16557115, 0.26950234,
0.230201 , 0.29935163,\n 0.07136726, 0.02841425, 0.04263711,
0.19459194, 0.25647253],\n dtype=float32) = <built-in function
asarray>(gpuarray.array([0.16798979, 0.10199571, 0.00094652, 0.28403443,
0.00356805,\n 0.1827622 , 0.06017077, 0.12363613, 0.14555037,
0.063833 ,\n 0.2784968 , 0.23479551, 0.11209452, 0.03348672,
0.17435497,\n 0.10784221, 0.1503846 , 0.08132076, 0.26949698,
0.28150946,\n 0.08847237, 0.07874823, 0.14240658, 0.22457486,
0.0205071 ,\n 0.24944574, 0.29784793, 0.0370878 , 0.2375117 ,
0.26554942,\n 0.26809436, 0.02403933, 0.23044948, 0.13133001,
0.29589337,\n 0.05166197, 0.07869713, 0.10319638, 0.07735932,
0.24121124,\n 0.276684 , 0.16557115, 0.26950234, 0.230201 ,
0.29935163,\n 0.07136726, 0.02841425, 0.04263711, 0.19459194,
0.25647253],\n dtype=float32))
E + where <built-in function asarray> = numpy.asarray
_________________________________ test_divmod
def test_divmod():
for dtype1 in dtypes_test:
for dtype2 in dtypes_test:
divmod_array(dtype1, dtype2, (50,))
for dtype in dtypes_test:
for elem in elems:
> divmod_mixed(dtype, (50,), elem)
/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pygpu/tests/test_elemwise.py:226: _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pygpu/tests/support.py:44: in f
func(*args, **kwargs)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _
dtype = 'float32', shape = (50,), elem = 0.3
def divmod_mixed(dtype, shape, elem):
c, g = gen_gpuarray(shape, dtype, nozeros=True, ctx=context,
out_c = divmod(c, elem)
out_g = divmod(g, elem)
assert out_c[0].shape == out_g[0].shape
assert out_c[1].shape == out_g[1].shape
assert out_c[0].dtype == out_g[0].dtype
assert out_c[1].dtype == out_g[1].dtype
assert numpy.allclose(out_c[0], numpy.asarray(out_g[0]))
> assert numpy.allclose(out_c[1], numpy.asarray(out_g[1]))
E assert False
E + where False = <function allclose at
0xf3ad35c8>(array([0.2521088 , 0.2836941 , 0.05266976, 0.00755119,
0.17025375,\n 0.2285108 , 0.06255573, 0.06197608, 0.1856674 ,
0.26505286,\n 0.18549734, 0.27583724, 0.03870684, 0.16486251,
0.17411846,\n 0.09358519, 0.12554586, 0.01363301, 0.00828314,
0.04343516,\n 0.261779 , 0.04072005, 0.00380832, 0.28958058,
0.13663614,\n 0.22343624, 0.20055461, 0.08957297, 0.10135204,
0.11293399,\n 0.05493516, 0.11353195, 0.22038537, 0.19169307,
0.18670362,\n 0.24050438, 0.2955721 , 0.02828538, 0.05727512,
0.05640584,\n 0.04807675, 0.11259919, 0.22207952, 0.21197051,
0.23034668,\n 0.11212981, 0.20312387, 0.13975441, 0.06139827,
0.1847195 ],\n dtype=float32), array([0.25210875, 0.2836941 ,
0.05267 , 0.00755119, 0.1702537 ,\n 0.2285108 , 0.06255567,
0.06197619, 0.18566746, 0.2650531 ,\n 0.18549758, 0.27583724,
0.0387069 , 0.16486257, 0.17411858,\n 0.09358513, 0.12554574,
0.01363301, 0.00828314, 0.04343522,\n 0.2617789 , 0.04072011,
0.00380838, 0.289581 , 0.13663602,\n 0.2234363 , 0.20055455,
0.08957303, 0.1013521 , 0.11293387,\n 0.05493534, 0.11353183,
0.22038537, 0.19169301, 0.18670374,\n 0.2405042 , 0.2955721 ,
0.02828538, 0.05727518, 0.05640566,\n 0.04807675, 0.11259902,
0.22207993, 0.21197039, 0.23034662,\n 0.11212993, 0.20312387,
0.13975453, 0.06139803, 0.18471962],\n dtype=float32))
E + where <function allclose at 0xf3ad35c8> = numpy.allclose
E + and array([0.25210875, 0.2836941 , 0.05267 ,
0.00755119, 0.1702537 ,\n 0.2285108 , 0.06255567, 0.06197619,
0.18566746, 0.2650531 ,\n 0.18549758, 0.27583724, 0.0387069 ,
0.16486257, 0.17411858,\n 0.09358513, 0.12554574, 0.01363301,
0.00828314, 0.04343522,\n 0.2617789 , 0.04072011, 0.00380838,
0.289581 , 0.13663602,\n 0.2234363 , 0.20055455, 0.08957303,
0.1013521 , 0.11293387,\n 0.05493534, 0.11353183, 0.22038537,
0.19169301, 0.18670374,\n 0.2405042 , 0.2955721 , 0.02828538,
0.05727518, 0.05640566,\n 0.04807675, 0.11259902, 0.22207993,
0.21197039, 0.23034662,\n 0.11212993, 0.20312387, 0.13975453,
0.06139803, 0.18471962],\n dtype=float32) = <built-in function
asarray>(gpuarray.array([0.25210875, 0.2836941 , 0.05267 , 0.00755119,
0.1702537 ,\n 0.2285108 , 0.06255567, 0.06197619, 0.18566746,
0.2650531 ,\n 0.18549758, 0.27583724, 0.0387069 , 0.16486257,
0.17411858,\n 0.09358513, 0.12554574, 0.01363301, 0.00828314,
0.04343522,\n 0.2617789 , 0.04072011, 0.00380838, 0.289581 ,
0.13663602,\n 0.2234363 , 0.20055455, 0.08957303, 0.1013521 ,
0.11293387,\n 0.05493534, 0.11353183, 0.22038537, 0.19169301,
0.18670374,\n 0.2405042 , 0.2955721 , 0.02828538, 0.05727518,
0.05640566,\n 0.04807675, 0.11259902, 0.22207993, 0.21197039,
0.23034662,\n 0.11212993, 0.20312387, 0.13975453, 0.06139803,
0.18471962],\n dtype=float32))
E + where <built-in function asarray> = numpy.asarray
=============================== warnings summary
DeprecationWarning: The truth value of an empty array is ambiguous.
Returning False, but in future this will result in an error. Use
`array.size > 0` to check that an array is not empty.
assert (bool(pygpu.asarray(data, context=ctx)) ==
-- Docs: https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/how-to/capture-warnings.html
=========================== short test summary info
FAILED test_elemwise.py::test_ielemwise2_ops_mixed - assert False
FAILED test_elemwise.py::test_divmod - assert False
======= 2 failed, 70 passed, 11 skipped, 2 warnings in 471.71s (0:07:51)
autopkgtest [09:35:26]: test upstreamtests
-------------- next part --------------
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