Bug#1040334: facet-analyser - build-depends on conflicting packages

Roland Mas lolando at debian.org
Fri Jul 21 16:36:41 BST 2023

Le 04/07/2023 à 17:53, Steven Robbins a écrit :
> On Tuesday, July 4, 2023 10:03:27 A.M. CDT Peter Green wrote:
>> Package: facet-analyser
>> Version: 0.0~git20221121142040.6be10b8+ds1-3
>> Tags: trixie, sid
>> Severity: serious
>> Justification: rc policy - "packages must be buildable within the same
>> release" User: debian-qa at lists.debian.org
>> Usertags: edos-uninstallable
>> x-debbugs-cc: smr at debian.org
>> facet-analyser build-depends on both python3-paraview and
>> libinsighttoolkit5-dev
>> unfortunately, libinsighttoolkit5-dev recently added a dependency on
>> libvtk9-dev which depends on python3-vtk9 which conflicts with
>> python3-paraview.
>> I am not familiar enough with the packages in question to know what the
>> most appropriate way to untangle this is.
> That's curious.  I don't know either.  My questions are: why do python3-vtk9
> and python3-paraview conflict, and could the issue be solved another way?

I think it's because python3-paraview uses its own vtk9, see #982601 and 


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