Bug#1056523: ros-vcstools autopkg tests fail with Python 3.12

Matthias Klose doko at debian.org
Wed Nov 22 15:36:32 GMT 2023

Package: src:ros-vcstools
Version: 0.1.42-7
Severity: important
Tags: sid trixie
User: debian-python at lists.debian.org
Usertags: python3.12

ros-vcstools's autopkg tests fail with Python 3.12:

151s I: pybuild base:310: cd 
/tmp/autopkgtest.NKRejc/autopkgtest_tmp/build; python3.12 -m pytest test
152s ============================= test session starts 
152s platform linux -- Python 3.12.0+, pytest-7.4.3, pluggy-1.3.0
152s rootdir: /tmp/autopkgtest.NKRejc/autopkgtest_tmp/build
152s collected 148 items
152s test/test_base.py ....... 
      [  4%]
167s test/test_bzr.py FF............FFF.. 
      [ 17%]
167s test/test_code_format.py . 
      [ 18%]
188s test/test_git.py .FF.......................FFFF......FFFFF... 
      [ 47%]
191s test/test_git_subm.py ............ 
      [ 56%]
227s test/test_hg.py FF...........FFF.FFF..FF... 
      [ 74%]
230s test/test_svn.py .FF..........FFF.FF....... 
      [ 91%]
230s test/test_tar.py ......... 
      [ 97%]
230s test/test_vcs_abstraction.py ... 
230s =================================== FAILURES 
230s _________________________ BzrClientTest.testDiffClean 
230s self = <test.test_bzr.BzrClientTest testMethod=testDiffClean>
230s     def testDiffClean(self):
230s         client = BzrClient(self.remote_path)
230s >       self.assertEquals('', client.get_diff())
230s E       AttributeError: 'BzrClientTest' object has no attribute 
'assertEquals'. Did you mean: 'assertEqual'?
230s test/test_bzr.py:216: AttributeError
230s ---------------------------- Captured stdout setup 
230s Created a standalone tree (format: 2a)
230s adding fixed.txt
230s adding modified.txt
230s adding modified-fs.txt
230s adding deleted.txt
230s adding deleted-fs.txt
230s ---------------------------- Captured stderr setup 
230s Committing to: /tmp/tmpth0bymbf/remote/
230s added fixed.txt
230s Committed revision 1.
230s Created tag test_tag.
230s Committing to: /tmp/tmpth0bymbf/remote/
230s added modified-fs.txt
230s added modified.txt
230s Committed revision 2.
230s Committing to: /tmp/tmpth0bymbf/remote/
230s added deleted-fs.txt
230s added deleted.txt
230s Committed revision 3.
230s ________________________ BzrClientTest.testStatusClean 
230s self = <test.test_bzr.BzrClientTest testMethod=testStatusClean>
230s     def testStatusClean(self):
230s         client = BzrClient(self.remote_path)
230s >       self.assertEquals('', client.get_status())
230s E       AttributeError: 'BzrClientTest' object has no attribute 
'assertEquals'. Did you mean: 'assertEqual'?
230s test/test_bzr.py:220: AttributeError
230s ____________________ BzrClientLogTest.test_get_log_defaults 
230s self = <test.test_bzr.BzrClientLogTest 
230s     def test_get_log_defaults(self):
230s         client = BzrClient(self.local_path)
230s         client.checkout(self.remote_path)
230s         log = client.get_log()
230s >       self.assertEquals(3, len(log))
230s E       AttributeError: 'BzrClientLogTest' object has no attribute 
'assertEquals'. Did you mean: 'assertEqual'?
230s test/test_bzr.py:243: AttributeError
230s ---------------------------- Captured stdout setup 
230s Created a standalone tree (format: 2a)
230s adding fixed.txt
230s adding modified.txt
230s adding modified-fs.txt
230s adding deleted.txt
230s adding deleted-fs.txt
230s ---------------------------- Captured stderr setup 
230s Committing to: /tmp/tmpr09994j0/remote/
230s added fixed.txt
230s Committed revision 1.
230s Created tag test_tag.
230s Committing to: /tmp/tmpr09994j0/remote/
230s added modified-fs.txt
230s added modified.txt
230s Committed revision 2.
230s Committing to: /tmp/tmpr09994j0/remote/
230s added deleted-fs.txt
230s added deleted.txt
230s Committed revision 3.
230s ----------------------------- Captured stderr call 
230s ERROR [vcstools] Can't remove /tmp/tmpr09994j0/local[/vcstools]
230s ------------------------------ Captured log call 
230s ERROR    vcstools:bzr.py:142 Can't remove /tmp/tmpr09994j0/local
230s _____________________ BzrClientLogTest.test_get_log_limit 
230s self = <test.test_bzr.BzrClientLogTest testMethod=test_get_log_limit>
230s     def test_get_log_limit(self):
230s         client = BzrClient(self.local_path)
230s         client.checkout(self.remote_path)
230s         log = client.get_log(limit=1)
230s >       self.assertEquals(1, len(log))
230s E       AttributeError: 'BzrClientLogTest' object has no attribute 
'assertEquals'. Did you mean: 'assertEqual'?
230s test/test_bzr.py:252: AttributeError
230s ______________________ BzrClientLogTest.test_get_log_path 
230s self = <test.test_bzr.BzrClientLogTest testMethod=test_get_log_path>
230s     def test_get_log_path(self):
230s         client = BzrClient(self.local_path)
230s         client.checkout(self.remote_path)
230s         log = client.get_log(relpath='fixed.txt')
230s >       self.assertEquals('initial', log[0]['message'])
230s E       AttributeError: 'BzrClientLogTest' object has no attribute 
'assertEquals'. Did you mean: 'assertEqual'?
230s test/test_bzr.py:259: AttributeError
230s _________________________ GitClientTest.testDiffClean 
230s self = <test.test_git.GitClientTest testMethod=testDiffClean>
230s     def testDiffClean(self):
230s         client = GitClient(self.remote_path)
230s >       self.assertEquals('', client.get_diff())
230s E       AttributeError: 'GitClientTest' object has no attribute 
'assertEquals'. Did you mean: 'assertEqual'?
230s test/test_git.py:485: AttributeError
230s ---------------------------- Captured stdout setup 
230s Initialized empty Git repository in /tmp/tmpi0pgcf85/remote/.git/
230s [master (root-commit) aca43cd] initial
230s  Author: Your Name <name at example.com>
230s  1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
230s  create mode 100644 fixed.txt
230s [master 9b7b28c] initial
230s  Author: Your Name <name at example.com>
230s  2 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
230s  create mode 100644 modified-fs.txt
230s  create mode 100644 modified.txt
230s [master 86d1854] modified
230s  Author: Your Name <name at example.com>
230s  2 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
230s  create mode 100644 deleted-fs.txt
230s  create mode 100644 deleted.txt
230s ---------------------------- Captured stderr setup 
230s hint: Using 'master' as the name for the initial branch. This 
default branch name
230s hint: is subject to change. To configure the initial branch name to 
use in all
230s hint: of your new repositories, which will suppress this warning, call:
230s hint:
230s hint: 	git config --global init.defaultBranch <name>
230s hint:
230s hint: Names commonly chosen instead of 'master' are 'main', 'trunk' and
230s hint: 'development'. The just-created branch can be renamed via 
this command:
230s hint:
230s hint: 	git branch -m <name>


230s =========================== short test summary info 
230s FAILED test/test_bzr.py::BzrClientTest::testDiffClean - 
AttributeError: 'BzrC...
230s FAILED test/test_bzr.py::BzrClientTest::testStatusClean - 
AttributeError: 'Bz...
230s FAILED test/test_bzr.py::BzrClientLogTest::test_get_log_defaults - 
230s FAILED test/test_bzr.py::BzrClientLogTest::test_get_log_limit - 
230s FAILED test/test_bzr.py::BzrClientLogTest::test_get_log_path - 
230s FAILED test/test_git.py::GitClientTest::testDiffClean - 
AttributeError: 'GitC...
230s FAILED test/test_git.py::GitClientTest::testStatusClean - 
AttributeError: 'Gi...
230s FAILED test/test_git.py::GitClientLogTest::test_get_log_defaults - 
230s FAILED test/test_git.py::GitClientLogTest::test_get_log_limit - 
230s FAILED test/test_git.py::GitClientLogTest::test_get_log_path - 
230s FAILED 
test/test_git.py::GitClientAffectedFiles::test_get_affected_files - At...
230s FAILED test/test_git.py::GitDiffStatClientTest::testDiff - 
AttributeError: 'G...
230s FAILED test/test_git.py::GitDiffStatClientTest::testDiffRelpath - 
230s FAILED test/test_git.py::GitDiffStatClientTest::testStatus - 
AttributeError: ...
230s FAILED test/test_git.py::GitDiffStatClientTest::testStatusRelPath - 
230s FAILED test/test_git.py::GitDiffStatClientTest::testStatusUntracked 
- Attribu...
230s FAILED test/test_hg.py::HGClientTest::testDiffClean - 
AttributeError: 'HGClie...
230s FAILED test/test_hg.py::HGClientTest::testStatusClean - 
AttributeError: 'HGCl...
230s FAILED test/test_hg.py::HGClientLogTest::test_get_log_defaults - 
230s FAILED test/test_hg.py::HGClientLogTest::test_get_log_limit - 
230s FAILED test/test_hg.py::HGClientLogTest::test_get_log_path - 
AttributeError: ...
230s FAILED test/test_hg.py::HGDiffStatClientTest::testStatusUntracked - 
230s FAILED test/test_hg.py::HGDiffStatClientTest::test_diff - 
AttributeError: 'HG...
230s FAILED test/test_hg.py::HGDiffStatClientTest::test_diff_relpath - 
230s FAILED test/test_hg.py::HGDiffStatClientTest::test_status - 
AttributeError: '...
230s FAILED test/test_hg.py::HGDiffStatClientTest::test_status_relpath - 
230s FAILED test/test_svn.py::SvnClientTest::testDiffClean - 
AttributeError: 'SvnC...
230s FAILED test/test_svn.py::SvnClientTest::testStatusClean - 
AttributeError: 'Sv...
230s FAILED test/test_svn.py::SvnClientLogTest::test_get_log_defaults - 
230s FAILED test/test_svn.py::SvnClientLogTest::test_get_log_limit - 
230s FAILED test/test_svn.py::SvnClientLogTest::test_get_log_path - 
230s FAILED test/test_svn.py::SvnDiffStatClientTest::test_diff - 
AttributeError: '...
230s FAILED test/test_svn.py::SvnDiffStatClientTest::test_diff_relpath - 
230s =========== 33 failed, 115 passed, 175 warnings in 78.34s (0:01:18) 

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