Bug#1062124: graywolf: NMU diff for 64-bit time_t transition

Steve Langasek vorlon at debian.org
Wed Feb 28 23:26:41 GMT 2024

Dear maintainer,

Please find attached a final version of this patch for the time_t
transition.  This patch is being uploaded to unstable.

Note that this adds a versioned build-dependency on dpkg-dev, to guard
against accidental backports with a wrong ABI.


-- System Information:
Debian Release: trixie/sid
  APT prefers unstable
  APT policy: (500, 'unstable')
Architecture: amd64 (x86_64)

Kernel: Linux 6.5.0-14-generic (SMP w/12 CPU threads; PREEMPT)
Locale: LANG=C, LC_CTYPE=C.UTF-8 (charmap=UTF-8), LANGUAGE not set
Shell: /bin/sh linked to /usr/bin/dash
Init: systemd (via /run/systemd/system)
-------------- next part --------------
diff -Nru graywolf-0.1.6/debian/changelog graywolf-0.1.6/debian/changelog
--- graywolf-0.1.6/debian/changelog	2020-10-13 09:33:02.000000000 +0000
+++ graywolf-0.1.6/debian/changelog	2024-02-28 23:26:19.000000000 +0000
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+graywolf (0.1.6-4.1) unstable; urgency=medium
+  * Non-maintainer upload.
+  * Rename libraries for 64-bit time_t transition.  Closes: #1062124
+ -- Steve Langasek <vorlon at debian.org>  Wed, 28 Feb 2024 23:26:19 +0000
 graywolf (0.1.6-4) unstable; urgency=medium
   * Fix build with GCC-10 by preventing multiple defined signals
diff -Nru graywolf-0.1.6/debian/control graywolf-0.1.6/debian/control
--- graywolf-0.1.6/debian/control	2020-10-13 09:33:02.000000000 +0000
+++ graywolf-0.1.6/debian/control	2024-02-28 23:26:19.000000000 +0000
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 Uploaders: Ruben Undheim <ruben.undheim at gmail.com>
 Section: electronics
 Priority: optional
-Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 12),
+Build-Depends: dpkg-dev (>= 1.22.5), debhelper (>= 12),
@@ -18,7 +18,10 @@
 Vcs-Git: https://salsa.debian.org/science-team/graywolf.git
 Homepage: https://github.com/rubund/graywolf
-Package: libycadgraywolf1
+Package: libycadgraywolf1t64
+Provides: ${t64:Provides}
+Replaces: libycadgraywolf1
+Breaks: libycadgraywolf1 (<< ${source:Version})
 Architecture: any
 Section: libs
 Depends: ${shlibs:Depends},
@@ -34,7 +37,7 @@
 Package: libycadgraywolf-dev
 Architecture: any
 Section: libdevel
-Depends: libycadgraywolf1 (= ${binary:Version}),
+Depends: libycadgraywolf1t64 (= ${binary:Version}),
 Multi-Arch: same
 Description: Library for graywolf - development files
@@ -45,7 +48,7 @@
 Package: graywolf
 Architecture: any
-Depends: libycadgraywolf1 (= ${binary:Version}),
+Depends: libycadgraywolf1t64 (= ${binary:Version}),
 Recommends: qflow
diff -Nru graywolf-0.1.6/debian/libycadgraywolf1.install graywolf-0.1.6/debian/libycadgraywolf1.install
--- graywolf-0.1.6/debian/libycadgraywolf1.install	2020-10-13 09:33:02.000000000 +0000
+++ graywolf-0.1.6/debian/libycadgraywolf1.install	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff -Nru graywolf-0.1.6/debian/libycadgraywolf1.symbols graywolf-0.1.6/debian/libycadgraywolf1.symbols
--- graywolf-0.1.6/debian/libycadgraywolf1.symbols	2020-10-13 09:33:02.000000000 +0000
+++ graywolf-0.1.6/debian/libycadgraywolf1.symbols	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
@@ -1,410 +0,0 @@
-libycadgraywolf.so.1 libycadgraywolf1 #MINVER#
- TW3DdrawCube at Base 0.1.1
- TW3Dnormal_view at Base 0.1.1
- TW3Dperspective at Base 0.1.1
- TW3DperspectiveOff at Base 0.1.1
- TW3DperspectiveOn at Base 0.1.1
- TW3DsetCamera at Base 0.1.1
- TWarb_addpt at Base 0.1.1
- TWarb_fill at Base 0.1.1
- TWarb_init at Base 0.1.1
- TWcheckExposure at Base 0.1.1
- TWcheckMouse at Base 0.1.1
- TWcheckReconfig at Base 0.1.1
- TWcheckServer at Base 0.1.1
- TWcloseGraphics at Base 0.1.1
- TWcloseWGraphics at Base 0.1.1
- TWcolorXOR at Base 0.1.1
- TWdialog at Base 0.1.1
- TWdisableMenu at Base 0.1.1
- TWdrawMenus at Base 0.1.1
- TWdrawString at Base 0.1.1
- TWdrawWLine at Base 0.1.1
- TWdrawWPin at Base 0.1.1
- TWdrawWRect at Base 0.1.1
- TWenableMenu at Base 0.1.1
- TWflushFrame at Base 0.1.1
- TWflushWFrame at Base 0.1.1
- TWforceRedraw at Base 0.1.1
- TWfreeMenuWindows at Base 0.1.1
- TWfullView at Base 0.1.1
- TWgetDrawInfo at Base 0.1.1
- TWgetPt2 at Base 0.1.1
- TWgetPt at Base 0.1.1
- TWgetString at Base 0.1.1
- TWgetWindowId at Base 0.1.1
- TWget_arb_fill at Base 0.1.1
- TWget_rect_fill at Base 0.1.1
- TWgetfont at Base 0.1.1
- TWhighLightRect at Base 0.1.1
- TWinforMenus at Base 0.1.1
- TWinitGraphics at Base 0.1.1
- TWinitMenuWindow at Base 0.1.1
- TWinitParasite at Base 0.1.1
- TWinitWGraphics at Base 0.1.1
- TWinterupt at Base 0.1.1
- TWmessage at Base 0.1.1
- TWmessagePersistence at Base 0.1.1
- TWmouse_tracking_end at Base 0.1.1
- TWmouse_tracking_pt at Base 0.1.1
- TWmouse_tracking_start at Base 0.1.1
- TWmoveRect at Base 0.1.1
- TWnumcolors at Base 0.1.1
- TWread_menus at Base 0.1.1
- TWrect_fill at Base 0.1.1
- TWrestoreState at Base 0.1.1
- TWsafe_wait_timeG at Base 0.1.1
- TWsaveState at Base 0.1.1
- TWsetDrawInfo at Base 0.1.1
- TWsetFrame at Base 0.1.1
- TWsetMode at Base 0.1.1
- TWsetWFrame at Base 0.1.1
- TWsetwindow at Base 0.1.1
- TWstartFrame at Base 0.1.1
- TWstartWFrame at Base 0.1.1
- TWstdStipple at Base 0.1.1
- TWstdcolors at Base 0.1.1
- TWstringSize at Base 0.1.1
- TWsync at Base 0.1.1
- TWtoggleColors at Base 0.1.1
- TWtranslate at Base 0.1.1
- TWzoom at Base 0.1.1
- Yacm_random at Base 0.1.1
- Yadd2Queue at Base 0.1.1
- Yassign at Base 0.1.1
- Yassign_free at Base 0.1.1
- Yassign_init at Base 0.1.1
- Yassign_print at Base 0.1.1
- Yassign_reset at Base 0.1.1
- Ybuster at Base 0.1.1
- Ybuster_addpt at Base 0.1.1
- Ybuster_check_rect at Base 0.1.1
- Ybuster_check_rect_init at Base 0.1.1
- Ybuster_free at Base 0.1.1
- Ybuster_init at Base 0.1.1
- Ybuster_verify at Base 0.1.1
- YcheckDebug at Base 0.1.1
- YcheckMemObj at Base 0.1.1
- YcopyFile at Base 0.1.1
- Ycpu_time at Base 0.1.1
- YcurTime at Base 0.1.1
- Ydebug at Base 0.1.1
- YdebugAssert at Base 0.1.1
- YdebugMemory at Base 0.1.1
- YdebugWrite at Base 0.1.1
- Ydeck_dequeue at Base 0.1.1
- Ydeck_dump at Base 0.1.1
- Ydeck_empty at Base 0.1.1
- Ydeck_enqueue at Base 0.1.1
- Ydeck_free at Base 0.1.1
- Ydeck_init at Base 0.1.1
- Ydeck_notEmpty at Base 0.1.1
- Ydeck_pop at Base 0.1.1
- Ydeck_push at Base 0.1.1
- Ydeck_sentinel at Base 0.1.1
- Ydeck_verify at Base 0.1.1
- YdirectoryExists at Base 0.1.1
- Ydset_dump at Base 0.1.1
- Ydset_dump_tree at Base 0.1.1
- Ydset_empty at Base 0.1.1
- Ydset_enumerate at Base 0.1.1
- Ydset_enumerate_parents at Base 0.1.1
- Ydset_enumerate_subset at Base 0.1.1
- Ydset_enumerate_superset at Base 0.1.1
- Ydset_find at Base 0.1.1
- Ydset_find_set at Base 0.1.1
- Ydset_free at Base 0.1.1
- Ydset_init at Base 0.1.1
- Ydset_interval at Base 0.1.1
- Ydset_search at Base 0.1.1
- Ydset_subset_size at Base 0.1.1
- Ydset_superset_size at Base 0.1.1
- Ydset_union at Base 0.1.1
- Ydset_verify at Base 0.1.1
- YdumpQueue at Base 0.1.1
- Ydump_mem at Base 0.1.1
- YexitPgm at Base 0.1.1
- YfileExists at Base 0.1.1
- Yfile_create_lock at Base 0.1.1
- Yfile_slink at Base 0.1.1
- Yfile_test_lock at Base 0.1.1
- YfixDebug at Base 0.1.1
- Yfixpath at Base 0.1.1
- YforceGrid at Base 0.1.1
- YgetCurMemUse at Base 0.1.1
- YgetFileTime at Base 0.1.1
- YgetListSize at Base 0.1.1
- YgetMaxMemUse at Base 0.1.1
- YgetProgName at Base 0.1.1
- Yget_random_var at Base 0.1.1
- Ygetenv at Base 0.1.1
- Ygraph_bellman_ford at Base 0.1.1
- Ygraph_bfs at Base 0.1.1
- Ygraph_clearPrime at Base 0.1.1
- Ygraph_clearRequired at Base 0.1.1
- Ygraph_copy at Base 0.1.1
- Ygraph_cycles at Base 0.1.1
- Ygraph_dfs at Base 0.1.1
- Ygraph_dijkstra at Base 0.1.1
- Ygraph_draw at Base 0.1.1
- Ygraph_drawFunctions at Base 0.1.1
- Ygraph_drawPrime at Base 0.1.1
- Ygraph_drawRequired at Base 0.1.1
- Ygraph_dump at Base 0.1.1
- Ygraph_edgeCount at Base 0.1.1
- Ygraph_edgeData at Base 0.1.1
- Ygraph_edgeDelete at Base 0.1.1
- Ygraph_edgeEnumerate at Base 0.1.1
- Ygraph_edgeEnumeratePop at Base 0.1.1
- Ygraph_edgeEnumeratePush at Base 0.1.1
- Ygraph_edgeFind at Base 0.1.1
- Ygraph_edgeFindByNodeData at Base 0.1.1
- Ygraph_edgeFindByNodes at Base 0.1.1
- Ygraph_edgeInsert at Base 0.1.1
- Ygraph_edgeInterval at Base 0.1.1
- Ygraph_edgeIntervalPop at Base 0.1.1
- Ygraph_edgeIntervalPush at Base 0.1.1
- Ygraph_edgeMax at Base 0.1.1
- Ygraph_edgeMin at Base 0.1.1
- Ygraph_edgeNode1 at Base 0.1.1
- Ygraph_edgeNode1Data at Base 0.1.1
- Ygraph_edgeNode2 at Base 0.1.1
- Ygraph_edgeNode2Data at Base 0.1.1
- Ygraph_edgeNodes at Base 0.1.1
- Ygraph_edgePrime at Base 0.1.1
- Ygraph_edgeType at Base 0.1.1
- Ygraph_edgeVerify at Base 0.1.1
- Ygraph_edgeWeight at Base 0.1.1
- Ygraph_edgeWeightSet at Base 0.1.1
- Ygraph_edgeWeights2Size at Base 0.1.1
- Ygraph_empty at Base 0.1.1
- Ygraph_enumerateRequired at Base 0.1.1
- Ygraph_flags at Base 0.1.1
- Ygraph_flagsSet at Base 0.1.1
- Ygraph_free at Base 0.1.1
- Ygraph_getEdgeWeightFunction at Base 0.1.1
- Ygraph_init at Base 0.1.1
- Ygraph_listAdjEdges at Base 0.1.1
- Ygraph_listAdjNodes at Base 0.1.1
- Ygraph_listBackEdges at Base 0.1.1
- Ygraph_listBackNodes at Base 0.1.1
- Ygraph_mst_kruskal at Base 0.1.1
- Ygraph_mst_prim at Base 0.1.1
- Ygraph_nodeCount at Base 0.1.1
- Ygraph_nodeData at Base 0.1.1
- Ygraph_nodeDegree at Base 0.1.1
- Ygraph_nodeDelete at Base 0.1.1
- Ygraph_nodeEnumerate at Base 0.1.1
- Ygraph_nodeEnumeratePop at Base 0.1.1
- Ygraph_nodeEnumeratePush at Base 0.1.1
- Ygraph_nodeFind at Base 0.1.1
- Ygraph_nodeFindClosest at Base 0.1.1
- Ygraph_nodeInsert at Base 0.1.1
- Ygraph_nodeInterval at Base 0.1.1
- Ygraph_nodeIntervalPop at Base 0.1.1
- Ygraph_nodeIntervalPush at Base 0.1.1
- Ygraph_nodeMax at Base 0.1.1
- Ygraph_nodeMin at Base 0.1.1
- Ygraph_nodePred at Base 0.1.1
- Ygraph_nodeRequired at Base 0.1.1
- Ygraph_nodeRequiredCount at Base 0.1.1
- Ygraph_nodeSuc at Base 0.1.1
- Ygraph_nodeVerify at Base 0.1.1
- Ygraph_path at Base 0.1.1
- Ygraph_requiredPath at Base 0.1.1
- Ygraph_requiredPathSize at Base 0.1.1
- Ygraph_setEdgeWeightFunction at Base 0.1.1
- Ygraph_size at Base 0.1.1
- Ygraph_steiner at Base 0.1.1
- Ygraph_steinerImprove at Base 0.1.1
- Ygraph_verify at Base 0.1.1
- Ygrid_getx at Base 0.1.1
- Ygrid_gety at Base 0.1.1
- Ygrid_setx at Base 0.1.1
- Ygrid_sety at Base 0.1.1
- Ygridx at Base 0.1.1
- Ygridx_down at Base 0.1.1
- Ygridx_up at Base 0.1.1
- Ygridy at Base 0.1.1
- Ygridy_down at Base 0.1.1
- Ygridy_up at Base 0.1.1
- Yhash_add at Base 0.1.1
- Yhash_search at Base 0.1.1
- Yhash_set_size at Base 0.1.1
- Yhash_table_create at Base 0.1.1
- Yhash_table_delete at Base 0.1.1
- Yhash_table_get at Base 0.1.1
- Yhash_table_size at Base 0.1.1
- Yheap_check_mem at Base 0.1.1
- Yheap_cmp_num at Base 0.1.1
- Yheap_cmp_ptr at Base 0.1.1
- Yheap_delete_min at Base 0.1.1
- Yheap_empty at Base 0.1.1
- Yheap_free at Base 0.1.1
- Yheap_init at Base 0.1.1
- Yheap_init_with_parms at Base 0.1.1
- Yheap_insert at Base 0.1.1
- Yheap_meld at Base 0.1.1
- Yheap_verify at Base 0.1.1
- YinitProgram at Base 0.1.1
- YinitQueue at Base 0.1.1
- Yinit_memsize at Base 0.1.1
- Ylist_append at Base 0.1.1
- Ylist_check_mem at Base 0.1.1
- Ylist_clear at Base 0.1.1
- Ylist_create at Base 0.1.1
- Ylist_create_with_parms at Base 0.1.1
- Ylist_delete at Base 0.1.1
- Ylist_dequeue at Base 0.1.1
- Ylist_enqueue at Base 0.1.1
- Ylist_find_and_delete at Base 0.1.1
- Ylist_free at Base 0.1.1
- Ylist_insert_after at Base 0.1.1
- Ylist_insert_before at Base 0.1.1
- Ylist_insert_in_order at Base 0.1.1
- Ylist_pop at Base 0.1.1
- Ylist_push at Base 0.1.1
- Ylist_sort at Base 0.1.1
- Ylog_msg at Base 0.1.1
- Ylog_start at Base 0.1.1
- Ymessage_close at Base 0.1.1
- Ymessage_error_count at Base 0.1.1
- Ymessage_flush at Base 0.1.1
- Ymessage_get_errorcount at Base 0.1.1
- Ymessage_get_mode at Base 0.1.1
- Ymessage_get_warncount at Base 0.1.1
- Ymessage_init at Base 0.1.1
- Ymessage_mode at Base 0.1.1
- Ymessage_output at Base 0.1.1
- Ymessage_print at Base 0.1.1
- Ymessage_warn_count at Base 0.1.1
- YmoveFile at Base 0.1.1
- YmsgG at Base 0.1.1
- Ymst_addpt at Base 0.1.1
- Ymst_clear at Base 0.1.1
- Ymst_color at Base 0.1.1
- Ymst_draw at Base 0.1.1
- Ymst_enumerate at Base 0.1.1
- Ymst_free at Base 0.1.1
- Ymst_init at Base 0.1.1
- YopenFile at Base 0.1.1
- Yplot at Base 0.1.1
- Yplot_close at Base 0.1.1
- Yplot_control at Base 0.1.1
- Yplot_flush at Base 0.1.1
- Yplot_heading at Base 0.1.1
- Yplot_init at Base 0.1.1
- Ypmemerror at Base 0.1.1
- Yprint_stats at Base 0.1.1
- YprojectX at Base 0.1.1
- YprojectY at Base 0.1.1
- Yproject_space at Base 0.1.1
- YqueueNotEmpty at Base 0.1.1
- Yquicksort at Base 0.1.1
- Yradix_number at Base 0.1.1
- Yradix_pref_clone at Base 0.1.1
- Yradix_prefix at Base 0.1.1
- Yradix_suffix at Base 0.1.1
- Yradixsort3 at Base 0.1.1
- Yradixsort4 at Base 0.1.1
- Yradixsort5 at Base 0.1.1
- Yradixsort at Base 0.1.1
- Yradixsort_pref at Base 0.1.1
- Yrandom_seed at Base 0.1.1
- Yrbtree_copy at Base 0.1.1
- Yrbtree_delete at Base 0.1.1
- Yrbtree_deleteCurrentEnumerate at Base 0.1.1
- Yrbtree_deleteCurrentInterval at Base 0.1.1
- Yrbtree_dump at Base 0.1.1
- Yrbtree_empty at Base 0.1.1
- Yrbtree_enumerate at Base 0.1.1
- Yrbtree_enumeratePop at Base 0.1.1
- Yrbtree_enumeratePush at Base 0.1.1
- Yrbtree_free at Base 0.1.1
- Yrbtree_get_compare at Base 0.1.1
- Yrbtree_init at Base 0.1.1
- Yrbtree_insert at Base 0.1.1
- Yrbtree_interval at Base 0.1.1
- Yrbtree_intervalPop at Base 0.1.1
- Yrbtree_intervalPush at Base 0.1.1
- Yrbtree_interval_free at Base 0.1.1
- Yrbtree_interval_size at Base 0.1.1
- Yrbtree_max at Base 0.1.1
- Yrbtree_min at Base 0.1.1
- Yrbtree_resort at Base 0.1.1
- Yrbtree_revlist at Base 0.1.1
- Yrbtree_search at Base 0.1.1
- Yrbtree_search_closest at Base 0.1.1
- Yrbtree_search_pred at Base 0.1.1
- Yrbtree_search_suc at Base 0.1.1
- Yrbtree_size at Base 0.1.1
- Yrbtree_suc at Base 0.1.1
- Yrbtree_verify at Base 0.1.1
- Yreadpar_file at Base 0.1.1
- Yreadpar_id2layer at Base 0.1.1
- Yreadpar_init at Base 0.1.1
- Yreadpar_layer2id at Base 0.1.1
- Yreadpar_layer_HnotV at Base 0.1.1
- Yreadpar_layer_cap at Base 0.1.1
- Yreadpar_layer_res at Base 0.1.1
- Yreadpar_lookup at Base 0.1.1
- Yreadpar_next at Base 0.1.1
- Yreadpar_numlayers at Base 0.1.1
- Yreadpar_pitch at Base 0.1.1
- Yreadpar_spacing at Base 0.1.1
- Yreadpar_viaId2name at Base 0.1.1
- Yreadpar_vianame at Base 0.1.1
- Yreadpar_width at Base 0.1.1
- Yrelpath at Base 0.1.1
- Yremove_lblanks at Base 0.1.1
- Yrm_files at Base 0.1.1
- Ysafe_calloc at Base 0.1.1
- Ysafe_cfree at Base 0.1.1
- Ysafe_free at Base 0.1.1
- Ysafe_malloc at Base 0.1.1
- Ysafe_realloc at Base 0.1.1
- YsetDebug at Base 0.1.1
- Yset_add at Base 0.1.1
- Yset_comp at Base 0.1.1
- Yset_delete at Base 0.1.1
- Yset_empty at Base 0.1.1
- Yset_free at Base 0.1.1
- Yset_init at Base 0.1.1
- Yset_member at Base 0.1.1
- Yset_random_seed at Base 0.1.1
- Ystat_max at Base 0.1.1
- Ystat_mean at Base 0.1.1
- Ystat_min at Base 0.1.1
- Ystat_var at Base 0.1.1
- Ystrclone at Base 0.1.1
- Ystrparser at Base 0.1.1
- Ysystem at Base 0.1.1
- Ytimer_elapsed at Base 0.1.1
- Ytimer_start at Base 0.1.1
- YtopQueue at Base 0.1.1
- Ytrans_boun at Base 0.1.1
- Ytrans_boun_add at Base 0.1.1
- Ytrans_boun_free at Base 0.1.1
- Ytrans_boun_init at Base 0.1.1
- Ytrans_boun_pt at Base 0.1.1
- Ytrans_init at Base 0.1.1
- Ytrans_inv_orient at Base 0.1.1
- Ytrans_rel_pos at Base 0.1.1
- Ytrans_rel_post at Base 0.1.1
- Ytrans_xflagG at Base 0.1.1
- Ytrans_yflagG at Base 0.1.1
- Ytranslate at Base 0.1.1
- YtranslateC at Base 0.1.1
- YtranslateT at Base 0.1.1
- Ytranslatef at Base 0.1.1
- Yvector_alloc at Base 0.1.1
- Yvector_calloc at Base 0.1.1
- Yvector_free at Base 0.1.1
- Yvector_realloc at Base 0.1.1
- _TW3DdrawAxis at Base 0.1.1
- _TWdrawArb at Base 0.1.1
- _TWdrawLine at Base 0.1.1
- _TWdrawRect at Base 0.1.1
- __rspartition at Base 0.1.1
- __rsshell_increments at Base 0.1.1
- str_tok at Base 0.1.1
diff -Nru graywolf-0.1.6/debian/libycadgraywolf1t64.install graywolf-0.1.6/debian/libycadgraywolf1t64.install
--- graywolf-0.1.6/debian/libycadgraywolf1t64.install	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
+++ graywolf-0.1.6/debian/libycadgraywolf1t64.install	2020-10-13 09:33:02.000000000 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff -Nru graywolf-0.1.6/debian/libycadgraywolf1t64.lintian-overrides graywolf-0.1.6/debian/libycadgraywolf1t64.lintian-overrides
--- graywolf-0.1.6/debian/libycadgraywolf1t64.lintian-overrides	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
+++ graywolf-0.1.6/debian/libycadgraywolf1t64.lintian-overrides	2024-02-28 23:25:50.000000000 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+libycadgraywolf1t64: package-name-doesnt-match-sonames libycadgraywolf1
diff -Nru graywolf-0.1.6/debian/libycadgraywolf1t64.symbols graywolf-0.1.6/debian/libycadgraywolf1t64.symbols
--- graywolf-0.1.6/debian/libycadgraywolf1t64.symbols	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
+++ graywolf-0.1.6/debian/libycadgraywolf1t64.symbols	2024-02-28 23:25:50.000000000 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,410 @@
+libycadgraywolf.so.1 libycadgraywolf1t64 #MINVER#
+ TW3DdrawCube at Base 0.1.1
+ TW3Dnormal_view at Base 0.1.1
+ TW3Dperspective at Base 0.1.1
+ TW3DperspectiveOff at Base 0.1.1
+ TW3DperspectiveOn at Base 0.1.1
+ TW3DsetCamera at Base 0.1.1
+ TWarb_addpt at Base 0.1.1
+ TWarb_fill at Base 0.1.1
+ TWarb_init at Base 0.1.1
+ TWcheckExposure at Base 0.1.1
+ TWcheckMouse at Base 0.1.1
+ TWcheckReconfig at Base 0.1.1
+ TWcheckServer at Base 0.1.1
+ TWcloseGraphics at Base 0.1.1
+ TWcloseWGraphics at Base 0.1.1
+ TWcolorXOR at Base 0.1.1
+ TWdialog at Base 0.1.1
+ TWdisableMenu at Base 0.1.1
+ TWdrawMenus at Base 0.1.1
+ TWdrawString at Base 0.1.1
+ TWdrawWLine at Base 0.1.1
+ TWdrawWPin at Base 0.1.1
+ TWdrawWRect at Base 0.1.1
+ TWenableMenu at Base 0.1.1
+ TWflushFrame at Base 0.1.1
+ TWflushWFrame at Base 0.1.1
+ TWforceRedraw at Base 0.1.1
+ TWfreeMenuWindows at Base 0.1.1
+ TWfullView at Base 0.1.1
+ TWgetDrawInfo at Base 0.1.1
+ TWgetPt2 at Base 0.1.1
+ TWgetPt at Base 0.1.1
+ TWgetString at Base 0.1.1
+ TWgetWindowId at Base 0.1.1
+ TWget_arb_fill at Base 0.1.1
+ TWget_rect_fill at Base 0.1.1
+ TWgetfont at Base 0.1.1
+ TWhighLightRect at Base 0.1.1
+ TWinforMenus at Base 0.1.1
+ TWinitGraphics at Base 0.1.1
+ TWinitMenuWindow at Base 0.1.1
+ TWinitParasite at Base 0.1.1
+ TWinitWGraphics at Base 0.1.1
+ TWinterupt at Base 0.1.1
+ TWmessage at Base 0.1.1
+ TWmessagePersistence at Base 0.1.1
+ TWmouse_tracking_end at Base 0.1.1
+ TWmouse_tracking_pt at Base 0.1.1
+ TWmouse_tracking_start at Base 0.1.1
+ TWmoveRect at Base 0.1.1
+ TWnumcolors at Base 0.1.1
+ TWread_menus at Base 0.1.1
+ TWrect_fill at Base 0.1.1
+ TWrestoreState at Base 0.1.1
+ TWsafe_wait_timeG at Base 0.1.1
+ TWsaveState at Base 0.1.1
+ TWsetDrawInfo at Base 0.1.1
+ TWsetFrame at Base 0.1.1
+ TWsetMode at Base 0.1.1
+ TWsetWFrame at Base 0.1.1
+ TWsetwindow at Base 0.1.1
+ TWstartFrame at Base 0.1.1
+ TWstartWFrame at Base 0.1.1
+ TWstdStipple at Base 0.1.1
+ TWstdcolors at Base 0.1.1
+ TWstringSize at Base 0.1.1
+ TWsync at Base 0.1.1
+ TWtoggleColors at Base 0.1.1
+ TWtranslate at Base 0.1.1
+ TWzoom at Base 0.1.1
+ Yacm_random at Base 0.1.1
+ Yadd2Queue at Base 0.1.1
+ Yassign at Base 0.1.1
+ Yassign_free at Base 0.1.1
+ Yassign_init at Base 0.1.1
+ Yassign_print at Base 0.1.1
+ Yassign_reset at Base 0.1.1
+ Ybuster at Base 0.1.1
+ Ybuster_addpt at Base 0.1.1
+ Ybuster_check_rect at Base 0.1.1
+ Ybuster_check_rect_init at Base 0.1.1
+ Ybuster_free at Base 0.1.1
+ Ybuster_init at Base 0.1.1
+ Ybuster_verify at Base 0.1.1
+ YcheckDebug at Base 0.1.1
+ YcheckMemObj at Base 0.1.1
+ YcopyFile at Base 0.1.1
+ Ycpu_time at Base 0.1.1
+ YcurTime at Base 0.1.1
+ Ydebug at Base 0.1.1
+ YdebugAssert at Base 0.1.1
+ YdebugMemory at Base 0.1.1
+ YdebugWrite at Base 0.1.1
+ Ydeck_dequeue at Base 0.1.1
+ Ydeck_dump at Base 0.1.1
+ Ydeck_empty at Base 0.1.1
+ Ydeck_enqueue at Base 0.1.1
+ Ydeck_free at Base 0.1.1
+ Ydeck_init at Base 0.1.1
+ Ydeck_notEmpty at Base 0.1.1
+ Ydeck_pop at Base 0.1.1
+ Ydeck_push at Base 0.1.1
+ Ydeck_sentinel at Base 0.1.1
+ Ydeck_verify at Base 0.1.1
+ YdirectoryExists at Base 0.1.1
+ Ydset_dump at Base 0.1.1
+ Ydset_dump_tree at Base 0.1.1
+ Ydset_empty at Base 0.1.1
+ Ydset_enumerate at Base 0.1.1
+ Ydset_enumerate_parents at Base 0.1.1
+ Ydset_enumerate_subset at Base 0.1.1
+ Ydset_enumerate_superset at Base 0.1.1
+ Ydset_find at Base 0.1.1
+ Ydset_find_set at Base 0.1.1
+ Ydset_free at Base 0.1.1
+ Ydset_init at Base 0.1.1
+ Ydset_interval at Base 0.1.1
+ Ydset_search at Base 0.1.1
+ Ydset_subset_size at Base 0.1.1
+ Ydset_superset_size at Base 0.1.1
+ Ydset_union at Base 0.1.1
+ Ydset_verify at Base 0.1.1
+ YdumpQueue at Base 0.1.1
+ Ydump_mem at Base 0.1.1
+ YexitPgm at Base 0.1.1
+ YfileExists at Base 0.1.1
+ Yfile_create_lock at Base 0.1.1
+ Yfile_slink at Base 0.1.1
+ Yfile_test_lock at Base 0.1.1
+ YfixDebug at Base 0.1.1
+ Yfixpath at Base 0.1.1
+ YforceGrid at Base 0.1.1
+ YgetCurMemUse at Base 0.1.1
+ YgetFileTime at Base 0.1.1
+ YgetListSize at Base 0.1.1
+ YgetMaxMemUse at Base 0.1.1
+ YgetProgName at Base 0.1.1
+ Yget_random_var at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygetenv at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygraph_bellman_ford at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygraph_bfs at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygraph_clearPrime at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygraph_clearRequired at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygraph_copy at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygraph_cycles at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygraph_dfs at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygraph_dijkstra at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygraph_draw at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygraph_drawFunctions at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygraph_drawPrime at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygraph_drawRequired at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygraph_dump at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygraph_edgeCount at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygraph_edgeData at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygraph_edgeDelete at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygraph_edgeEnumerate at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygraph_edgeEnumeratePop at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygraph_edgeEnumeratePush at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygraph_edgeFind at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygraph_edgeFindByNodeData at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygraph_edgeFindByNodes at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygraph_edgeInsert at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygraph_edgeInterval at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygraph_edgeIntervalPop at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygraph_edgeIntervalPush at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygraph_edgeMax at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygraph_edgeMin at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygraph_edgeNode1 at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygraph_edgeNode1Data at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygraph_edgeNode2 at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygraph_edgeNode2Data at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygraph_edgeNodes at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygraph_edgePrime at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygraph_edgeType at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygraph_edgeVerify at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygraph_edgeWeight at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygraph_edgeWeightSet at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygraph_edgeWeights2Size at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygraph_empty at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygraph_enumerateRequired at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygraph_flags at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygraph_flagsSet at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygraph_free at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygraph_getEdgeWeightFunction at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygraph_init at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygraph_listAdjEdges at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygraph_listAdjNodes at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygraph_listBackEdges at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygraph_listBackNodes at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygraph_mst_kruskal at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygraph_mst_prim at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygraph_nodeCount at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygraph_nodeData at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygraph_nodeDegree at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygraph_nodeDelete at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygraph_nodeEnumerate at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygraph_nodeEnumeratePop at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygraph_nodeEnumeratePush at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygraph_nodeFind at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygraph_nodeFindClosest at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygraph_nodeInsert at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygraph_nodeInterval at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygraph_nodeIntervalPop at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygraph_nodeIntervalPush at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygraph_nodeMax at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygraph_nodeMin at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygraph_nodePred at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygraph_nodeRequired at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygraph_nodeRequiredCount at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygraph_nodeSuc at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygraph_nodeVerify at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygraph_path at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygraph_requiredPath at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygraph_requiredPathSize at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygraph_setEdgeWeightFunction at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygraph_size at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygraph_steiner at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygraph_steinerImprove at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygraph_verify at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygrid_getx at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygrid_gety at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygrid_setx at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygrid_sety at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygridx at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygridx_down at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygridx_up at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygridy at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygridy_down at Base 0.1.1
+ Ygridy_up at Base 0.1.1
+ Yhash_add at Base 0.1.1
+ Yhash_search at Base 0.1.1
+ Yhash_set_size at Base 0.1.1
+ Yhash_table_create at Base 0.1.1
+ Yhash_table_delete at Base 0.1.1
+ Yhash_table_get at Base 0.1.1
+ Yhash_table_size at Base 0.1.1
+ Yheap_check_mem at Base 0.1.1
+ Yheap_cmp_num at Base 0.1.1
+ Yheap_cmp_ptr at Base 0.1.1
+ Yheap_delete_min at Base 0.1.1
+ Yheap_empty at Base 0.1.1
+ Yheap_free at Base 0.1.1
+ Yheap_init at Base 0.1.1
+ Yheap_init_with_parms at Base 0.1.1
+ Yheap_insert at Base 0.1.1
+ Yheap_meld at Base 0.1.1
+ Yheap_verify at Base 0.1.1
+ YinitProgram at Base 0.1.1
+ YinitQueue at Base 0.1.1
+ Yinit_memsize at Base 0.1.1
+ Ylist_append at Base 0.1.1
+ Ylist_check_mem at Base 0.1.1
+ Ylist_clear at Base 0.1.1
+ Ylist_create at Base 0.1.1
+ Ylist_create_with_parms at Base 0.1.1
+ Ylist_delete at Base 0.1.1
+ Ylist_dequeue at Base 0.1.1
+ Ylist_enqueue at Base 0.1.1
+ Ylist_find_and_delete at Base 0.1.1
+ Ylist_free at Base 0.1.1
+ Ylist_insert_after at Base 0.1.1
+ Ylist_insert_before at Base 0.1.1
+ Ylist_insert_in_order at Base 0.1.1
+ Ylist_pop at Base 0.1.1
+ Ylist_push at Base 0.1.1
+ Ylist_sort at Base 0.1.1
+ Ylog_msg at Base 0.1.1
+ Ylog_start at Base 0.1.1
+ Ymessage_close at Base 0.1.1
+ Ymessage_error_count at Base 0.1.1
+ Ymessage_flush at Base 0.1.1
+ Ymessage_get_errorcount at Base 0.1.1
+ Ymessage_get_mode at Base 0.1.1
+ Ymessage_get_warncount at Base 0.1.1
+ Ymessage_init at Base 0.1.1
+ Ymessage_mode at Base 0.1.1
+ Ymessage_output at Base 0.1.1
+ Ymessage_print at Base 0.1.1
+ Ymessage_warn_count at Base 0.1.1
+ YmoveFile at Base 0.1.1
+ YmsgG at Base 0.1.1
+ Ymst_addpt at Base 0.1.1
+ Ymst_clear at Base 0.1.1
+ Ymst_color at Base 0.1.1
+ Ymst_draw at Base 0.1.1
+ Ymst_enumerate at Base 0.1.1
+ Ymst_free at Base 0.1.1
+ Ymst_init at Base 0.1.1
+ YopenFile at Base 0.1.1
+ Yplot at Base 0.1.1
+ Yplot_close at Base 0.1.1
+ Yplot_control at Base 0.1.1
+ Yplot_flush at Base 0.1.1
+ Yplot_heading at Base 0.1.1
+ Yplot_init at Base 0.1.1
+ Ypmemerror at Base 0.1.1
+ Yprint_stats at Base 0.1.1
+ YprojectX at Base 0.1.1
+ YprojectY at Base 0.1.1
+ Yproject_space at Base 0.1.1
+ YqueueNotEmpty at Base 0.1.1
+ Yquicksort at Base 0.1.1
+ Yradix_number at Base 0.1.1
+ Yradix_pref_clone at Base 0.1.1
+ Yradix_prefix at Base 0.1.1
+ Yradix_suffix at Base 0.1.1
+ Yradixsort3 at Base 0.1.1
+ Yradixsort4 at Base 0.1.1
+ Yradixsort5 at Base 0.1.1
+ Yradixsort at Base 0.1.1
+ Yradixsort_pref at Base 0.1.1
+ Yrandom_seed at Base 0.1.1
+ Yrbtree_copy at Base 0.1.1
+ Yrbtree_delete at Base 0.1.1
+ Yrbtree_deleteCurrentEnumerate at Base 0.1.1
+ Yrbtree_deleteCurrentInterval at Base 0.1.1
+ Yrbtree_dump at Base 0.1.1
+ Yrbtree_empty at Base 0.1.1
+ Yrbtree_enumerate at Base 0.1.1
+ Yrbtree_enumeratePop at Base 0.1.1
+ Yrbtree_enumeratePush at Base 0.1.1
+ Yrbtree_free at Base 0.1.1
+ Yrbtree_get_compare at Base 0.1.1
+ Yrbtree_init at Base 0.1.1
+ Yrbtree_insert at Base 0.1.1
+ Yrbtree_interval at Base 0.1.1
+ Yrbtree_intervalPop at Base 0.1.1
+ Yrbtree_intervalPush at Base 0.1.1
+ Yrbtree_interval_free at Base 0.1.1
+ Yrbtree_interval_size at Base 0.1.1
+ Yrbtree_max at Base 0.1.1
+ Yrbtree_min at Base 0.1.1
+ Yrbtree_resort at Base 0.1.1
+ Yrbtree_revlist at Base 0.1.1
+ Yrbtree_search at Base 0.1.1
+ Yrbtree_search_closest at Base 0.1.1
+ Yrbtree_search_pred at Base 0.1.1
+ Yrbtree_search_suc at Base 0.1.1
+ Yrbtree_size at Base 0.1.1
+ Yrbtree_suc at Base 0.1.1
+ Yrbtree_verify at Base 0.1.1
+ Yreadpar_file at Base 0.1.1
+ Yreadpar_id2layer at Base 0.1.1
+ Yreadpar_init at Base 0.1.1
+ Yreadpar_layer2id at Base 0.1.1
+ Yreadpar_layer_HnotV at Base 0.1.1
+ Yreadpar_layer_cap at Base 0.1.1
+ Yreadpar_layer_res at Base 0.1.1
+ Yreadpar_lookup at Base 0.1.1
+ Yreadpar_next at Base 0.1.1
+ Yreadpar_numlayers at Base 0.1.1
+ Yreadpar_pitch at Base 0.1.1
+ Yreadpar_spacing at Base 0.1.1
+ Yreadpar_viaId2name at Base 0.1.1
+ Yreadpar_vianame at Base 0.1.1
+ Yreadpar_width at Base 0.1.1
+ Yrelpath at Base 0.1.1
+ Yremove_lblanks at Base 0.1.1
+ Yrm_files at Base 0.1.1
+ Ysafe_calloc at Base 0.1.1
+ Ysafe_cfree at Base 0.1.1
+ Ysafe_free at Base 0.1.1
+ Ysafe_malloc at Base 0.1.1
+ Ysafe_realloc at Base 0.1.1
+ YsetDebug at Base 0.1.1
+ Yset_add at Base 0.1.1
+ Yset_comp at Base 0.1.1
+ Yset_delete at Base 0.1.1
+ Yset_empty at Base 0.1.1
+ Yset_free at Base 0.1.1
+ Yset_init at Base 0.1.1
+ Yset_member at Base 0.1.1
+ Yset_random_seed at Base 0.1.1
+ Ystat_max at Base 0.1.1
+ Ystat_mean at Base 0.1.1
+ Ystat_min at Base 0.1.1
+ Ystat_var at Base 0.1.1
+ Ystrclone at Base 0.1.1
+ Ystrparser at Base 0.1.1
+ Ysystem at Base 0.1.1
+ Ytimer_elapsed at Base 0.1.1
+ Ytimer_start at Base 0.1.1
+ YtopQueue at Base 0.1.1
+ Ytrans_boun at Base 0.1.1
+ Ytrans_boun_add at Base 0.1.1
+ Ytrans_boun_free at Base 0.1.1
+ Ytrans_boun_init at Base 0.1.1
+ Ytrans_boun_pt at Base 0.1.1
+ Ytrans_init at Base 0.1.1
+ Ytrans_inv_orient at Base 0.1.1
+ Ytrans_rel_pos at Base 0.1.1
+ Ytrans_rel_post at Base 0.1.1
+ Ytrans_xflagG at Base 0.1.1
+ Ytrans_yflagG at Base 0.1.1
+ Ytranslate at Base 0.1.1
+ YtranslateC at Base 0.1.1
+ YtranslateT at Base 0.1.1
+ Ytranslatef at Base 0.1.1
+ Yvector_alloc at Base 0.1.1
+ Yvector_calloc at Base 0.1.1
+ Yvector_free at Base 0.1.1
+ Yvector_realloc at Base 0.1.1
+ _TW3DdrawAxis at Base 0.1.1
+ _TWdrawArb at Base 0.1.1
+ _TWdrawLine at Base 0.1.1
+ _TWdrawRect at Base 0.1.1
+ __rspartition at Base 0.1.1
+ __rsshell_increments at Base 0.1.1
+ str_tok at Base 0.1.1

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