Bug#1063051: vnlog: NMU diff for 64-bit time_t transition

Dima Kogan dkogan at debian.org
Thu Feb 29 00:47:39 GMT 2024

Hi. vnlog does not depend on time_t. Is it too late to stop this

The abi-compliance-checker failure is here:


That error message says what the problem is: you are not supposed to
#include vnlog.h directly. Instead you're supposed to use the
"vnl-gen-header" tool (also in the "libvnlog-dev" package) to produce
usable headers that themselves #include vnlog.h. For instance:

  vnl-gen-header 'int w' 'uint8_t x' 'char* y' 'double z' > vnlog_fields_generated.h

If you then run vnlog_fields_generated.h (which, again, #includes
vnlog.h) through abi-compliance-checker, you'll see that it passes.
vnl-gen-header doesn't support any time-related types, so this is y2k38


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