Bug#1060318: Info received (silx: autopkgtest failure with Python 3.12)

PICCA Frederic-Emmanuel frederic-emmanuel.picca at synchrotron-soleil.fr
Sun Mar 10 14:23:30 GMT 2024

Here a log with POCL_DEBUG=all

picca at cush:/tmp$ python3 test.py 
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.462191847]POCL: in fn pocl_install_sigfpe_handler at line 265:
  |   GENERAL |  Installing SIGFPE handler...
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.475550217]POCL: in fn POclCreateCommandQueue at line 103:
  |   GENERAL |  Created Command Queue 3 (0x27d55b0) on device 0
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.475690904]POCL: in fn void pocl_llvm_create_context(cl_context) at line 592:
  |      LLVM |  Created context 2 (0x27d4960)
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.475732695]POCL: in fn POclCreateContext at line 232:
  |   GENERAL |  Created Context 2 (0x27d4960)
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.475822461]POCL: in fn POclRetainContext at line 32:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Retain Context 2 (0x27d4960), Refcount: 2
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.475856682]POCL: in fn POclCreateCommandQueue at line 103:
  |   GENERAL |  Created Command Queue 4 (0x27d77b0) on device 0
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.492655607]POCL: in fn POclRetainContext at line 32:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Retain Context 2 (0x27d4960), Refcount: 3
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.492795776]POCL: in fn compile_and_link_program at line 718:
  |      LLVM |  building program with options -I /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pyopencl/cl
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.492824004]POCL: in fn compile_and_link_program at line 755:
  |      LLVM |  building program for 1 devs with options -I /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pyopencl/cl
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.492847621]POCL: in fn compile_and_link_program at line 759:
  |      LLVM |     BUILDING for device: cpu
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.497354940]POCL: in fn POclRetainContext at line 32:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Retain Context 2 (0x27d4960), Refcount: 4
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.497919687]POCL: in fn POclRetainContext at line 32:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Retain Context 2 (0x27d4960), Refcount: 5
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.497963205]POCL: in fn POclCreateBuffer at line 292:
  |    MEMORY |  Created Buffer 6 (0x2801b90), MEM_HOST_PTR: (nil), device_ptrs[0]: (nil), SIZE 4, FLAGS 1 
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.498110078]POCL: in fn pocl_driver_alloc_mem_obj at line 428:
  |    MEMORY |  Basic device ALLOC 0x27f7380 / size 4 
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.498162446]POCL: in fn POclRetainCommandQueue at line 35:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Retain Command Queue 4 (0x27d77b0), Refcount: 2
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.498187844]POCL: in fn pocl_create_event at line 527:
  |    EVENTS |  Created event 1 (0x27e4e60) Command write_buffer
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.498211789]POCL: in fn pocl_create_command_struct at line 648:
  |    EVENTS |  event pointer provided
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.498232543]POCL: in fn pocl_create_command_struct at line 668:
  |    EVENTS |  Created immediate command struct: CMD 0x27e4d50 (event 1 / 0x27e4e60, type: write_buffer)
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.498259772]POCL: in fn pocl_command_enqueue at line 1290:
  |    EVENTS |  In-order Q; adding event syncs
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.498280767]POCL: in fn pocl_command_enqueue at line 1335:
  |    EVENTS |  Pushed Event 1 to CQ 4.
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.498303076]POCL: in fn pocl_update_event_queued at line 2177:
  |    EVENTS |  Event queued: 1
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.498326609]POCL: in fn pocl_update_event_submitted at line 2197:
  |    EVENTS |  Event submitted: 1
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.498451579]POCL: in fn pocl_update_event_running_unlocked at line 2216:
  |    EVENTS |  Event running: 1
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.498484119]POCL: in fn pocl_update_event_finished at line 2368:
  |    EVENTS |  cpu: Command complete, event 1
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.498509038]POCL: in fn pocl_exec_command at line 343:
  |    TIMING |       >>>        32.497  us    Event Write Buffer          
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.498531904]POCL: in fn POclReleaseMemObject at line 53:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Release Memory Object 6 (0x2801b90), Refcount: 1
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.498562333]POCL: in fn POclReleaseEvent at line 39:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Release Event 1 (0x27e4e60), Refcount: 2
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.498656679]POCL: in fn POclCreateKernel at line 133:
  |   GENERAL |  Created Kernel check_atomic32 (0x27f74c0)
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.501056049]POCL: in fn POclRetainContext at line 32:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Retain Context 2 (0x27d4960), Refcount: 6
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.501139297]POCL: in fn POclReleaseContext at line 53:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Release Context 2 (0x27d4960), Refcount: 5
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.503196833]POCL: in fn POclSetKernelArg at line 107:
  |   GENERAL |  Kernel  check_atomic32 || SetArg idx   0 ||     int* || Local 0 || Size      8 || Value 0x7fff7b47ae20 || Pointer 0x2801b90 || *(uint32*)Value:        0 || *(uint64*)Value:        0 ||
Hex Value:  901B8002 00000000
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.503275428]POCL: in fn pocl_kernel_calc_wg_size at line 182:
  |   GENERAL |  Preparing kernel check_atomic32 with local size 32 x 1 x 1 group sizes 32 x 1 x 1...
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.503311773]POCL: in fn POclRetainCommandQueue at line 35:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Retain Command Queue 4 (0x27d77b0), Refcount: 3
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.503350256]POCL: in fn pocl_create_event at line 527:
  |    EVENTS |  Created event 2 (0x27f8c80) Command ndrange_kernel
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.503379810]POCL: in fn pocl_create_command_struct at line 648:
  |    EVENTS |  event pointer provided
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.503407806]POCL: in fn pocl_create_command_struct at line 668:
  |    EVENTS |  Created immediate command struct: CMD 0x27e56f0 (event 2 / 0x27f8c80, type: ndrange_kernel)
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.503443233]POCL: in fn POclReleaseEvent at line 39:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Release Event 1 (0x27e4e60), Refcount: 1
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.503476814]POCL: in fn POclRetainKernel at line 33:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Retain Kernel check_atomic32 (0x27f74c0), Refcount: 2
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.503513604]POCL: in fn pocl_command_enqueue at line 1290:
  |    EVENTS |  In-order Q; adding event syncs
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.503545034]POCL: in fn pocl_command_enqueue at line 1335:
  |    EVENTS |  Pushed Event 2 to CQ 4.
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.503571674]POCL: in fn pocl_update_event_queued at line 2177:
  |    EVENTS |  Event queued: 2
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.503601532]POCL: in fn pocl_update_event_submitted at line 2197:
  |    EVENTS |  Event submitted: 2
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.503669322]POCL: in fn POclReleaseKernel at line 39:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Release Kernel check_atomic32 (0x27f74c0), Refcount: 1
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.503732796]POCL: in fn pocl_check_kernel_disk_cache at line 973:
  |   GENERAL |  Using a cached WG function: /home/picca/.cache/pocl/kcache/NP/GPMMCJHNFKFADPKKPJAHMBFPIAGDCFABGOJNE/check_atomic32/32-1-1-goffs0-smallgrid/check_atomic32.so
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.504089990]POCL: in fn pocl_update_event_running_unlocked at line 2216:
  |    EVENTS |  Event running: 2
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.504213068]POCL: in fn pocl_update_event_finished at line 2368:
  |    EVENTS |  cpu: Command complete, event 2
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.504318382]POCL: in fn finalize_kernel_command at line 370:
  |    TIMING |       >>>       123.181  us    NDRange Kernel        
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.504350029]POCL: in fn POclReleaseKernel at line 39:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Release Kernel check_atomic32 (0x27f74c0), Refcount: 0
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.504384927]POCL: in fn POclReleaseKernel at line 51:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Free Kernel check_atomic32 (0x27f74c0)
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.504416818]POCL: in fn POclReleaseProgram at line 51:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Release Program 5 (0x27e9500), Refcount: 1, Kernel #: 1 
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.504453601]POCL: in fn POclReleaseMemObject at line 53:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Release Memory Object 6 (0x2801b90), Refcount: 1
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.504497492]POCL: in fn POclReleaseEvent at line 39:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Release Event 2 (0x27f8c80), Refcount: 2
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.504542105]POCL: in fn POclReleaseEvent at line 39:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Release Event 2 (0x27f8c80), Refcount: 1
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.504688416]POCL: in fn POclRetainCommandQueue at line 35:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Retain Command Queue 4 (0x27d77b0), Refcount: 4
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.504710914]POCL: in fn pocl_create_event at line 527:
  |    EVENTS |  Created event 3 (0x27fd4a0) Command read_buffer
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.504725401]POCL: in fn pocl_create_command_struct at line 648:
  |    EVENTS |  event pointer provided
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.504738174]POCL: in fn pocl_create_event_sync at line 543:
  |    EVENTS |  create event sync: waiting 3 , notifier 1
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.504752308]POCL: in fn pocl_create_command_struct at line 668:
  |    EVENTS |  Created immediate command struct: CMD 0x27f8d60 (event 3 / 0x27fd4a0, type: read_buffer)
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.504766955]POCL: in fn POclReleaseEvent at line 39:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Release Event 2 (0x27f8c80), Refcount: 0
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.504780416]POCL: in fn POclReleaseEvent at line 64:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Free Event 2 (0x27f8c80)
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.504795354]POCL: in fn POclReleaseCommandQueue at line 40:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Release Command Queue 4 (0x27d77b0), Refcount: 3
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.504809949]POCL: in fn pocl_command_enqueue at line 1290:
  |    EVENTS |  In-order Q; adding event syncs
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.504822414]POCL: in fn pocl_command_enqueue at line 1335:
  |    EVENTS |  Pushed Event 3 to CQ 4.
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.504835719]POCL: in fn pocl_update_event_queued at line 2177:
  |    EVENTS |  Event queued: 3
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.504848970]POCL: in fn pocl_update_event_submitted at line 2197:
  |    EVENTS |  Event submitted: 3
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.504887702]POCL: in fn pocl_update_event_running_unlocked at line 2216:
  |    EVENTS |  Event running: 3
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.504991909]POCL: in fn pocl_update_event_finished at line 2368:
  |    EVENTS |  cpu: Command complete, event 3
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.505018889]POCL: in fn pocl_exec_command at line 330:
  |    TIMING |       >>>       104.208  us    Event Read Buffer           
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.505044503]POCL: in fn POclReleaseMemObject at line 53:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Release Memory Object 6 (0x2801b90), Refcount: 1
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.505088838]POCL: in fn POclReleaseEvent at line 39:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Release Event 3 (0x27fd4a0), Refcount: 2
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.505254270]POCL: in fn POclReleaseContext at line 53:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Release Context 2 (0x27d4960), Refcount: 4
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.505292570]POCL: in fn POclReleaseProgram at line 51:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Release Program 5 (0x27e9500), Refcount: 0, Kernel #: 1 
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.505317817]POCL: in fn POclReleaseProgram at line 63:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Free Program 5 (0x27e9500)
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.505473439]POCL: in fn POclReleaseContext at line 53:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Release Context 2 (0x27d4960), Refcount: 3
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.505532357]POCL: in fn POclReleaseCommandQueue at line 40:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Release Command Queue 4 (0x27d77b0), Refcount: 2
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.505583696]POCL: in fn POclReleaseEvent at line 39:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Release Event 3 (0x27fd4a0), Refcount: 1
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.505637664]POCL: in fn POclReleaseEvent at line 39:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Release Event 1 (0x27e4e60), Refcount: 0
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.505662834]POCL: in fn POclReleaseEvent at line 64:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Free Event 1 (0x27e4e60)
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.505688634]POCL: in fn POclReleaseCommandQueue at line 40:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Release Command Queue 4 (0x27d77b0), Refcount: 1
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.505721451]POCL: in fn POclReleaseMemObject at line 53:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Release Memory Object 6 (0x2801b90), Refcount: 0
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.505759820]POCL: in fn POclReleaseMemObject at line 98:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Free Memory Object 6 (0x2801b90), Flags: 1
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.505792134]POCL: in fn POclReleaseContext at line 53:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Release Context 2 (0x27d4960), Refcount: 2
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.505822509]POCL: in fn POclReleaseEvent at line 39:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Release Event 3 (0x27fd4a0), Refcount: 0
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.505853582]POCL: in fn POclReleaseEvent at line 64:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Free Event 3 (0x27fd4a0)
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.505884387]POCL: in fn POclReleaseCommandQueue at line 40:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Release Command Queue 4 (0x27d77b0), Refcount: 0
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.505913384]POCL: in fn POclReleaseContext at line 53:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Release Context 2 (0x27d4960), Refcount: 1
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.505941365]POCL: in fn POclReleaseCommandQueue at line 67:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Free Command Queue 4 (0x27d77b0)
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.505969936]POCL: in fn POclReleaseContext at line 53:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Release Context 2 (0x27d4960), Refcount: 0
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.506000004]POCL: in fn POclReleaseContext at line 63:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Free Context 2 (0x27d4960)
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.506032785]POCL: in fn POclReleaseCommandQueue at line 40:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Release Command Queue 3 (0x27d55b0), Refcount: 0
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.506064799]POCL: in fn POclReleaseCommandQueue at line 67:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Free Command Queue 3 (0x27d55b0)
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.506095243]POCL: in fn void pocl_llvm_release_context(cl_context) at line 597:
  |      LLVM |  releasing LLVM context
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.506611111]POCL: in fn POclCreateCommandQueue at line 103:
  |   GENERAL |  Created Command Queue 12 (0x27d77b0) on device 0
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.506864925]POCL: in fn void pocl_llvm_create_context(cl_context) at line 592:
  |      LLVM |  Created context 11 (0x26ddf50)
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.506918694]POCL: in fn POclCreateContext at line 232:
  |   GENERAL |  Created Context 11 (0x26ddf50)
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.507006102]POCL: in fn POclRetainContext at line 32:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Retain Context 11 (0x26ddf50), Refcount: 2
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.507047418]POCL: in fn POclCreateCommandQueue at line 103:
  |   GENERAL |  Created Command Queue 13 (0x27d55b0) on device 0
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.508946886]POCL: in fn POclRetainContext at line 32:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Retain Context 11 (0x26ddf50), Refcount: 3
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.509050994]POCL: in fn compile_and_link_program at line 718:
  |      LLVM |  building program with options -I /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pyopencl/cl
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.509085838]POCL: in fn compile_and_link_program at line 755:
  |      LLVM |  building program for 1 devs with options -I /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pyopencl/cl
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.509108394]POCL: in fn compile_and_link_program at line 759:
  |      LLVM |     BUILDING for device: cpu
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.515426387]POCL: in fn POclRetainContext at line 32:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Retain Context 11 (0x26ddf50), Refcount: 4
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.515925742]POCL: in fn POclRetainContext at line 32:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Retain Context 11 (0x26ddf50), Refcount: 5
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.515976032]POCL: in fn POclCreateBuffer at line 292:
  |    MEMORY |  Created Buffer 15 (0x2855ea0), MEM_HOST_PTR: (nil), device_ptrs[0]: (nil), SIZE 8, FLAGS 1 
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.516120646]POCL: in fn pocl_driver_alloc_mem_obj at line 428:
  |    MEMORY |  Basic device ALLOC 0x2856280 / size 8 
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.516170106]POCL: in fn POclRetainCommandQueue at line 35:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Retain Command Queue 13 (0x27d55b0), Refcount: 2
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.516203353]POCL: in fn pocl_create_event at line 527:
  |    EVENTS |  Created event 4 (0x27fcf40) Command write_buffer
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.516244835]POCL: in fn pocl_create_command_struct at line 648:
  |    EVENTS |  event pointer provided
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.516285011]POCL: in fn pocl_create_command_struct at line 668:
  |    EVENTS |  Created immediate command struct: CMD 0x27fce30 (event 4 / 0x27fcf40, type: write_buffer)
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.516337995]POCL: in fn pocl_command_enqueue at line 1290:
  |    EVENTS |  In-order Q; adding event syncs
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.516377338]POCL: in fn pocl_command_enqueue at line 1335:
  |    EVENTS |  Pushed Event 4 to CQ 13.
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.516407722]POCL: in fn pocl_update_event_queued at line 2177:
  |    EVENTS |  Event queued: 4
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.516447282]POCL: in fn pocl_update_event_submitted at line 2197:
  |    EVENTS |  Event submitted: 4
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.516580068]POCL: in fn pocl_update_event_running_unlocked at line 2216:
  |    EVENTS |  Event running: 4
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.516627883]POCL: in fn pocl_update_event_finished at line 2368:
  |    EVENTS |  cpu: Command complete, event 4
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.516680967]POCL: in fn pocl_exec_command at line 343:
  |    TIMING |       >>>        47.591  us    Event Write Buffer          
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.516720096]POCL: in fn POclReleaseMemObject at line 53:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Release Memory Object 15 (0x2855ea0), Refcount: 1
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.516774678]POCL: in fn POclReleaseEvent at line 39:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Release Event 4 (0x27fcf40), Refcount: 2
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.516909939]POCL: in fn POclCreateKernel at line 133:
  |   GENERAL |  Created Kernel check_atomic64 (0x2856330)
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.517035854]POCL: in fn POclRetainContext at line 32:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Retain Context 11 (0x26ddf50), Refcount: 6
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.517115379]POCL: in fn POclReleaseContext at line 53:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Release Context 11 (0x26ddf50), Refcount: 5
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.518482427]POCL: in fn POclSetKernelArg at line 107:
  |   GENERAL |  Kernel  check_atomic64 || SetArg idx   0 ||    long* || Local 0 || Size      8 || Value 0x7fff7b47ae20 || Pointer 0x2855ea0 || *(uint32*)Value:        0 || *(uint64*)Value:        0 ||
Hex Value:  A05E8502 00000000
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.518577521]POCL: in fn pocl_kernel_calc_wg_size at line 182:
  |   GENERAL |  Preparing kernel check_atomic64 with local size 32 x 1 x 1 group sizes 32 x 1 x 1...
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.518633282]POCL: in fn POclRetainCommandQueue at line 35:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Retain Command Queue 13 (0x27d55b0), Refcount: 3
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.518681638]POCL: in fn pocl_create_event at line 527:
  |    EVENTS |  Created event 5 (0x2588780) Command ndrange_kernel
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.518720909]POCL: in fn pocl_create_command_struct at line 648:
  |    EVENTS |  event pointer provided
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.518756369]POCL: in fn pocl_create_command_struct at line 668:
  |    EVENTS |  Created immediate command struct: CMD 0x2801c90 (event 5 / 0x2588780, type: ndrange_kernel)
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.518795285]POCL: in fn POclReleaseEvent at line 39:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Release Event 4 (0x27fcf40), Refcount: 1
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.518834766]POCL: in fn POclRetainKernel at line 33:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Retain Kernel check_atomic64 (0x2856330), Refcount: 2
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.518875051]POCL: in fn pocl_command_enqueue at line 1290:
  |    EVENTS |  In-order Q; adding event syncs
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.518909266]POCL: in fn pocl_command_enqueue at line 1335:
  |    EVENTS |  Pushed Event 5 to CQ 13.
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.518961725]POCL: in fn pocl_update_event_queued at line 2177:
  |    EVENTS |  Event queued: 5
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.518997389]POCL: in fn pocl_update_event_submitted at line 2197:
  |    EVENTS |  Event submitted: 5
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.522533097]POCL: in fn POclReleaseKernel at line 39:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Release Kernel check_atomic64 (0x2856330), Refcount: 1
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.526414221]POCL: in fn pocl_check_kernel_disk_cache at line 973:
  |   GENERAL |  Using a cached WG function: /home/picca/.cache/pocl/kcache/AC/PMEFEDDAPPBNONBODBHIEHCOJAGECKDKLPGFN/check_atomic64/32-1-1-goffs0-smallgrid/check_atomic64.so
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.526818036]POCL: in fn pocl_update_event_running_unlocked at line 2216:
  |    EVENTS |  Event running: 5
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.526922574]POCL: in fn pocl_update_event_finished at line 2368:
  |    EVENTS |  cpu: Command complete, event 5
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.526961808]POCL: in fn finalize_kernel_command at line 370:
  |    TIMING |       >>>       104.352  us    NDRange Kernel        
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.526982520]POCL: in fn POclReleaseKernel at line 39:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Release Kernel check_atomic64 (0x2856330), Refcount: 0
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.527005293]POCL: in fn POclReleaseKernel at line 51:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Free Kernel check_atomic64 (0x2856330)
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.527028074]POCL: in fn POclReleaseProgram at line 51:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Release Program 14 (0x28660d0), Refcount: 1, Kernel #: 1 
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.527051411]POCL: in fn POclReleaseMemObject at line 53:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Release Memory Object 15 (0x2855ea0), Refcount: 1
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.527086887]POCL: in fn POclReleaseEvent at line 39:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Release Event 5 (0x2588780), Refcount: 2
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.527156529]POCL: in fn POclReleaseEvent at line 39:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Release Event 5 (0x2588780), Refcount: 1
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.527464224]POCL: in fn POclRetainCommandQueue at line 35:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Retain Command Queue 13 (0x27d55b0), Refcount: 4
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.527589405]POCL: in fn pocl_create_event at line 527:
  |    EVENTS |  Created event 6 (0x278f050) Command read_buffer
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.527694703]POCL: in fn pocl_create_command_struct at line 648:
  |    EVENTS |  event pointer provided
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.527796023]POCL: in fn pocl_create_event_sync at line 543:
  |    EVENTS |  create event sync: waiting 6 , notifier 4
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.527900729]POCL: in fn pocl_create_command_struct at line 668:
  |    EVENTS |  Created immediate command struct: CMD 0x2588860 (event 6 / 0x278f050, type: read_buffer)
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.527984366]POCL: in fn POclReleaseEvent at line 39:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Release Event 5 (0x2588780), Refcount: 0
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.528006915]POCL: in fn POclReleaseEvent at line 64:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Free Event 5 (0x2588780)
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.528029657]POCL: in fn POclReleaseCommandQueue at line 40:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Release Command Queue 13 (0x27d55b0), Refcount: 3
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.528053299]POCL: in fn pocl_command_enqueue at line 1290:
  |    EVENTS |  In-order Q; adding event syncs
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.528073250]POCL: in fn pocl_command_enqueue at line 1335:
  |    EVENTS |  Pushed Event 6 to CQ 13.
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.528095156]POCL: in fn pocl_update_event_queued at line 2177:
  |    EVENTS |  Event queued: 6
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.528116424]POCL: in fn pocl_update_event_submitted at line 2197:
  |    EVENTS |  Event submitted: 6
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.528221392]POCL: in fn pocl_update_event_running_unlocked at line 2216:
  |    EVENTS |  Event running: 6
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.528263141]POCL: in fn pocl_update_event_finished at line 2368:
  |    EVENTS |  cpu: Command complete, event 6
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.528315124]POCL: in fn pocl_exec_command at line 330:
  |    TIMING |       >>>        41.733  us    Event Read Buffer           
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.528335608]POCL: in fn POclReleaseMemObject at line 53:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Release Memory Object 15 (0x2855ea0), Refcount: 1
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.528371567]POCL: in fn POclReleaseEvent at line 39:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Release Event 6 (0x278f050), Refcount: 2
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.528487124]POCL: in fn POclReleaseContext at line 53:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Release Context 11 (0x26ddf50), Refcount: 4
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.528616419]POCL: in fn POclReleaseProgram at line 51:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Release Program 14 (0x28660d0), Refcount: 0, Kernel #: 1 
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.528726731]POCL: in fn POclReleaseProgram at line 63:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Free Program 14 (0x28660d0)
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.528934273]POCL: in fn POclReleaseContext at line 53:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Release Context 11 (0x26ddf50), Refcount: 3
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.529059402]POCL: in fn POclReleaseCommandQueue at line 40:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Release Command Queue 13 (0x27d55b0), Refcount: 2
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.529184956]POCL: in fn POclReleaseEvent at line 39:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Release Event 6 (0x278f050), Refcount: 1
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.529311899]POCL: in fn POclReleaseEvent at line 39:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Release Event 4 (0x27fcf40), Refcount: 0
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.529419817]POCL: in fn POclReleaseEvent at line 64:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Free Event 4 (0x27fcf40)
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.529448541]POCL: in fn POclReleaseCommandQueue at line 40:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Release Command Queue 13 (0x27d55b0), Refcount: 1
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.529476137]POCL: in fn POclReleaseMemObject at line 53:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Release Memory Object 15 (0x2855ea0), Refcount: 0
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.529499348]POCL: in fn POclReleaseMemObject at line 98:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Free Memory Object 15 (0x2855ea0), Flags: 1
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.529522731]POCL: in fn POclReleaseContext at line 53:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Release Context 11 (0x26ddf50), Refcount: 2
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.529545046]POCL: in fn POclReleaseEvent at line 39:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Release Event 6 (0x278f050), Refcount: 0
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.529565983]POCL: in fn POclReleaseEvent at line 64:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Free Event 6 (0x278f050)
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.529587258]POCL: in fn POclReleaseCommandQueue at line 40:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Release Command Queue 13 (0x27d55b0), Refcount: 0
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.529608893]POCL: in fn POclReleaseContext at line 53:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Release Context 11 (0x26ddf50), Refcount: 1
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.529629885]POCL: in fn POclReleaseCommandQueue at line 67:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Free Command Queue 13 (0x27d55b0)
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.529656257]POCL: in fn POclReleaseContext at line 53:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Release Context 11 (0x26ddf50), Refcount: 0
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.529677661]POCL: in fn POclReleaseContext at line 63:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Free Context 11 (0x26ddf50)
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.529699446]POCL: in fn POclReleaseCommandQueue at line 40:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Release Command Queue 12 (0x27d77b0), Refcount: 0
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.529720640]POCL: in fn POclReleaseCommandQueue at line 67:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Free Command Queue 12 (0x27d77b0)
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.529744482]POCL: in fn void pocl_llvm_release_context(cl_context) at line 597:
  |      LLVM |  releasing LLVM context
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.534377912]POCL: in fn POclCreateCommandQueue at line 103:
  |   GENERAL |  Created Command Queue 21 (0x27fcf40) on device 0
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.534518430]POCL: in fn void pocl_llvm_create_context(cl_context) at line 592:
  |      LLVM |  Created context 20 (0x26ddf50)
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.534565950]POCL: in fn POclCreateContext at line 232:
  |   GENERAL |  Created Context 20 (0x26ddf50)
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.534792779]POCL: in fn POclRetainContext at line 32:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Retain Context 20 (0x26ddf50), Refcount: 2
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.534824750]POCL: in fn POclCreateCommandQueue at line 103:
  |   GENERAL |  Created Command Queue 22 (0x27dd430) on device 0
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.535489925]POCL: in fn POclRetainContext at line 32:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Retain Context 20 (0x26ddf50), Refcount: 3
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.535531225]POCL: in fn POclCreateBuffer at line 292:
  |    MEMORY |  Created Buffer 23 (0x28338c0), MEM_HOST_PTR: (nil), device_ptrs[0]: (nil), SIZE 40000, FLAGS 2 
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.535676583]POCL: in fn POclRetainContext at line 32:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Retain Context 20 (0x26ddf50), Refcount: 4
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.535702125]POCL: in fn POclCreateBuffer at line 292:
  |    MEMORY |  Created Buffer 24 (0x2857960), MEM_HOST_PTR: (nil), device_ptrs[0]: (nil), SIZE 40000, FLAGS 4 
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.535819032]POCL: in fn POclRetainContext at line 32:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Retain Context 20 (0x26ddf50), Refcount: 5
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.535844427]POCL: in fn POclCreateBuffer at line 292:
  |    MEMORY |  Created Buffer 25 (0x2862670), MEM_HOST_PTR: (nil), device_ptrs[0]: (nil), SIZE 40000, FLAGS 1 
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.549644245]POCL: in fn POclRetainContext at line 32:
  | REFCOUNTS |  Retain Context 20 (0x26ddf50), Refcount: 6
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.549805397]POCL: in fn compile_and_link_program at line 718:
  |      LLVM |  building program with options -D NIMAGE=10000 -I /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pyopencl/cl
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.549928948]POCL: in fn compile_and_link_program at line 755:
  |      LLVM |  building program for 1 devs with options -D NIMAGE=10000 -I /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pyopencl/cl
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.550038571]POCL: in fn compile_and_link_program at line 759:
  |      LLVM |     BUILDING for device: cpu
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.550143073]POCL: in fn pocl_driver_build_source at line 732:
  |      LLVM |  building from sources for device 0
[2024-03-10 14:22:19.550588408]POCL: in fn int pocl_llvm_build_program(cl_program, unsigned int, cl_uint, _cl_program* const*, const char**, int) at line 420:
  |      LLVM |  all build options: -Dcl_khr_int64 -DPOCL_DEVICE_ADDRESS_BITS=64 -D__USE_CLANG_OPENCL_C_H -xcl -Dinline= -I. -cl-kernel-arg-info -opaque-pointers -D NIMAGE=10000 -I /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pyopencl/cl -D__ENDIAN_LITTLE__=1 -D__IMAGE_SUPPORT__=1 -DCL_DEVICE_MAX_GLOBAL_VARIABLE_SIZE=64000 -D__OPENCL_VERSION__=300 -cl-std=CL3.0 -D__OPENCL_C_VERSION__=300 -Dcl_khr_byte_addressable_store=1 -Dcl_khr_global_int32_base_atomics=1 -Dcl_khr_global_int32_extended_atomics=1 -Dcl_khr_local_int32_base_atomics=1 -Dcl_khr_local_int32_extended_atomics=1 -Dcl_khr_3d_image_writes=1 -Dcl_khr_command_buffer=1 -Dcl_pocl_pinned_buffers=1 -Dcl_khr_subgroups=1 -Dcl_intel_unified_shared_memory=1 -Dcl_khr_subgroup_ballot=1 -Dcl_khr_subgroup_shuffle=1 -Dcl_intel_subgroups=1 -Dcl_intel_required_subgroup_size=1 -Dcl_ext_float_atomics=1 -Dcl_khr_spir=1 -Dcl_khr_fp64=1 -Dcl_khr_int64_base_atomics=1 -Dcl_khr_int64_extended_atomics=1 -D__opencl_c_3d_image_writes=1 -D__opencl_c_images=1 -D__opencl_c_atomic_order_acq_rel=1 -D__opencl_c_atomic_order_seq_cst=1 -D__opencl_c_atomic_scope_device=1 -D__opencl_c_program_scope_global_variables=1 -D__opencl_c_generic_address_space=1 -D__opencl_c_subgroups=1 -D__opencl_c_atomic_scope_all_devices=1 -D__opencl_c_read_write_images=1 -D__opencl_c_fp64=1 -D__opencl_c_ext_fp32_global_atomic_add=1 -D__opencl_c_ext_fp32_local_atomic_add=1 -D__opencl_c_ext_fp32_global_atomic_min_max=1 -D__opencl_c_ext_fp32_local_atomic_min_max=1 -D__opencl_c_ext_fp64_global_atomic_add=1 -D__opencl_c_ext_fp64_local_atomic_add=1 -D__opencl_c_ext_fp64_global_atomic_min_max=1 -D__opencl_c_ext_fp64_local_atomic_min_max=1 -D__opencl_c_int64=1 -cl-ext=-all,+cl_khr_byte_addressable_store,+cl_khr_global_int32_base_atomics,+cl_khr_global_int32_extended_atomics,+cl_khr_local_int32_base_atomics,+cl_khr_local_int32_extended_atomics,+cl_khr_3d_image_writes,+cl_khr_command_buffer,+cl_pocl_pinned_buffers,+cl_khr_subgroups,+cl_intel_unified_shared_memory,+cl_khr_subgroup_ballot,+cl_khr_subgroup_shuffle,+cl_intel_subgroups,+cl_intel_required_subgroup_size,+cl_ext_float_atomics,+cl_khr_spir,+cl_khr_fp64,+cl_khr_int64_base_atomics,+cl_khr_int64_extended_atomics,+__opencl_c_3d_image_writes,+__opencl_c_images,+__opencl_c_atomic_order_acq_rel,+__opencl_c_atomic_order_seq_cst,+__opencl_c_atomic_scope_device,+__opencl_c_program_scope_global_variables,+__opencl_c_generic_address_space,+__opencl_c_subgroups,+__opencl_c_atomic_scope_all_devices,+__opencl_c_read_write_images,+__opencl_c_fp64,+__opencl_c_ext_fp32_global_atomic_add,+__opencl_c_ext_fp32_local_atomic_add,+__opencl_c_ext_fp32_global_atomic_min_max,+__opencl_c_ext_fp32_local_atomic_min_max,+__opencl_c_ext_fp64_global_atomic_add,+__opencl_c_ext_fp64_local_atomic_add,+__opencl_c_ext_fp64_global_atomic_min_max,+__opencl_c_ext_fp64_local_atomic_min_max,+__opencl_c_int64 -fno-builtin -triple=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu -target-cpu penryn 
4 warnings generated.
[2024-03-10 14:22:20.986369997]POCL: in fn void appendToProgramBuildLog(cl_program, unsigned int, std::string&) at line 111:
  |     ERROR |  warning: /home/picca/.cache/pocl/kcache/tempfile_NcEztR.cl:861:14: AVX vector argument of type '__private float8' (vector of 8 'float' values) without 'avx' enabled changes the ABI
warning: /home/picca/.cache/pocl/kcache/tempfile_NcEztR.cl:893:14: AVX vector argument of type '__private float8' (vector of 8 'float' values) without 'avx' enabled changes the ABI
warning: /home/picca/.cache/pocl/kcache/tempfile_NcEztR.cl:933:16: AVX vector argument of type '__private float8' (vector of 8 'float' values) without 'avx' enabled changes the ABI
warning: /home/picca/.cache/pocl/kcache/tempfile_NcEztR.cl:1266:26: AVX vector argument of type '__private float8' (vector of 8 'float' values) without 'avx' enabled changes the ABI
[2024-03-10 14:22:20.992890946]POCL: in fn llvm::Module* getKernelLibrary(cl_device_id, PoclLLVMContextData*) at line 992:
  |      LLVM |  Using /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/../../share/pocl/kernel-x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-sse41.bc as the built-in lib.
[2024-03-10 14:22:23.151001890]POCL: in fn int pocl_llvm_build_program(cl_program, unsigned int, cl_uint, _cl_program* const*, const char**, int) at line 756:
  |      LLVM |  Writing program.bc to /home/picca/.cache/pocl/kcache/OO/KDMNEJOLAKKIBKBOIDNJJPAEHMJELJCBLMGBG/program.bc.
/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pyopencl/cache.py:417: CompilerWarning: Non-empty compiler output encountered. Set the environment variable PYOPENCL_COMPILER_OUTPUT=1 to see more.
  prg.build(options_bytes, [devices[i] for i in to_be_built_indices])
[2024-03-10 14:22:23.210340743]POCL: in fn int pocl_llvm_run_pocl_passes(llvm::Module*, _cl_command_run*, llvm::LLVMContext*, PoclLLVMContextData*, cl_kernel, cl_device_id, int) at line 1102:
  |    TIMING |       >>>        34.955  ms    API: llvm_workgroup_ir_func_gen
[2024-03-10 14:22:23.213971962]POCL: in fn int pocl_llvm_codegen(cl_device_id, cl_program, void*, char**, uint64_t*) at line 1338:
  |      LLVM |  Generating an object file directly.
[2024-03-10 14:22:23.248535724]POCL: in fn llvm_codegen at line 198:
  |      LLVM |  written /home/picca/.cache/pocl/kcache/tempfile_lUNyNt.so.o size 1288
[2024-03-10 14:22:23.248674314]POCL: in fn llvm_codegen at line 211:
  |      LLVM |  Temporary kernel.so file for kernel s8_to_float : /home/picca/.cache/pocl/kcache/tempfile_wHFtdW.so
[2024-03-10 14:22:23.248705745]POCL: in fn llvm_codegen at line 215:
  |   GENERAL |  Linking final module
[2024-03-10 14:22:23.308516384]POCL: in fn llvm_codegen at line 265:
  |    TIMING |       >>>       134.788  ms    API: llvm_codegen
[2024-03-10 14:22:23.308558744]POCL: in fn pocl_check_kernel_disk_cache at line 988:
  |   GENERAL |  Built a generic WG function: /home/picca/.cache/pocl/kcache/OO/KDMNEJOLAKKIBKBOIDNJJPAEHMJELJCBLMGBG/s8_to_float/0-0-0/s8_to_float.so
[2024-03-10 14:22:23.346083838]POCL: in fn int pocl_llvm_run_pocl_passes(llvm::Module*, _cl_command_run*, llvm::LLVMContext*, PoclLLVMContextData*, cl_kernel, cl_device_id, int) at line 1102:
  |    TIMING |       >>>        35.134  ms    API: llvm_workgroup_ir_func_gen
[2024-03-10 14:22:23.349469114]POCL: in fn int pocl_llvm_codegen(cl_device_id, cl_program, void*, char**, uint64_t*) at line 1338:
  |      LLVM |  Generating an object file directly.
[2024-03-10 14:22:23.381184688]POCL: in fn llvm_codegen at line 198:
  |      LLVM |  written /home/picca/.cache/pocl/kcache/tempfile_PRVSXl.so.o size 1288
[2024-03-10 14:22:23.381313240]POCL: in fn llvm_codegen at line 211:
  |      LLVM |  Temporary kernel.so file for kernel u8_to_float : /home/picca/.cache/pocl/kcache/tempfile_L7sRl4.so
[2024-03-10 14:22:23.381344875]POCL: in fn llvm_codegen at line 215:
  |   GENERAL |  Linking final module
[2024-03-10 14:22:23.443041614]POCL: in fn llvm_codegen at line 265:
  |    TIMING |       >>>       134.142  ms    API: llvm_codegen
[2024-03-10 14:22:23.443086259]POCL: in fn pocl_check_kernel_disk_cache at line 988:
  |   GENERAL |  Built a generic WG function: /home/picca/.cache/pocl/kcache/OO/KDMNEJOLAKKIBKBOIDNJJPAEHMJELJCBLMGBG/u8_to_float/0-0-0/u8_to_float.so
[2024-03-10 14:22:23.480984285]POCL: in fn int pocl_llvm_run_pocl_passes(llvm::Module*, _cl_command_run*, llvm::LLVMContext*, PoclLLVMContextData*, cl_kernel, cl_device_id, int) at line 1102:
  |    TIMING |       >>>        36.054  ms    API: llvm_workgroup_ir_func_gen
[2024-03-10 14:22:23.483973142]POCL: in fn int pocl_llvm_codegen(cl_device_id, cl_program, void*, char**, uint64_t*) at line 1338:
  |      LLVM |  Generating an object file directly.
[2024-03-10 14:22:23.515240517]POCL: in fn llvm_codegen at line 198:
  |      LLVM |  written /home/picca/.cache/pocl/kcache/tempfile_2jAHOx.so.o size 1296
[2024-03-10 14:22:23.515382590]POCL: in fn llvm_codegen at line 211:
  |      LLVM |  Temporary kernel.so file for kernel s16_to_float : /home/picca/.cache/pocl/kcache/tempfile_ZBnHpO.so
[2024-03-10 14:22:23.515407621]POCL: in fn llvm_codegen at line 215:
  |   GENERAL |  Linking final module
[2024-03-10 14:22:23.576708178]POCL: in fn llvm_codegen at line 265:
  |    TIMING |       >>>       133.231  ms    API: llvm_codegen
[2024-03-10 14:22:23.576755196]POCL: in fn pocl_check_kernel_disk_cache at line 988:
  |   GENERAL |  Built a generic WG function: /home/picca/.cache/pocl/kcache/OO/KDMNEJOLAKKIBKBOIDNJJPAEHMJELJCBLMGBG/s16_to_float/0-0-0/s16_to_float.so
[2024-03-10 14:22:23.614445118]POCL: in fn int pocl_llvm_run_pocl_passes(llvm::Module*, _cl_command_run*, llvm::LLVMContext*, PoclLLVMContextData*, cl_kernel, cl_device_id, int) at line 1102:
  |    TIMING |       >>>        35.510  ms    API: llvm_workgroup_ir_func_gen
[2024-03-10 14:22:23.617391333]POCL: in fn int pocl_llvm_codegen(cl_device_id, cl_program, void*, char**, uint64_t*) at line 1338:
  |      LLVM |  Generating an object file directly.
[2024-03-10 14:22:23.651004104]POCL: in fn llvm_codegen at line 198:
  |      LLVM |  written /home/picca/.cache/pocl/kcache/tempfile_NkhyXs.so.o size 1296
[2024-03-10 14:22:23.651138950]POCL: in fn llvm_codegen at line 211:
  |      LLVM |  Temporary kernel.so file for kernel u16_to_float : /home/picca/.cache/pocl/kcache/tempfile_ScPTfO.so
[2024-03-10 14:22:23.651179175]POCL: in fn llvm_codegen at line 215:
  |   GENERAL |  Linking final module
[2024-03-10 14:22:23.714738436]POCL: in fn llvm_codegen at line 265:
  |    TIMING |       >>>       137.541  ms    API: llvm_codegen
[2024-03-10 14:22:23.714783944]POCL: in fn pocl_check_kernel_disk_cache at line 988:
  |   GENERAL |  Built a generic WG function: /home/picca/.cache/pocl/kcache/OO/KDMNEJOLAKKIBKBOIDNJJPAEHMJELJCBLMGBG/u16_to_float/0-0-0/u16_to_float.so
[2024-03-10 14:22:23.754889425]POCL: in fn int pocl_llvm_run_pocl_passes(llvm::Module*, _cl_command_run*, llvm::LLVMContext*, PoclLLVMContextData*, cl_kernel, cl_device_id, int) at line 1102:
  |    TIMING |       >>>        37.899  ms    API: llvm_workgroup_ir_func_gen
[2024-03-10 14:22:23.759052109]POCL: in fn int pocl_llvm_codegen(cl_device_id, cl_program, void*, char**, uint64_t*) at line 1338:
  |      LLVM |  Generating an object file directly.
[2024-03-10 14:22:23.789648004]POCL: in fn llvm_codegen at line 198:
  |      LLVM |  written /home/picca/.cache/pocl/kcache/tempfile_hEsgP6.so.o size 1272
[2024-03-10 14:22:23.789780793]POCL: in fn llvm_codegen at line 211:
  |      LLVM |  Temporary kernel.so file for kernel u32_to_float : /home/picca/.cache/pocl/kcache/tempfile_HUywSa.so
[2024-03-10 14:22:23.789813956]POCL: in fn llvm_codegen at line 215:
  |   GENERAL |  Linking final module
[2024-03-10 14:22:23.850626143]POCL: in fn llvm_codegen at line 265:
  |    TIMING |       >>>       135.250  ms    API: llvm_codegen
[2024-03-10 14:22:23.850667342]POCL: in fn pocl_check_kernel_disk_cache at line 988:
  |   GENERAL |  Built a generic WG function: /home/picca/.cache/pocl/kcache/OO/KDMNEJOLAKKIBKBOIDNJJPAEHMJELJCBLMGBG/u32_to_float/0-0-0/u32_to_float.so
[2024-03-10 14:22:23.891183028]POCL: in fn int pocl_llvm_run_pocl_passes(llvm::Module*, _cl_command_run*, llvm::LLVMContext*, PoclLLVMContextData*, cl_kernel, cl_device_id, int) at line 1102:
  |    TIMING |       >>>        38.294  ms    API: llvm_workgroup_ir_func_gen
[2024-03-10 14:22:23.895376121]POCL: in fn int pocl_llvm_codegen(cl_device_id, cl_program, void*, char**, uint64_t*) at line 1338:
  |      LLVM |  Generating an object file directly.
[2024-03-10 14:22:23.930041149]POCL: in fn llvm_codegen at line 198:
  |      LLVM |  written /home/picca/.cache/pocl/kcache/tempfile_GeJMgu.so.o size 1272
[2024-03-10 14:22:23.930162631]POCL: in fn llvm_codegen at line 211:
  |      LLVM |  Temporary kernel.so file for kernel s32_to_float : /home/picca/.cache/pocl/kcache/tempfile_xdUP9H.so
[2024-03-10 14:22:23.930186498]POCL: in fn llvm_codegen at line 215:
  |   GENERAL |  Linking final module
[2024-03-10 14:22:23.991206791]POCL: in fn llvm_codegen at line 265:
  |    TIMING |       >>>       140.166  ms    API: llvm_codegen
[2024-03-10 14:22:23.991254566]POCL: in fn pocl_check_kernel_disk_cache at line 988:
  |   GENERAL |  Built a generic WG function: /home/picca/.cache/pocl/kcache/OO/KDMNEJOLAKKIBKBOIDNJJPAEHMJELJCBLMGBG/s32_to_float/0-0-0/s32_to_float.so
[2024-03-10 14:22:24.097380540]POCL: in fn int pocl_llvm_run_pocl_passes(llvm::Module*, _cl_command_run*, llvm::LLVMContext*, PoclLLVMContextData*, cl_kernel, cl_device_id, int) at line 1102:
  |    TIMING |       >>>       102.785  ms    API: llvm_workgroup_ir_func_gen
[2024-03-10 14:22:24.100651414]POCL: in fn int pocl_llvm_codegen(cl_device_id, cl_program, void*, char**, uint64_t*) at line 1338:
  |      LLVM |  Generating an object file directly.
[2024-03-10 14:22:24.191410479]POCL: in fn llvm_codegen at line 198:
  |      LLVM |  written /home/picca/.cache/pocl/kcache/tempfile_ffSHui.so.o size 3296
[2024-03-10 14:22:24.191541503]POCL: in fn llvm_codegen at line 211:
  |      LLVM |  Temporary kernel.so file for kernel corrections : /home/picca/.cache/pocl/kcache/tempfile_gzFk5R.so
[2024-03-10 14:22:24.191566167]POCL: in fn llvm_codegen at line 215:
  |   GENERAL |  Linking final module
[2024-03-10 14:22:24.249358226]POCL: in fn llvm_codegen at line 265:
  |    TIMING |       >>>       257.714  ms    API: llvm_codegen
[2024-03-10 14:22:24.249398766]POCL: in fn pocl_check_kernel_disk_cache at line 988:
  |   GENERAL |  Built a generic WG function: /home/picca/.cache/pocl/kcache/OO/KDMNEJOLAKKIBKBOIDNJJPAEHMJELJCBLMGBG/corrections/0-0-0/corrections.so
[2024-03-10 14:22:24.348369226]POCL: in fn int pocl_llvm_run_pocl_passes(llvm::Module*, _cl_command_run*, llvm::LLVMContext*, PoclLLVMContextData*, cl_kernel, cl_device_id, int) at line 1102:
  |    TIMING |       >>>        95.669  ms    API: llvm_workgroup_ir_func_gen
[2024-03-10 14:22:24.351411488]POCL: in fn int pocl_llvm_codegen(cl_device_id, cl_program, void*, char**, uint64_t*) at line 1338:
  |      LLVM |  Generating an object file directly.
[2024-03-10 14:22:24.422101956]POCL: in fn llvm_codegen at line 198:
  |      LLVM |  written /home/picca/.cache/pocl/kcache/tempfile_OTGzRW.so.o size 2576
[2024-03-10 14:22:24.422236078]POCL: in fn llvm_codegen at line 211:
  |      LLVM |  Temporary kernel.so file for kernel corrections2 : /home/picca/.cache/pocl/kcache/tempfile_5mGXLR.so
[2024-03-10 14:22:24.422268116]POCL: in fn llvm_codegen at line 215:
  |   GENERAL |  Linking final module
[2024-03-10 14:22:24.484621730]POCL: in fn llvm_codegen at line 265:
  |    TIMING |       >>>       234.792  ms    API: llvm_codegen
[2024-03-10 14:22:24.484669024]POCL: in fn pocl_check_kernel_disk_cache at line 988:
  |   GENERAL |  Built a generic WG function: /home/picca/.cache/pocl/kcache/OO/KDMNEJOLAKKIBKBOIDNJJPAEHMJELJCBLMGBG/corrections2/0-0-0/corrections2.so
[2024-03-10 14:22:24.591380313]POCL: in fn int pocl_llvm_run_pocl_passes(llvm::Module*, _cl_command_run*, llvm::LLVMContext*, PoclLLVMContextData*, cl_kernel, cl_device_id, int) at line 1102:
  |    TIMING |       >>>       103.578  ms    API: llvm_workgroup_ir_func_gen
[2024-03-10 14:22:24.595147935]POCL: in fn int pocl_llvm_codegen(cl_device_id, cl_program, void*, char**, uint64_t*) at line 1338:
  |      LLVM |  Generating an object file directly.
[2024-03-10 14:22:24.666907469]POCL: in fn llvm_codegen at line 198:
  |      LLVM |  written /home/picca/.cache/pocl/kcache/tempfile_ijQ481.so.o size 2688
[2024-03-10 14:22:24.667033504]POCL: in fn llvm_codegen at line 211:
  |      LLVM |  Temporary kernel.so file for kernel corrections3Poisson : /home/picca/.cache/pocl/kcache/tempfile_COMH8p.so
[2024-03-10 14:22:24.667063422]POCL: in fn llvm_codegen at line 215:
  |   GENERAL |  Linking final module
[2024-03-10 14:22:24.726050318]POCL: in fn llvm_codegen at line 265:
  |    TIMING |       >>>       240.959  ms    API: llvm_codegen
[2024-03-10 14:22:24.726098121]POCL: in fn pocl_check_kernel_disk_cache at line 988:
  |   GENERAL |  Built a generic WG function: /home/picca/.cache/pocl/kcache/OO/KDMNEJOLAKKIBKBOIDNJJPAEHMJELJCBLMGBG/corrections3Poisson/0-0-0/corrections3Poisson.so
[2024-03-10 14:22:24.836818442]POCL: in fn int pocl_llvm_run_pocl_passes(llvm::Module*, _cl_command_run*, llvm::LLVMContext*, PoclLLVMContextData*, cl_kernel, cl_device_id, int) at line 1102:
  |    TIMING |       >>>       107.719  ms    API: llvm_workgroup_ir_func_gen
[2024-03-10 14:22:24.840594012]POCL: in fn int pocl_llvm_codegen(cl_device_id, cl_program, void*, char**, uint64_t*) at line 1338:
  |      LLVM |  Generating an object file directly.
[2024-03-10 14:22:24.918496575]POCL: in fn llvm_codegen at line 198:
  |      LLVM |  written /home/picca/.cache/pocl/kcache/tempfile_Sijr6n.so.o size 2752
[2024-03-10 14:22:24.918614938]POCL: in fn llvm_codegen at line 211:
  |      LLVM |  Temporary kernel.so file for kernel corrections3 : /home/picca/.cache/pocl/kcache/tempfile_OPfb2z.so
[2024-03-10 14:22:24.918641469]POCL: in fn llvm_codegen at line 215:
  |   GENERAL |  Linking final module
[2024-03-10 14:22:24.976317882]POCL: in fn llvm_codegen at line 265:
  |    TIMING |       >>>       249.806  ms    API: llvm_codegen
[2024-03-10 14:22:24.976356743]POCL: in fn pocl_check_kernel_disk_cache at line 988:
  |   GENERAL |  Built a generic WG function: /home/picca/.cache/pocl/kcache/OO/KDMNEJOLAKKIBKBOIDNJJPAEHMJELJCBLMGBG/corrections3/0-0-0/corrections3.so
[2024-03-10 14:22:26.795494008]POCL: in fn int pocl_llvm_run_pocl_passes(llvm::Module*, _cl_command_run*, llvm::LLVMContext*, PoclLLVMContextData*, cl_kernel, cl_device_id, int) at line 1102:
  |    TIMING |       >>>         1.816077771  s    API: llvm_workgroup_ir_func_gen
[2024-03-10 14:22:26.798832372]POCL: in fn int pocl_llvm_codegen(cl_device_id, cl_program, void*, char**, uint64_t*) at line 1338:
  |      LLVM |  Generating an object file directly.
[2024-03-10 14:22:28.165584943]POCL: in fn llvm_codegen at line 198:
  |      LLVM |  written /home/picca/.cache/pocl/kcache/tempfile_hIxKAx.so.o size 37192
[2024-03-10 14:22:28.165716532]POCL: in fn llvm_codegen at line 211:
  |      LLVM |  Temporary kernel.so file for kernel bsort_all : /home/picca/.cache/pocl/kcache/tempfile_DoA0Pb.so
[2024-03-10 14:22:28.165748663]POCL: in fn llvm_codegen at line 215:
  |   GENERAL |  Linking final module
[2024-03-10 14:22:28.234258105]POCL: in fn llvm_codegen at line 265:
  |    TIMING |       >>>         3.257453228  s    API: llvm_codegen
[2024-03-10 14:22:28.234310518]POCL: in fn pocl_check_kernel_disk_cache at line 988:
  |   GENERAL |  Built a generic WG function: /home/picca/.cache/pocl/kcache/OO/KDMNEJOLAKKIBKBOIDNJJPAEHMJELJCBLMGBG/bsort_all/0-0-0/bsort_all.so
[2024-03-10 14:22:30.110344106]POCL: in fn int pocl_llvm_run_pocl_passes(llvm::Module*, _cl_command_run*, llvm::LLVMContext*, PoclLLVMContextData*, cl_kernel, cl_device_id, int) at line 1102:
  |    TIMING |       >>>         1.871968424  s    API: llvm_workgroup_ir_func_gen
[2024-03-10 14:22:30.114678048]POCL: in fn int pocl_llvm_codegen(cl_device_id, cl_program, void*, char**, uint64_t*) at line 1338:
  |      LLVM |  Generating an object file directly.
[2024-03-10 14:22:31.470847139]POCL: in fn llvm_codegen at line 198:
  |      LLVM |  written /home/picca/.cache/pocl/kcache/tempfile_iyP1kI.so.o size 41488
[2024-03-10 14:22:31.470965926]POCL: in fn llvm_codegen at line 211:
  |      LLVM |  Temporary kernel.so file for kernel bsort_horizontal : /home/picca/.cache/pocl/kcache/tempfile_N8Z4wd.so
[2024-03-10 14:22:31.470997675]POCL: in fn llvm_codegen at line 215:
  |   GENERAL |  Linking final module
[2024-03-10 14:22:31.542000364]POCL: in fn llvm_codegen at line 265:
  |    TIMING |       >>>         3.307145486  s    API: llvm_codegen
[2024-03-10 14:22:31.542049634]POCL: in fn pocl_check_kernel_disk_cache at line 988:
  |   GENERAL |  Built a generic WG function: /home/picca/.cache/pocl/kcache/OO/KDMNEJOLAKKIBKBOIDNJJPAEHMJELJCBLMGBG/bsort_horizontal/0-0-0/bsort_horizontal.so
[2024-03-10 14:22:33.501878541]POCL: in fn int pocl_llvm_run_pocl_passes(llvm::Module*, _cl_command_run*, llvm::LLVMContext*, PoclLLVMContextData*, cl_kernel, cl_device_id, int) at line 1102:
  |    TIMING |       >>>         1.954705702  s    API: llvm_workgroup_ir_func_gen
[2024-03-10 14:22:33.505007625]POCL: in fn int pocl_llvm_codegen(cl_device_id, cl_program, void*, char**, uint64_t*) at line 1338:
  |      LLVM |  Generating an object file directly.
[2024-03-10 14:22:34.878361463]POCL: in fn llvm_codegen at line 198:
  |      LLVM |  written /home/picca/.cache/pocl/kcache/tempfile_1sn4bS.so.o size 42128
[2024-03-10 14:22:34.878521728]POCL: in fn llvm_codegen at line 211:
  |      LLVM |  Temporary kernel.so file for kernel bsort_vertical : /home/picca/.cache/pocl/kcache/tempfile_gNEPic.so
[2024-03-10 14:22:34.878548918]POCL: in fn llvm_codegen at line 215:
  |   GENERAL |  Linking final module
[2024-03-10 14:22:34.945305744]POCL: in fn llvm_codegen at line 265:
  |    TIMING |       >>>         3.402684362  s    API: llvm_codegen
[2024-03-10 14:22:34.945360277]POCL: in fn pocl_check_kernel_disk_cache at line 988:
  |   GENERAL |  Built a generic WG function: /home/picca/.cache/pocl/kcache/OO/KDMNEJOLAKKIBKBOIDNJJPAEHMJELJCBLMGBG/bsort_vertical/0-0-0/bsort_vertical.so
[2024-03-10 14:22:37.349278678]POCL: in fn int pocl_llvm_run_pocl_passes(llvm::Module*, _cl_command_run*, llvm::LLVMContext*, PoclLLVMContextData*, cl_kernel, cl_device_id, int) at line 1102:
  |    TIMING |       >>>         2.400511758  s    API: llvm_workgroup_ir_func_gen
[2024-03-10 14:22:37.353178021]POCL: in fn int pocl_llvm_codegen(cl_device_id, cl_program, void*, char**, uint64_t*) at line 1338:
  |      LLVM |  Generating an object file directly.
[2024-03-10 14:22:39.422539178]POCL: in fn llvm_codegen at line 198:
  |      LLVM |  written /home/picca/.cache/pocl/kcache/tempfile_f4tO4t.so.o size 55328
[2024-03-10 14:22:39.422651409]POCL: in fn llvm_codegen at line 211:
  |      LLVM |  Temporary kernel.so file for kernel bsort_book : /home/picca/.cache/pocl/kcache/tempfile_zjtQJS.so
[2024-03-10 14:22:39.422681556]POCL: in fn llvm_codegen at line 215:
  |   GENERAL |  Linking final module
[2024-03-10 14:22:39.498530585]POCL: in fn llvm_codegen at line 265:
  |    TIMING |       >>>         4.552509334  s    API: llvm_codegen
[2024-03-10 14:22:39.498580749]POCL: in fn pocl_check_kernel_disk_cache at line 988:
  |   GENERAL |  Built a generic WG function: /home/picca/.cache/pocl/kcache/OO/KDMNEJOLAKKIBKBOIDNJJPAEHMJELJCBLMGBG/bsort_book/0-0-0/bsort_book.so
[2024-03-10 14:22:41.762132987]POCL: in fn int pocl_llvm_run_pocl_passes(llvm::Module*, _cl_command_run*, llvm::LLVMContext*, PoclLLVMContextData*, cl_kernel, cl_device_id, int) at line 1102:
  |    TIMING |       >>>         2.259034077  s    API: llvm_workgroup_ir_func_gen
[2024-03-10 14:22:41.765603352]POCL: in fn int pocl_llvm_codegen(cl_device_id, cl_program, void*, char**, uint64_t*) at line 1338:
  |      LLVM |  Generating an object file directly.
[2024-03-10 14:22:43.742353882]POCL: in fn llvm_codegen at line 198:
  |      LLVM |  written /home/picca/.cache/pocl/kcache/tempfile_QrKuXH.so.o size 53008
[2024-03-10 14:22:43.742517068]POCL: in fn llvm_codegen at line 211:
  |      LLVM |  Temporary kernel.so file for kernel bsort_file : /home/picca/.cache/pocl/kcache/tempfile_YLqaLU.so
[2024-03-10 14:22:43.742541969]POCL: in fn llvm_codegen at line 215:
  |   GENERAL |  Linking final module
[2024-03-10 14:22:43.814877468]POCL: in fn llvm_codegen at line 265:
  |    TIMING |       >>>         4.315636216  s    API: llvm_codegen
[2024-03-10 14:22:43.814924646]POCL: in fn pocl_check_kernel_disk_cache at line 988:
  |   GENERAL |  Built a generic WG function: /home/picca/.cache/pocl/kcache/OO/KDMNEJOLAKKIBKBOIDNJJPAEHMJELJCBLMGBG/bsort_file/0-0-0/bsort_file.so
python3: ./lib/llvmopencl/Kernel.cc:129: pocl::ParallelRegion* pocl::Kernel::createParallelRegionBefore(llvm::BasicBlock*): Assertion `region_entry_barrier != NULL' failed.
Abandon (core dumped)

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