Bug#1067582: gnuplot: please provide a profile to break B-D cycle

Thorsten Glaser tg at mirbsd.de
Sun Mar 31 05:39:39 BST 2024

Hi Dima,

>- Today leptonlib Build-Depends on gnuplot-nox only if !nocheck. So if
>  you build leptonlib with testing disabled, there's no dependency on
>  gnuplot

oh, that is maybe new? But I see other packages depending on
gnuplot-nox, so this would still be very helpful.

>- Today the gnuplot source package has a hard Build-Depends on wxt and
>  qt. Removing either of those (even in a specific profile) would make
>  it impossible to build gnuplot-qt and gnuplot-x11 packages with the
>  same set of functionality they normally have.

Yes, I just hacked the package to just not build these two packages,
basically by commenting lines from d/rules and removing the paragraphs
from d/control (although the -N flag for dh would also do) and I got
the expected gnuplot-nox and no -qt/-x11. (m68k only, the other arches
will need this as well, so… still needed.)

>  If a profile was added
>  to loosen either of these dependencies, but that dramatically changed
>  the end product, would that be useful?

Build profiles are allowed to remove packages from the result, as long
as the other packages are not drastically changed.

Since gnuplot builds x11, qt and nox separately anyway (and arch:all is
also built separately), that would work.

It may be best to look at another package where a build profile is used
to elide a binary package to have an example of how this can go. If you
want, I can search one for you, I’ve worked with several of them during
the last few weeks.

15:41⎜<Lo-lan-do:#fusionforge> Somebody write a testsuite for helloworld :-)

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