Bug#1081876: python-meshplex: FTBFS: FAILED tests/test_remove_cells.py::test_remove_cells_boundary - assert False

Santiago Vila sanvila at debian.org
Mon Nov 25 21:19:09 GMT 2024

owner 1081876 !
reopen 1081876
forwarded 1081876 https://github.com/meshpro/meshplex/issues/177

Drew Parsons wrote:
> The test is stubbornly failing to fail.

I infer that you actually tried to reproduce it,
and I thank you for that.

> Your system must have been struck by a solar particle.
> In some cultures it's a sign of luck.
> I have no such luck so I'll close this bug now.

Unfortunately, this is one of the worst bug closing messages
I've read lately, by a great margin. Trying to make fun of
the end user's build environment at the same time the problem
is disguised as "luck" is the last thing I would expect from a DD.

For the record: When I get to the point of reporting a FTBFS problem,
I've already tried to build the package several times in different
machines, never a single time.

You can see a lot of build logs here, as the package has been
failing for me since 2024-09-15:


This is why I always include this paragraph that you apparently
missed completely:

> If you could not reproduce the bug please contact me privately, as I
> am willing to provide ssh access to a virtual machine where the bug is
> fully reproducible.

I'll handle this bug myself, as I'm also a team member.

In this case the test fails or not depending on the hardware, I've
included the details in the github issue above if you are interested.


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