Bug#1082747: cod-tools: FTBFS (only) on riscv64

gregor herrmann gregoa at debian.org
Thu Sep 26 18:05:05 BST 2024

On Thu, 26 Sep 2024 09:57:26 +0300, Andrius Merkys wrote:

> > Observations and thoughts:
> > * -1 built everywhere, including riscv64
> > * -1.1 still builds everywhere, except for riscv64
> > * I don't think the changes from the NMU (Niko's Perl exporter()
> >    patch) are related
> > * The build on riscv64 failed 4 times, so not a
> >    parallelization/timing issue probably (and d/rules uses
> >    --no-parallel)
> Thanks a lot for giving this issue a look. I scratched my head a lot on this
> issue this week. What I find even more interesting, is that -1.1
> successfully builds on riscv64 porterbox (ricci.debian.org).

Oh dear :/
Thanks for trying, that's what Niko also proposed as a next step (on
IRC), and I at least had found out about ricci's existence :)
> This is really strange, because, as you have noticed,
> src/components/codcif/cif_list_tags is successfully built earlier:

I was wondering if the build could be made more verbose, or if
digging into the various makefiles would help …
> > I've been staring at the logs for some time but haven't found out
> > what's happening here on riscv64; help welcome.
> Same. I wonder if we can ask buildds to test-rebuild -1.

Hm, I don't (know|think so).


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