Bug#1068174: yosys: Please package the latest upstream release

Scott Ashcroft scott.ashcroft at hotmail.com
Mon Feb 10 11:03:32 GMT 2025

On Mon, 2025-02-10 at 01:03 +0100, Daniel Gröber wrote:
> Hi Scott,
> On Wed, Feb 05, 2025 at 08:28:47PM +0000, Scott Ashcroft wrote:
> > That was much more difficult than I thought.
> Tell me about it! ;-)
> > The combination of your work and upstream had dealt with all the
> > date/time based stuff. The tex source for the various images which
> > get
> > inserted had the magic:
> > 
> > \pdfinfoomitdate 1
> > \pdfsuppressptexinfo 1
> > \pdftrailerid{}
> > 
> > in them but the .tex file generated by sphinx did not.
> > I've added a patch which modifies the conf.py file to make that
> > happen.
> > Multiple builds in a row now produce manual.pdf with the same
> > checksum.
> Excellent! Can you send the patch upstream or do you want me to?

If you could that would be best as I don't have a github account.

> That all looks good. However. I've now had a closer look at the git
> repo
> and I find you didn't do the upstream import quite right.
> d/README.Source
> documents the correct incantation:
>     $ gbp import-orig --component=abc --uscan

That's exactly what I ran to start everything off.
I forked the project on salsa.
git cloned my fork.
Ran the gbp command as given above.

I suspect that what's gone wrong is that the merge requests only cover
the master branch so you don't see the upstream (and pristine-tar)
branch commits from my fork.

> You see, I don't want to have to trust you didn't smuggle a backdoor
> into
> the huge "new upstream" git commit, I just want to download the
> tarball
> myself and not have to think about that possibility :-)
> For that reason I generally do the import myself and rebase or
> cherry-pick
> commits from contributors. Andreas merging your MRs broke this bit of
> my
> workflow so now I'll have to force push over this.

I really expected my MR not to be merged and that only the useful
changes in debian/ would be picked up.

> Hoping you have a slightly better idea of why things take so darn
> long in
> Debian now. Getting this far took most of my Sunday,
> --Daniel

I really do appreciate the work are you doing and I'm sorry if my ham-
fisted attempts to help have made it more difficult.


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