Bug#1095345: gmsh: FTBFS: /usr/bin/ld: libgmsh.so.4.13.1: undefined reference to `dtrsv_'
Francesco Ballarin
francesco.ballarin at unicatt.it
Thu Feb 13 15:20:50 GMT 2025
Source: gmsh
Followup-For: Bug #1095345
Hi Santiago,
thanks for the report.
I hopefully fixed this in 4.13.1+ds1-5, although I am not fully convinced that it is the right approach.
>From https://gitlab.onelab.info/gmsh/gmsh/-/commit/08c1d41ba72c6506aa72b95c868cc40b5e0b4cd0
and from the logic in CMakeLists.txt it seems to me that upstream thinks of Eigen and Blas/Lapack
as being mutually exclusive, although I don't understand why the two can't coexist.
However, the linker error clearly shows that somewhere in our build Blas is required and linked against.
The patch at https://salsa.debian.org/science-team/gmsh/-/commit/fd17211b9a0e8644112ed1279eddc78983949887
and the compile option -DENABLE_BLAS_LAPACK ensure that Blas/Lapack libraries are now linked against.
With these changes build and tests are successful on my amd64 system.
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