Bug#1098703: RM: amp -- RoQA; not compatible with Numpy2.x, depends on to-be-removed Nose, unmaintained

Alexandre Detiste alexandre.detiste at gmail.com
Sun Feb 23 00:09:25 GMT 2025

Package: ftp.debian.org
Severity: normal
X-Debbugs-Cc: amp at packages.debian.org, Muammar El Khatib <muammar at debian.org>, Debian Science List <debian-science at lists.debian.org>, Debian Python <debian-python at lists.debian.org>, Karsten Schöke <karsten.schoeke at geobasis-bb.de>
Control: affects -1 + src:amp
User: ftp.debian.org at packages.debian.org
Usertags: remove

Dear FTP Masters

Given that,

- 'amp' has now been for ~1 month on the Numpy 2.x transition tracker
  without anyone taking action.

- it has been removed from testing since 2024-04-20

- it is one of the two last packages requiring "Nose";
  an ancient testing system that was abadonned 10 years ago
  and never ported to Python3 and only kept alive
  with a lot of 2to3 trickery and duct tape (*)

- few people have the skills to debug a Fortran/Python/Numpy

I ask for removal of this package from Unstable.



* (the one other package is "elasticsearch-curator"
but to update this we need "python-elastic-transport"
to be approoved.)

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