Bug#1092006: epics-base: procedure to update debian/control

Andrius Merkys merkys at debian.org
Fri Jan 3 12:51:24 GMT 2025

Hi Santiago,

On 2025-01-03 14:25, Santiago Vila wrote:
> Hi. While including the diff from Niels today I noticed
> that debian/control depends on debian/control.in
> in this way:
> debian/control: debian/control.in debian/rules
>          [commands to generate debian/control]
>          [...]
> override_dh_auto_clean: debian/control
> This will probably work if the code was in a static
> directory, but I believe it's not robust enough
> when the code is downloaded from git (due to
> timestamps not being really meaningful).
> In other words, it is possible that the required
> update does not happen at all. So, it would be nice
> to change it slightly so that it becomes impossible to miss
> by design.

You are right, current dependency does not work well with git as 
timestamps are not preserved.

> As an example of what I mean, I have some
> code with similar functionality in base-files:
> override_dh_auto_build:
>          sh debian/check-md5sum-etc profile
> which makes absolutely sure that share/profile.md5sums
> matches share/profile.
> I would propose a patch for epics-base but I have
> not thought about it yet.

Quite similar approach is implemented in src:rdkit. Due to 
severity:minor and trixie freeze drawing very near I would postpone this 
to post-trixie.


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