[Debian-science-sagemath] Sage 8.0

Ximin Luo infinity0 at debian.org
Sun Jun 4 13:02:00 UTC 2017

Hi all,

Sage 8.0 is on beta9 at the moment, here's what needs to be done so far:

Important packages:
            new version old version
cypari      1.0.0       missing
However Vincent mentioned cypari2 in an earlier email on this list. How's the progress on this? Is there an upstream ticket?
cysignals   1.6.4       1.3.2+ds-1  Jerome Benoit
fpylll      0.2.4dev.p0 0.2.3+ds-2  Jerome Benoit
libfplll    5.1.0.p0    5.0.3-1     Julien Puydt
ntl         10.3.0      9.9.1-3     Julien Puydt
pari        2.9.2.p1    2.9.1-1     Bill Allombert, not on this list I think
pynac       0.7.7.p0    0.7.5-2     Julien Puydt

I also notice sagenb upstream is now on version 1.0, but Sage 8.0 is still using 0.13. This package is mine, I can update it soon but the others seem more important.

Then there is less urgent stuff:

jupyter_core    4.3.0   4.2.1-1     Julien Puydt
4.3.0 already done in Debian git
notebook    4.4.1.p0    4.2.3-4     Jerome Benoit, Gordon Ball
Upstream is already at 5.0.0, and I've started it locally. We can likely get away with 4.2.3-4 for Sage 8.0 though, it seems to work for Sage 7.6.

And then various other "general" packages like curl, python3, that other DDs will probably package so that we don't have to.

Please let the list know when you start working on things so we don't duplicate work. I'll probably do libfplll some time next week as I've done that one before.


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