[Debian-science-sagemath] Sage 7.6 testing migration blocked by giac
Ximin Luo
infinity0 at debian.org
Tue Jun 20 14:44:00 UTC 2017
Tobias Hansen:
> On 06/20/2017 01:05 PM, Tobias Hansen wrote:
>> On 06/20/2017 11:55 AM, Ximin Luo wrote:
>>> Tobias Hansen:
>>>> On 06/20/2017 10:56 AM, Ximin Luo wrote:
>>>>> Tobias Hansen:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> dependencies of sage 7.6 have now started to migrate to testing, but
>>>>>> sage 7.6 can't migrate because giac is blocked due to missing builds on
>>>>>> armel, armhf and mipsel due to #855078. That means until giac can
>>>>>> migrate, we have a broken sage 7.4 in testing.
>>>>>> Ximin, did you see that there are new comments on #855078? Maybe they help?
>>>>> Hi, I took a look and the build failures look unrelated to #855078. This bug is a segfault on non-x86 64-bit arches, the build failures we're seeing seem like build rule issues, and fixable. I'll take a look later today.
>>>>>> Also, any ideas how we can prevent such incomplete migrations that break
>>>>>> the old sage version in the future?
>>>>> I actually was not expecting giac to built on armhf/mipsel and was surprised that it did before. But if it's too hard to fix, the easy way to force the migration (for this and future packages) is to upload a version that only declares Architecture: amd64 i386.
>>>> I meant more generally. This can happen every time we upload a new bunch
>>>> of packages for a new Sage version to unstable. If we don't get
>>>> everything to migrate to testing together it can easily break Sage in
>>>> testing.
>>> In those situations, if we control the package, we could do similar to what we did in brial (0.8.5-4) and add a Breaks: sagemath (<= XXX) to prevent testing migration, until the newer version of sagemath and all its dependencies are ready to go in.
>>> X
>> If that works, we should start doing this routinely. But are you sure it
>> really works? brial 0.8.5-4 and sagemath 7.4-6 migrated to testing
>> together, but that was because this sagemath version was uploaded after
>> brial and depended on the brial version.
> No that doesn't make sense. Seems like it was the Breaks that caused
> them to migrate together.
There's some more detailed info here which is where I got that from:
It talks about "breaks" in the general sense and mentions when Depends: gets broken. I assumed this also includes explicit Breaks:, but it doesn't mention this specifically. Unfortunately number (4) and (5) reasons don't get displayed explicitly on the "migration excuses" page.
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