[Debian-science-sagemath] SageMath on Ubuntu 18.04

Ximin Luo infinity0 at debian.org
Wed Jul 11 08:36:00 BST 2018

Erik Bray:
> On Wed, Jun 6, 2018 at 11:44 AM Tobias Hansen <thansen at debian.org> wrote:
>> On 06/05/2018 09:32 PM, Samuel Lelièvre wrote:
>> Dear packagers of SageMath for Debian,
>> A user is reporting on sage-support that SageMath 8.1
>> does not work under Ubuntu 18.04.
>> https://groups.google.com/d/topic/sage-support/C2jU44eQnK4/discussion
>> Thanks, seems like he already fixed it.
>> Jmol problems with Java 10 have been reported before.
>> They might be solved by the upgrade to Jmol 14.29.10.
>> Progress on this is tracked at
>> - Sage Trac ticket #25026
>>   Update jmol to version 14.29.10
>>   https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/25026
>> The Debian package tracker reports Debian has Jmol 14.6.4,
>> is any upgrade on the radar?
>>     https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/jmol
>> Feel free to add any comment on the Sage Trac ticket cited above.
>> I have not much to say about jmol. It's one of the worst sagemath dependencies for us to deal with, because we have to build it from source in Debian which upstream doesn't really expect people to do. We will probably not touch it unless we have to.
> JMol is utterly broken in Sage for Windows as well.  It's a nice
> little program, but I don't believe it belongs as a dependency of
> Sage--there are so much better ways to produce 3-D graphics.  I wish
> we would just drop it.

The software engineering in Jmol is less-than-nonexistent and it's a waste of time trying to deal with it. It has galactic-black-holes' worth of technical debt and only remains alive through academic funding because there's no alternative in that sphere. The key developer(s) (I think only one at this stage) have regular day jobs as academic researchers and no incentive to try to fix this situation, it's unclear they even understand the severity of the situation, and by some fucked-up-systemic reason are able to get funding for researchers lower-on-the-academic-cult^H^H^H^H-hierarchy to waste their lives and academic careers to try to fix, bullshit that they themselves caused but hypocritically think it's beneath themselves to deal with.

Yes, please do drop it already.


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