[Debian-science-sagemath] Sage 9.1 build issues

John Scott jscott at posteo.net
Thu Jun 25 15:21:56 BST 2020


I tried building Sage 9.1 and don't believe I reproduced the doctest issues 
with the file handles as mentioned before, granted this is the only build I've 
done and will try again. I had 610 test failures and attached my build log.

There were also excerpts from the configuration that caught my eye about not 
using available system packages and have added these below.

> checking is pari_elldata installed? ... no; cannot use system pari/GP
> without elldata package configure: Install elldata package and reconfigure.
> configure: Otherwise Sage will build its own pari/GP.
> checking is pari_galdata installed? ... yes
> checking is pari_galpol installed? ... no; cannot use system pari/GP without
> galpol package configure: Install galpol package and reconfigure.
> configure: Otherwise Sage will build its own pari/GP.
> checking is pari_seadata installed? ... yes
> checking whether hyperellcharpoly bug is fixed... yes
> checking whether bnfisunit bug of pari 2.11.3 is fixed... yes
> configure: no suitable system package found for SPKG pari

> checking whether any of ntl *pari* flint is installed as or will be installed
> as SPKG... yes; install eclib as well

> checking for glpsol... no
> configure: glpsol not found. Installing glpk
> configure: no suitable system package found for SPKG glpk
> using Sage's glpk SPKG
glpsol is provided by package glpk-utils but not a build-dep
> checking whether any of *glpk* gmp mpir is installed as or will be installed
> as SPKG... yes; install ppl as well

> cddlib-0.94j: no suitable system package; will be installed as an SPKG
Available as libcdd-dev 094j; build-deps only mention libcdd-tools
> curl-7.62.0.p0: no suitable system package; will be installed as an SPKG
not in build-deps
> eclib-20190909: no suitable system package; will be installed as an SPKG
> fflas_ffpack-2.4.3: no suitable system package; will be installed as an SPKG
> glpk-4.65.p0: no suitable system package; will be installed as an SPKG
> iml-1.0.4p1.p2: no suitable system package; will beinstalled as an SPKG
> ppl-1.2.p1: no suitable system package; will be installed as an SPKG
These are in build-deps and the versions match

> openblas-0.3.9: no suitable system package; will be installed as an SPKG
> yasm-1.3.0.p0: no suitable system package; will be installed as an SPKG
Not build-deps but versions match with Debian archive
> zeromq-4.2.5: no suitable system package; will be installed as an SPKG
Python bindings are in build-deps, but if this refers to C maybe libzmq3-dev 
4.3.2 is needed.

> configure: hint: installing the following system packages is recommended and
> may avoid building some of the above SPKGs from source: configure:   $ sudo
> apt-get update
> $ sudo apt-get install libboost-dev coinor-cbc coinor-libcbc-dev cmake
> pari-gp2c libisl-dev ninja-build pandoc libxml-libxslt-perl
> libxml-writer-perl libxml2-dev libperl-dev libfile-slurp-perl libjson-perl
> libsvg-perl libterm-readkey-perllibterm-readline-gnu-perl libmongodb-perl
> libterm-readline-gnu-perl
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