[Debian-science-sagemath] plans to package primecount (the C++ library)

Julien Puydt julien.puydt at gmail.com
Fri Nov 19 14:28:56 GMT 2021


Le vendredi 19 novembre 2021 à 13:10 +0000, Dima Pasechnik a écrit :
> Several distros package primecount:
> https://repology.org/project/primecount/versions
> - and SageMath is about to update it and make standard.
> https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/25009
> Any plans for packaging it in Debian? It only needs a standard C++
> toolchain and cmake.
> (I can have a go at it, if someone provides some onboarding etc).

It looks like there's no such plan:


but indeed, if sagemath has a need for it, we'll have to package it.

And I'm willing to do it -- I have a hard time working on the sagemath
package itself, but I'm still interested in getting it running.

Upstream is: https://github.com/kimwalisch/primecount ?



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