[Debian-science-sagemath] 7.3 testing

Ximin Luo infinity0 at debian.org
Thu Aug 11 23:16:00 UTC 2016

Jerome BENOIT:
>> 319 tests failed, not counting tests skipped due to segfaults and aborts:
>> $ grep failed sage/logs/ptestlong.log.summary | grep -oP '# \d+' | cut -b3- | awk '{s+=$1} END {print s}'
> - From where does sage/logs/ptestlong.log.summary come ?

Oh, I just created this myself manually, by finding the second-to-last occurrence of "-----"[etc] in the file and pasting downwards from that, until the end of the file. Basically, it's the "summary" that I described in the very first post of this thread.

> Will packaging cysignals ease  the checking process ?
> ((I guess yes, but I want other point of view to convince me to package.))

I believe so, it's what I personally would do next. I'll probably get around to it in the next few weeks. If you get ahead of me, please CC me on the ITP so I know not to duplicate work.


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